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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help. I'm drowning in myself

sorry bout the wait DX

Moonshadow felt that her best friend still didnt know his full worth just yet. So reminding him that he was also going to be important in Chan's life was something that needed to be done. Her smile widened as he told her he wanted to teach him all he knew. "He'll be lucky to learn everything from someone like you". She knew her baby would be blessed to learn from the dark man. He had saved her by giving her a home and taught her how to be a good pack member.

The notion of anger originally shocked the new mother but as it began to sink in, it didnt seem so far fetched. She just wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be consumed by it. So she gave her warning and was glad to hear that he didnt want to let it consume him. She also knew however that even having the three of them, Kajika could still get overwhelmed with his anger and it would consume him. "We'll always be here for you whatever you may need" she assured him, her voice kind and gentle. Having a support system is one of the greatest coping tools. She knew that and would always provide that for her friend but in her state now she refused to allow herself that same luxury.

He moved closer to her as she blamed herself for getting attacked. He quickly told her that it wasn't her fault to which she shook her head. How could it not be my fault? She looked at him with wet eyes, rationally she knew he was right. She should be able to leave the borders with out worry, but right now she wasn't going to be rational. This was her fault and little of what he said would change her mind. Blinking a few times rid her mercury pools of any tears that formed as she elaborated what had happened to the pack. She chocked on the end of her sentence but was able to quickly put on a brave face. That brave face didnt last long for when he asked if she was fine she about lost it. Holding it together long enough to spit out that she was fine. As expected Kajika didnt buy it. He shook his head and leaned in and whispered. His words caused a whine to fall from her maw, her ears to plaster to her lowering head. She diverted her eyes to her paws. She couldn't face him for if she did she surely would spill. She didnt deserve his help...anyone's for that matter.

Word Count: 447
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Sometime after what happened with Des before her death Kajika had lost hope that he would ever have the chance to be a father. While he wasn't Chan’s father the dark man felt that he had a chance to know a little of what it might feel like to be a father. He could teach his godson the things a father might and be there for him when he needed someone. It wouldn't be exactly the same but it would be more than he had before and he could he happy for that. “Thank you for your confidence Moonshadow and trusting me with your son. I won't let you or Chan down.” That was a promise he could make to his friend no matter what happened he would always be there for them both.

She was worried about him letting his anger consume him and while he felt she had nothing to worry about he knew her fears weren't unfounded. He'd let his grief over Des consume him once before leaving him useless to the pack and to Moonshadow. This time was different in his eyes as he had to be stronger so that when the time came for him to finally have his revenge he would succeed. This time he had Chan to worry about too and he couldn't disappear on the pup like he had Lunette so many times. “I know, as you always have been and I won't push you away this time.” He felt that by sharing how angry he was he had shown her that he wasn't going to fall back into old habits. While he had lost something very important when he lost Des he knew he wasn't the only one that was grieving for her lost. He also knew he wasn't the only one who was angry about what happened to her. This time he had others that had the same feelings as him and it wasn't a personal struggle.

He was more worried about Moonshadow than himself for she had lost her own children because of something another had done to her. She blamed herself for it, he could see it in her eyes every time he met her gaze. Unlike him she was getting good at hiding it but he supposed that for Chan's sake she felt she had to. He didn't know if she believed him when he'd told her it wasn't her fault what happened to her when she'd left the borders. He hoped that if she didn't she would in time so that she wouldn't have to carry that guilt the rest of her life when it wasn't hers to carry. She wanted to hide how she was really feeling from him but she couldn't, he knew her too well. The fact that she had spat that she was fine at him and the whine when he pointed out that she couldn't hide it from him was more than enough for him to know he was correct. “Earlier this year when I fell into the darkness you were there for me every day Moonshadow, you refused to let me fall too far. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't do the same for you? I know this is something you have to work through on your own but don't let yourself fall too far. If you feel like you are I hope you will come to me.” He put his muzzle under her chin to lift her head a little, “I know it’s hard and you should take all the time you need but I can't lose you too Moonshadow and Chan needs his mom.”


(This post was last modified: Aug 03, 2017, 09:43 PM by Kajika.)
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