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No Oath, No Spell — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
"Cut me loose, I wish you well.
No oath, no spell,
No prayer and no hell but the one we made,
Let's cast off, turn tail."

No Oath, No Spell by Murder by Death

Aleksei is leaving Hearthwood River, and has announced it through nothing but a howl. 
@Kisla @Lachesis @Lilya @Lorcan @Inna @Laike @Lekalta @Aytigin @Otter @Mace.

Aleksei couldn’t see this place as home, he couldn’t see the life that was supposed to be thriving. He had felt a strong urge to protect his mother and newest siblings, but he found himself wondering if that was fear manifesting in some overbearing way—fear he would disappoint, or disgust, if his actions were not akin to his father’s. Through rain and sun, he laid by Kisla’s den entrance, brought food, and felt a brewing bitterness about it all. He was not his father, he was his own man, and he hated the shadow the lived under.

Maksim would be proud. The words made his stomach churn. It was as if they were content to lie to themselves about the man they so desperately wanted to represent, to be. Aleksei knew (or so he told himself). Maksim would not let his subordinates, child or not, mate with a stranger. He loved his family, but he demanded respect of his laws. That was the father of the river children; king first, and father second.

Gods, Aleksei hated this river, and hated the expectations of it all. His heart was not in this place, his mind was conspiring against the wolves of Hearthwood, family be damned. They all wanted him to be the oathkeeper, the paladin, a bastion of his bloodline, the first born heir of Maksim Baranski! Be like his father, as if anything less was failure. Why would they not be content with him being Aleksei? Was he not good enough for them? Was his only redeeming factor his ancestry?

No more. No more! He was not his father, he was his own man. He was a beast, he knew how the world worked. He had grown disillusioned with it all. They would not pin him down with guilt he need not carry. Aleksei had not killed his father; they had.

He stood at the line between Hearthwood and Kingsfall’s free lands, his breath visible in the cold night air. He cast a look over his shoulder once, worked at gathering his courage. They would hate him, denounce him, call him a coward … that would be fine, he didn’t mind as much as he once would have. He straightened his posture, tilted his head back and called out. I wish you well. Take care.

Somewhere in the forest, a branch snapped and fell from its tree. It tumbled through the canopy before hitting the floor.

Aleksei left Hearthwood River behind him, strode past the border. Behind him, his tail curled over his back. A small smile, one that didn’t reach his eyes, tugged the corners of his lips upward.

The branch had fallen from the tree.

He cast off into the night, a broken shield.
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Her daughter was getting stronger everyday, she was proud of the tuft of fur that nestled into her side. Inna caught herself more once just staring at the life she and Lorcan had created. Often she would think about all the things her daughter could become and what she would be like when she was older.

Though pack law had been broken to bring the ebony pup into the world Inna wasn't as sorry about it as she once was. The love she felt for the pup was greater than anything she'd ever felt before. With her birth however, came a sadness that would never go away and would follow Oksana throughout her life. Inna wished very much for her daughter that it wouldn't but it was a sadness she would carry for the youngest Baranski. The fact that her daughter would never know Orren, Karina, and Maksim was something Inna didn't think she would ever get over. It was Aleksei​ that bothered her most, he had the chance to get to know her and because of whatever reason that lived inside his head he could not even bring himself to glimpse his niece.

It was in moment she caught herself staring at her slumbering daughter that the howl reached her ears. One ear flicked toward the entrance of her den as the message was loud and clear.

I wish you well. Take care.

It seemed her brother was leaving and not for the first or second time but the third time and in the dark of night. How could he do this to his family once again and when there were three litters in the pack. Inna felt more angry with her brother than she had ever felt before, she could call it hate for what he had done to her and her mother. With the anger that coursed through her she did not want to be near her pup. Oksana did not need to feel what she felt in that moment at such an early age. She pulled the fur over her daughter and as always a kiss to her crown, Oksana would always feel loved. She moved to the mouth of the den and peered out into the night before raising her muzzle into the air and gave a howl of her own. “Don't you ever come back Aleksei Baranski or you will live to regret it.” Was the message carried on her voice.

