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Separation Anxiety — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Ayti was glad the other man didn't seem to be upset about his former cold greeting, but what really made him relax was when Inna started to smile again. Good - that meant he'd successfully corrected his former bad behavior, and could now move on with the conversation knowing that no one was upset or angry.

The younger male went on about his name, and how his family had named their kids after things found in nature. Aytigin snorted softly. "My mom always said my name meant 'moon prince' or somethin' like that. Like I said, pompous jackass." He shrugged his shoulders, not allowing himself any more time to dwell on the thought of his mother. He was hopeful that the offhanded remark got lost in their discussion about names, as Inna had gone on to talk about naming Oksana something in nature. "I prefer Oksana," he commented, smiling slightly.

Inna was quick to dismiss his offer, though he didn't take it personally. Instead, he just nodded. "Well, whenever you're ready, let me know, okay?" He wondered if she didn't trust him enough yet, but he didn't know for sure. So, he didn't ask. Instead, he went on, "If you want me to, that is."

Otter mentioned him going gray, and apparently was under the assumption that Aytigin was Oksana's father. Not that he wouldn't be proud to be, but he didn't want the others to think he was the one who came onto Inna during the spring. Most of the men of the pack didn't really like him all that much, so he couldn't imagine what they'd think of him if he'd impregnated one of their ladies. "I'll be a gray fox, then," he remarked with a wink. "It'd definitely be a good color on me, father or not." He glanced over at Inna with a small grin. He'd have been proud to have been Oksana's father, but some other man had that privilege. Aytigin was just glad he had a chance to help out.
Played by Kris who has 21 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Splashing Otter
For some wolves, those born and raised with traditions as old and timeless as the mountains, the presence of multiple litters within a pack might be strange if not upsetting. Those wolves believed it was the sole right of the leading pair to breed and for there to be litters born to subordinates indicated there was a lack of law within the pack. Law that the pack relied on to sire strong new blood for their ranks and lead successful hunts. Law that provided balance and order and the comfort and security that came with it.

This was not the case for Otter. His bloodline had deviated from tradition a long time ago. It was not uncommon for multiple wolves to have litters in his natal pack. It was however expected that mated pairs ask for the blessing of the leaders, who granted such a blessing only if there were enough resources to provide for more pups (and usually there were). His departing escapade of mounting any lusty females that would be charmed by him was highly frowned on. He knew that even before he took a couple bites to the backside for it.

Here in the river pack, Splashing Otter assumed things were similar to how they were back home and so thought nothing of it. He was however surprised to hear that the fussing male was not in fact Oksana's father. "Hmm?" Otter hummed, cocking his head as he looked to Aytigin. "Or not? She's not yours?" His green eyes flicked to Inna. She was holding quiet on the subject. Otter noticed then — she looked amused. "Oh I get it," he said, his mouth curling a bit devilishly. "You just wish you were, eh?" He ribbed Aytigin good naturedly. "I don't blame you. She's a good looking wolf." Otter cast the dark mother a playful wink. 
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

An ear flicked back to the den as she watched the two men satisfied that they would get along. Inside the den it seemed her daughter still slept soundly. While she'd wanted to get out and stretch her legs she found she rather liked just visiting with her packmates.

With the talk of names Inna was reminded of how her daughter had gotten her name. Though she would never admit it to anyone but Lorcan. There was however another reason that her daughter had the name Oksana, it fell in line with the rest of her family's names. Lorcan of course didn't need to know that part. “Well in that case of names have an effect on how a wolf behaves later in life it's a good thing she received the name she did,” jested Inna giving Ayti a playful bump to his shoulder. “I'm glad you approve,” this she didn't jest about.

Ayti's offer to watch over Oksana was a kind, generous one and she would have taken him up on it but she had only just realized she couldn't go far. It already made her nervous staying outside the den for as long as she had been. “You will he the first one I call,” she told him with a smile until he spoke about her wanting to when a frown crossed her face. “Of course I would want you to. I'm sure you would take good care of her.” Especially since he took such good care of In a herself.