Inna didn't know if he heard or not and she didn't care, her brother would not set one paw back into Hearthwood territory if she had anything to say about it. She glanced to where Lorcan usually lay he was sitting now, he would be safe from her brother the only one who had real suspicion of the tawny healer. Maybe even the only one that even cared that he was Oksana's father. Whatever the case she was relieved that the father of her children could get on with his life without worrying about what Alek might do. Her gaze met his golden one but she was not sure what to say to the man who she hadn't told the full story to.

Her brother had broken the promise he made to her when he’d returned which was something that she never thought he would do to her. She supposed he was so mad he didn't care but he would when he came back and she would let him know just how angry she was with him. How could he leave hurting their mother again after everything he'd said to her about what she had done to Kisla. At least when she'd come back she did it to stay and had ever since. At least when she left she had given her mother a proper goodbye. I'm without a word to the tawny healer before slipping back into her den. She did not lay back down next to her daughter but sat just inside the entrance watching the tiny pup sleep under the fur she'd placed over her.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: May 20, 2017, 09:54 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Lorcan had been contentedly licking the last remnant of the rabbit carcass from his paws, his salmon pink tongue working hard to remove the crimson blood which stained his cream fur, when the howl echoed through the tall trees of Hearthwood. The sound caused the healer to immediately pause, the tip of his tongue still poking from between his charcoal lips as his russet ears perked up to listen to the call made by the male ranked above him.

I wish you well. Take care.

The message was simple enough and it made Aleksei’s intentions loud and clear, but that did not stop the confusion which swiftly began to swirl around in the thoughts of the agouti subordinate. His pale brows furrowed as he tried to think back to something that could have pushed the heir to abandon the pack he could one day rule, but then he remembered his conversation with Lilya and how she had mentioned that he had already abandoned the pack not once, but twice before in the two years since his birth. Blood stained teeth clenched together in irritation. Why, of all the times to leave, did the Baranski male choose now? Kisla’s pups had only been in the world a few weeks and from the way that he had observed Aleksei fiercely guarding them, Lorcan had presumed that he had intentions to stick around. 

Apparently he was wrong

A wave of relief shivered across his skin. At least now he would not have to deal with the suspicious male. A small grin began to pull at the very corners of his charcoal lips and his black-tipped tail thumped upon the ground once, before his thoughts suddenly turned to @Inna and her mother. If there was one thing Lorcan had learned about the Baranski wolves it was that they deeply valued family. His heart sunk and a frown wrinkled his brow as he turned to glance across to the dark entrance of Inna’s den. A sympathetic whine whistled up from his throat as he lowered his head and tentatively shuffled forwards to approach her, but he froze as she howled a message of her own—

Don't you ever come back Aleksei Baranski, or you will live to regret it.

As her head lowered, her call now fading as it echoed back through the tall sequoia trees, she shot him a sharp glance which struck fear into his heart — and would likely do the same for anyone else who happened to witness it. His russet ears pressed back against his head nervously and a whimper instinctively left his lips as he watched her retreat back into the shadows of the den without another word.

Fearing for the safety of his daughter, not wanting Oksana to feel the brunt of her mother’s seething anger, Lorcan shifted up onto his paws and stepped tentatively towards the den. With his tail curled submissively between his legs, Lorcan poked his head inside the den’s entrance, expecting to feel the sharp stab of claws and beads of blood forming on his muzzle at any moment. He found her sat away from their daughter, her body pressed against the far wall of the chamber with Oksana sleeping soundly beneath throws of fur. Relieved that no harm had yet come to his daughter, his golden eyes flickered back up to Inna, where they remained locked on to her deep orange stare. 

“Do—do you want to t-talk about it?” He asked nervously, careful to keep his voice quiet so as to not disturb their sleeping pup.
(This post was last modified: May 21, 2017, 03:31 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Broken promises, lies, and threats that was all her brother seemed to be capable of. He spoke so highly of loyalty to family and especially their mother but what was he doing now. Slinking off into the night like a coward who could not face that truth about himself and do what it took to make it better, to make himself the kind of man their father would be proud of. Of course he hadn't been around so how could he really know what their father had been proud of. Inna would admit it if ask that she wasn't even sure. Lachesis had told her twice now that Maksim would be proud of her but she had broken pack law do would he have been? Or would have understood what had happened? She couldn't be sure and she could not ask her father.

Aleksei had broken her, shattered her into a million pieces with his words and now she had to wonder was she the monster she believed herself to be once he had finished with her? Or did he say those things because he did not want to admit them to himself? Inna looked at Lorcan once he'd entered the den a question in her eyes, Did he see a monster or something else less scary when he looked at her. She wasn't that girl anymore, the one he’d been with on Sunrise Ridge. She felt as though she was a more refined version of herself, one that was fit to raise her daughter with the best values.

It was why she kept her distance from her now, the anger threatening to book over was not meant for such innocence. Oksana was young but she would feel her mother's anger, the tension in her body as it trembled with the fire that wanted to engulf the forest. Inna knew Lorcan could see it in her, he feared it so much he was worried about their daughter. Inna shook her head, 'you don't have to worry. I would never hurt her.’ Their little girl had become her world and she would not let what she felt toward her brother to destroy her world anymore.

Since her daughter's birth her feelings toward her family had changed but she was better than she used to be. She would show them a loyalty that they had not known from her and she would swallow the hurt she felt towards the for not welcoming Oksana into the world. Perhaps they could not get past what she had done, her mother anyway. Lekalta, her not being there bothered Inna more than she wanted to acknowledge. In time In a felt she would learn the truth and deal with it accordingly.

Lorcans words broke through her thoughts but she did not answer as her eyes stayed on their daughter. The innocence of her, it had been a long time since Inna had been that innocent and in between so much had happened to shape and form the woman she was as she sat against the wall of her den. It was with a deep sigh that she finally acknowledged Lorcans question but as he moved to make himself more comfortable she gave him a warning. They would not talk her and taint the environment of the den even more than it had already been. This was their daughters home where she could feel safe she didn't need the talk of crimes past to take that safety away from her.

Fade on Lorcan and Inna

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: May 21, 2017, 08:46 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
this will be the only post from lachesis

When he was not patrolling he was tending to Lilya and their children, ensuring that the sparrow was taking care of herself and that the twins weren’t stressing her out. He also stopped by Inna’s den periodically to check in on the new mother and her daughter, as the Baranski was still secluded from the rest of the pack. Lachesis understood her desire for solitude, as he often wished he was able to do the same, but he knew he couldn’t. The ghost had to remain close to the rest of the pack in order to be available whenever they needed him, no matter how badly he wanted to isolate himself and succumb to his hermit tendencies.

For both the birth of his own children and Inna’s the ghost had not seen his second—the older Baranski. Despite his own status in the pack (his pack) XIX steered clear of his co-lead’s den, only stopping by to ensure that the children were doing well and that Kisla remained healthy. Aleksei, however, had set up camp beside her den and tended to his mother by delivering food. For awhile Lachesis had started to grow concerned about the tawny male’s behaviour. He could practically taste the hostility coming off the younger male in waves. The Stark assumed it had to do with his mother and his younger half-siblings, or how he felt about his younger sister’s situation. He dared not ask—not yet, at least.

However, it appeared he would not get the chance to.

Darkness had soaked the lands of Relic Lore, chasing out the remaining rays of light. The ghost was still restless, his paws leading his pale body aimlessly through the redwoods that surrounded Hearthwood. A call sounded, tearing through the trees. His ears perked, brows narrowing as his chartreuse focused on the direction it had originated from. A frown creased his features, his shoulders stiffening.

I wish you well. Take care.

He did not answer. He did not want to.