The ebony Baranski going it amusing that Otter thought Ayti was Oksana's father and she wondered how many others thought so. “I'm sure you'll be handsome as a gray fox,” she said giving Otter a quick wink. Ayti of course put the newest members assumption into question which she thought he'd handled differently. Again Inna thought it best to let Ayti handle Otters words though she did laugh just once before feeling the heat rise in her dark cheeks at Otters complement, “Thank you Otter,” she said before turning to Ayti, “Is that true?” She asked more curious than anything else.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 01, 2017, 08:59 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Aytigin was comfortable with the multiple litters, as well, since he was from a place where three or more litters were completely normal. Nothing of notabilia. He'd never fathered his own, but he'd been present for many, many births and had helped out with many pups over the past two years. It had been quite the culture shock, to go from a reclusive life in the mountains to living in a commune, but it had been good for the man. Well, the boy, which he had been at the time. It hadn't really stopped the hormone-fueled women from putting the moves on him.

Come to think of it, there was no wonder the man flirted the way he did nowadays.

Inna bumped his shoulder and Ayti nosed her ear in return, his attention divided equally between Otter, Inna, and the little noises Oksana would make sporadically in the den. The black-furred woman informed him that he was first on her pup-sitting list, to which he grinned in return. He'd do his best to watch over the pup, should he be called to. He adored watching pups - he was an excellent playmate, he had been told, and all the pups seemed to like climbing him like a mountain. Perhaps he related to them so much because, at his heart, he was simply a big pup, as well.

Okay, this man was just trying to embarrass Ayti now. It wasn't a big deal, or anything, because Aytigin didn't value pride as highly as most. However, he was a bit worried it might mess up his friendship with Inna, and it did bring a bit of heat to his ears. He was thankful he wasn't bald, and that no one could see the blush. He hardly registered Inna's compliment, but flashed her a smile anyway. He glanced back at the younger man afterward. "No, she's not mine," he replied - there was no reason to lie about it. "Doesn't mean I don't wanna be a part of her life." He dropped a quick kiss on Inna's cheek, trying to pour as much drama into his next line as possible, though he meant every word of it, "Inna deserves better than me to father her children, but any man would be so lucky."

His voice was a low rumble in his throat, sensual but heartfelt. Then he glanced back at Otter, his eyes narrowing just a bit. He wanted to fuss about his flirting, but really, the mocha-colored man had no room to talk. Instead, he just brushed his fur against Inna's flank. "She deserves someone far better than a flirt who'll just use her. She's much more than just good looking." Again, the claim was true. Inna was not only beautiful - she was smart, loyal, kind, protective, strong.

Damn. He had it bad.
Played by Kris who has 21 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Splashing Otter
Yeah — he had it bad. It was as apparent as a near mountain on the horizon. If he cared to, it would be hard for Otter to hide the knowing grin that revealed his clean teeth in deep amusement at the unrequited love. But he did not. It was uncommon for the brown and black wolf to conceal how he felt about a situation or hold his tongue. He was candid and carefree.

It seemed to him the feelings were not all one sided. The touches, the embarrassment, the jokes and the compliments — all appeared as more than mere jest to him. Perhaps the male had it worse but no doubt the new mother felt a little something too. Or maybe not. One thing he was not was an expert in romance. He had one last parting, impish comment for the adorable pair.

"Oh boy. If I stay around you two any longer I'll be trapped like a fly in all this sap!" He quipped with a dramatic flourish of his tail and shake of his head, followed by a warm chuckle. "Have yourselves a good day."

With a wink, the subordinate bounded off. Not because it bothered him at all to be in the company of tender feelings but because he thought the pair of them could use the alone time. Curiously, as his feet ghosted over redwood roots and churned the earth, he wondered who the father was.
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

It didn't surprise Inna that Ayti would want to watch over Oksana when the time came that she would need to start leaving her daughter. She tried to put his worries about it at ease since he was one of the few that she would entrust her daughter’s well being to. Though she hadn't known the chocolate​ wolf long she felt strongly that he could be trusted. The Ebony Baranski didn't know when she would be able to leave her daughter in the care of another. It was hard enough being just outside while Oksana slept inside the den. She couldn't help the smile that found its way across her maw as he nosed her ear.

Otter's question as well as the chocolate wolf's actions did strike curiosity in the new mother as far as where Ayti stood in all of this. Her biggest question was did he really wish he were the father of her child? Not being one to keep her questions to herself she did ask her friend if what the new member said was true. She looked to Ayti to see what his answer was, could there be more that he was feeling than just friendship? However, Inna knew now if front of Otter was not the time to address the questions she had on a more serious level.

Instead she focused on what her friend had to say in regards to the things that Otter had said. She was pleased with the answers that Ayti gave especially when told the truth about not being Oksana's father. Inna didn't want to drag him into her and Lorcan's lie, it was their burden to bare. She didn't know what would happen when the truth finally did come out and there was no doubt in her mind that day would come it was just a matter of when. “You’ll always be in her life,” she told him before he placed the kiss on her cheek. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks but it quickly dissipated as she hear what he said next. The Ebony Baranski didn't like the way he spoke of himself. “Don't listen to him,” she told Otter, “He's a good guy and anyone would be so lucky as to have him as their friend.”

There were some parts of Ayti that took getting used to but Inna had or at least she felt she had. What she did know and it became more clear as he spoke once more was they needed to talk. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks once more as he spoke more compliments directed at her. “Thank you Ayti,” she said quietly giving him a nudge to his cheek. The ebony Baranski turned her attention back to Otter as he spoke, “You don't have to go but if you must I hope we can talk again soon.”

She rather liked the their new member and hoped for the chance to get to know him better as she watched him disappear amongst the trees. She turned to Ayti, as Otters observations had left a lot of questions in her mind. “Maybe we should talk,” she stated quietly looking down at her paws.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 14, 2017, 10:09 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Aytigin was rather happy to see the new member leave. Not that he disliked the guy - in fact, he expected that they would be friends, if he were to put a bit of effort in to building up a less awkward foundation for it. It was just that the questions he was asking, and the context he asked them in, were awkward and unnecessary and damn if he didn't know what Lachesis was talking about before, he did now. He made a mental note to apologize profusely to his alpha in the future, to beg for forgiveness and to change his ways.


The man left with a teasing comment, and Aytigin rolled his eyes. "See ya," he called, then settled down on his stomach, intent on grabbing a little rest and relaxation time with Inna. Surely, after that encounter, they desperately needed it. They could just lounge at the entrance of Oksana's den, and listen to her little puppy noises, and share food, and things would be normal.

Unfortunately, his friend had more serious ideas.

Hazel eyes squeezed shut when Inna said the two of them needed to talk. He cracked one open and peered up at the new mother, perking the ear accompanying the open eye at her. A little spike of fear popped up in his chest, but he shoved it down. The mocha-colored man liked to think of himself as too brave to fear a simple talk like this.

But he'd already accepted the fact that pack life was changing him, and he desperately wanted things to stay the same between himself and Inna. He didn't even fully know how he felt about the young woman - safe? Yes. Secure? Yes. Was she beautiful? Yes. Was she kind? Yes. Did she make him feel funky inside? Yes. But he hadn't been intending to tell her these things - at least, not in a true confession style. Now, however, it appeared he had no choice.

He sucked a deep breath into his lungs and sat up, seeking out her orange eyes. "Look, Inna," he began, trying to keep his breathing deep and even. "I'm sorry he said all of that, and I'm sorry if it made you feel awkward. I know you don't feel that way about me, and Otter was right about a lot of stuff that he said. I won't lie to you." He truly wouldn't, either. "I don't want to be Oksana's father, because Oksana's father isn't here and he doesn't know what he's missing out on. For now, I'm glad to have the opportunity to be there for you, and for her, and I don't want to do anything or say anything to mess that up." He hadn't looked away from her for the duration of his little speech, wanting her to know how serious he was.
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Once Otter had taken his leave Inna sat back on her haunches wanting to get off her feet. Her mind was still going from all of the things that Otter had said and suggested. That last parting comment especially had left Inna questioning how Ayti felt for her exactly. She also felt she needed to figure some things out on her own as well. She'd been so caught up in Oksana that she hadn't thought about it but then she hadn't realized there was even something to think about.