His lips tightened, a frown dragging the corners of his mouth down. The ghost remained where he was, rooted to the spot, as Aleksei’s farewell soaked into his ears. XIX was not surprised by the agouti’s departure, but he was still disappointed. Much had changed since the Baranski’s first departure from the river—this was not the same place it had been before Maksim’s passing.

Inna’s response echoed through the trees, causing the Stark’s pale brows to shoot up in surprise. Clearly the raven was not pleased with her older brother’s sudden departure. Lachesis could not help but feel the same as his ebony sidekick, for the river wolves had been too courteous to wolves with wandering paws. This was not a revolving door—there would be no welcoming committee if Aleksei decided to return. He had made his choice to leave. He snorted, dismissing the goodbye as he continued through the trees, seeking the comfort of Lilya’s den and the squirming bodies of their daughters. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
One post from Ayti

Aytigin had actually been taking a lazy day, for once, and was simply lounging about at the foot of one of the trees nearer to the waters when the... commotion... began. His ears angled over toward the borders, which he wasn't far from, and he caught the words in the howl. It certainly wasn't a howl to join - no, instead, it seemed that whoever it was had decided to leave. Trying to place a face to the voice, Aytigin settled on the large second-in-command that he'd only spoken to once. The most striking thing that Ayti had gathered was that he was very grumpy and very high-ranking. He couldn't understand why the man would want to leave, after being so protective of Kisla and her puppies. He wasn't the father - that was clear - but Ayti believed him to be a close relative. So why would he leave? It wasn't a loss to Ayti, personally, but the other man was leaving behind family and a pack that needed him.

Inna called after the howl moments later, and she sounded pissed. No wonder, too. The young woman had spoken to the mocha-colored man about wolves who left the River in the past, and she was probably used to the desertion. Aytigin didn't quite know how the girl would make Aleksei regret coming back, because he doubted she could actually take the massive wolf in a fight. Hell, Ayti didn't even know if he could take the former second in a fight. But if there was anything Aytigin was certain of, it was that he would back up Inna's decisions.

The chocolate-coated wolf got to his paws and headed over to the border that the paler-furred wolf had just left from and lifted his leg to mark it, then tipped his head back in a loud, wordless howl to verbally mark the territory as well. The Hearthwood wolves were too kind to abandon in that way, and well-wishes or not, Aytigin wasn't going to allow anyone to so flippantly betray his packmates. Though he could not speak for Lachesis or Kisla, he had been told that the River wolves valued loyalty, and Aleksei clearly lacked in that area.

If they wanted to let the man back in, in the future, then Aytigin would accept the decision. However, if they did not, and Aleksei decided to return and cause them more trouble, then the dark brown man would not let him set foot over the borders.

He would make sure the deserter would regret it if he did.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

She had hoped the eldest of her children had turned a new leaf – he had integrated himself in to the pack, had aided her with the pups as they were younger. She had noticed his reserved nature – he had never been the same since she had warned her children that no longer would their antics be tolerated – the Baranski name was a strong one, but it did not offer them a free pass. Not anymore.

Aleksei, apparently had heard her well – and chose his path. It was not that he chose to leave that hurt – it was not uncommon for a wolf his age to strike out.. seek a mate, and find their place in the world. It was that all he offered them was a howl goodbye – it was as if his fangs had struck her cheek for the coldness in the gesture, and she stared blankly at the heavens, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized he was gone. Her bright eyes drifted to the den depths, knowing that within, Matheo and Risaela were snuggled together, sleeping. They were now without their big brother – and once more, the she-wolf felt the weight of abandonment from those she loved.

She did not respond – could not muster the will to. He knew what this meant, and he had not bothered with more than a parting howl. Inna’s voice struck next – the anger within stirred Kisla’s heart once more, realizing now that their family would never be truly pieced together again. Something had gone when Maksim Baranski passed – and she did not think it would ever come back.

Steeling herself, the honeyed woman set a stoical mask upon her features, and stole forward, sweeping in to shift her figure protectively around them and inhaling their innocent scents, pressing her thoughts away.

sparking up my heart