The chocolate male settled down beside her she was sure he was ready to just relax with her for the afternoon. Inna liked the idea of it but after what had just transpired and with the way her mind was working she knew she wouldn't be able to relax. An ear was turned toward the den to listen for any sounds of her daughter before she expressed to the man that they needed to talk.

Inna didn't even know where to start once she had but it seemed Ayti did as he first looked at her before sitting up. He was the first to speak and she listened carefully not wanting to misunderstand or miss anything that he said. She felt badly because she couldn't honestly tell him how she felt, to give him some kind of reassurance. She did know one thing, she didn't want to lose his friendship over this.

Then there was Lorcan to think about, she'd grown to care very deeply for him and he was Oksana's father. However she knew he was still in love with Piety so Inna felt that all she and Lorcan would ever be was friends who happen to have a daughter together. She had so much to figure out but now she had heard what Ayti had to say, it was her turn.

Once he'd finished speaking she lightly brushed her muzzle along his chin in a friendly gesture. “You don't have to worry Ayti, nothing had been messed up and you don't need to apologise for Otters comments. No, it's I who should apologise to you. The truth it's I don't know if I might feel that way about you or not. With Oksana and my family I haven't really had a chance to figure things out. This isn't fair to you and I'm sorry for that.” Inna looked at her paws for a moment before meeting his gaze once more. “I do know that I have feelings for Oksana's father and I haven't been able to move on from them. Despite that I am glad to have you in my life and Oksana's and I don't want that to change either.” Inna took a deep breath after explaining herself as she was not only relieved to get it all out but it seemed they felt the same about keeping things how they were. “So we're still friends right?”

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 23, 2017, 03:02 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
You can archive now or fade with your next post <3

Aytigin gave a little laugh in response to her longwinded response. What a sweet girl she was, to be so kind as to explain her situation and feelings. Ayti had gotten much worse from ladies and gentlemen alike in the past, and likely would've just accepted a 'We should just be friends,' or 'I never want to see you again,' from Inna this time. He wouldn't have liked those responses, but he would have just accepted them and moved on with his life. It would've been much easier in the past, before Hearthwood River, when he didn't give a crap about emotions or attachments. But now that he was getting settled in, things were different.

"Of course we're still friends," he told her, reciprocating the brush to the muzzle by touching his nose to her cheek in return. "You don't owe me anything, so you're definitely under no obligation to figure out any feelings toward me. You have plenty more going on, and I don't want you to worry about me." He waved his tail back and forth as he got to his paws "But I refuse to stop complimenting you and bringing you food, so you can probably expect me to come back later tonight with something else to feed you," he told her with a wink, turning to leave the clearing.

"Oh," he called back over his shoulder, angling his ears toward her. "I don't know if I told you today, but you look absolutely ravishing this fine morning." And, with that, he slid through the bushes and returned to patrolling the territory.

{ exit }
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

After what Otter had said Inna didn't want there to be an awkwardness between her and Ayti for she'd come to cherish the friendship they had. She feared that it would suffer if she didn't explain to him where she stood in her life, the only thing she could really be certain of was Oksana and how she felt about her daughter. The little Ebony ball of fluff still asleep in the den was the one thing that kept her grounded when so many things left her feeling uncertain. She didn't want to feel that way about Ayti but she also didn't know if she could honestly say if she had more than friend feelings for him or not.

She smiled when he confirmed they were still friends which he made more clear when he reciprocated her gesture with a touch of his nose to her cheek. “You deserve to know where I stand Ayti,” she told gently, “But more importantly I do worry about you, it's what friends do just like you worry about me and Oksana.” All he did for her and her daughter only proved to how much he cared about them both. “I wouldn't have it any other way and I hope to see you later.” Things seemed to be fine between them but she worried that maybe there was some awkwardness still left between them especially as he suddenly got to his paws and started to leave. She felt it wasn't like him but she didn't want to force the issue and instead wanted to believe that maybe he needed time like Lorcan had.

In true Ayti fashion he couldn't leave her without a compliment that made the heat rise into her cheeks. “I don't think you've had the chance but thank you,” she called after him as he disappeared into the trees.


~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2017, 05:43 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.