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Dead Man Walking — Umbra Copse 
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Played by Ranico who has 60 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kuwindwa Mapinago
Her question was prying—maybe too much—and she wouldn't have blamed him if he had dodged it altogether. Instead, he proved he could relate and understand, something that scarcely surprised the stoic woman. Even the most introverted of wolves would surely feel the maddening loneliness. Wolves were such social creatures, not meant to be alone forever. Security was a necessity, and that was best found in numbers, whether it was a pack, or a friend. A damaged psyche was a natural side-effect to the wilderness of the packless.

"I see." A loaded statement of understanding. Yet her head tilted and she seemed to regard him differently. Perhaps it was pity. Or maybe, just maybe, the woman who had been so forcefully ousted from her home, her pack, her very way of existence, understood. She could not explain all that, but her eyes softened and she seemed to nod to herself, a decision made. He had not been alone when his journey began, and that was telling. She felt it less likely he was the betrayer if he'd fled with another. But why the separation? So many uncertainties. Still, Kuwindwa was far from heartless. She wanted to help him, but she wondered if the wolves of the Vale would put their faith in her, if... if he was really a risk. "I am sorry to hear it. I... did not leave my pack by choice, either."

Kuwindwa could not bear to linger on that statement and pressed on by answering his former question:

Do you feel more like a wolf now?

"I have renewed purpose in Quaking Vale," she nodded, but her head argued silently, that some part of her was too broken to repair and too empty to fill again. She would never be whole. Maybe that was the empty that always seemed to linger just behind those bronze eyes, even when she flashed a rare smile... a smile that briefly graced her maw at that very moment. "The Vale is... a haven, of sorts." A sanctuary, if the likes of @Larkspur and @Sahalie were to be believed. "I would leave you to your meal, Tikhon. But if you are interested in something fresher, you know where our borders are. I patrol often. Do as you will, but... if there is any aid I might render you, I will offer what I am able."

The sound of hoofbeats, of leaves stirred by more than just wind prompted the woman's head to turn for a brief moment. Deer. And so near their lost member... her eyes returned to the agouti male. The smile was no longer present, but if there was one thing Kuwindwa's gaze was, it was genuine. That flash of a smile was more than most wolves got on a first meeting and would likely be the last for a long while, and her indirect offer to take him to her pack remained open. She did not leave right away, pondering if her words were the right ones—she had not done this in years—but there they were, and he was free to have his say.
Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

When she'd asked the question of why he was alone he wasn't sure if he was surprised it not that she'd asked. He supposed it was only natural that she wonder especially with the condition he was in. Tik was sure that it looked like he couldn't take care of himself being thin and feeding on carrion. Why would anyone leave a wolf who couldn't take care of themselves? Laike would, it was something he wasn't expecting but maybe he should have. It was clear that he should never have trusted his older brother, now he was paying for that mistake. Surprised by the question or not he'd given her an honest answer and he had not kept what he felt about it from his voice. Why should he, the whole world needed to know that Laike couldn't be trusted.

It was only two words that she spoke but in them he heard the understanding leaving him to feel as though something was different with her. He didn't know what it was but it made him a little more curious about her. How could she understand unless it had happened to her too or maybe his starved brain was seeing things that weren't actually there. Maybe she didn't see at all but only wanted him to feel better about sharing his reason with her. Tikhon immediately dismissed that thought as she didn't seem the type to do something like that. It was proven that she did actually understand when she shared that she too had not left her pack voluntarily. He debated asking her why she'd had to leave her pack. She had shared with him more than she probably should with a stranger but he didn't think it wasn't whole story. So he felt it best not to overstep any bounds. “It seems we have something in common then,” he finally settled on even though he felt like it was stating the obvious.

His curiosity about whether she would have answered the question was quickly quelled when she decided to answer another question he'd asked. This was an answer he'd been waiting for as he felt that with the connection they seemed to have it would mean he could feel more normal once he'd going what he was looking for.

His head tilted slightly as she spoke of renewed purpose, “I suppose that could he a start of getting back to feeling normal,” he commented thoughtfully. Would it really be a place to regaining his whole self back after what he'd been through all these months? Tikhon didn't have time to think to hard on it when she started to talk about her pack but as she went on it sounded to him now that she might be offering him a place within her pack, if not that then she was offering whatever help she was able to.

He was left at a loss of what to do as her attention was drawn away for a moment he had think it over. He needed the help she was offering more than he would like to admit but he felt that if he sought refuge with her pack he would be giving up on finding Lorcan. I had no idea where his brother was but he needed to find him and tell him what Laike did to him and that their brother could not be trusted. “I know it would be stupid of me to turn down your offer but I'm in search of my other brother. I haven't seen him in a long time and I need to find him but I don't know where he is, if he is even in this place,” he explained, “You said that the Vale was sort of a Haven what do you mean exactly? Would I be able to look for him if I went with you?"

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Ranico who has 60 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kuwindwa Mapinago
Patiently she waited for his response.

He was uncertain. She had been too. Sometimes she still was. It had done her no harm being in Quaking Vale, though she still felt there was a chasm inside herself she kept falling into. It sounded like he had reason to reject her offer—however indirect the offer had been.

"The choice is yours," she said simply, neither calling him stupid nor denying his statement. Quaking Vale was a place for healing, though such was not direct knowledge for Kuwindwa. She could not say with any certainty that a wayfarer like @Tikhon would be allowed, or that @Sahalie or Alastor would understand. Quaking Vale never felt like a traditional pack to Wind. Before she would not have been able to bring a wolf like Tikhon to the borders and expect acceptance without a plea of utmost loyalty. A petition. A promise of time and aid from the stranger. ...but Quaking Vale was not like that. No, if the alphas—or at least Sahalie's—ready acceptance of the warrior had been any indication, Tikhon would be welcomed, even if temporarily.

If they wanted someone to... babysit him, Kuwindwa would take responsibility.

"I have only been in these lands for a year. I doubt I could help you find your brother directly," she told the man, her ears splaying gently as she dipped her head. "I can only see you on your way." It was more help than she had found when she was first running. She had never been sheltered, had always been afraid to bring her past to any pack's doorstep. When he asked about the Vale as a Haven, a wry smile formed on her pointed features. She was still trying to understand it exactly herself. They were more lenient than she was ever used to, but they were kind and their weakest were truly cared for. "I cannot speak for my leaders," but I cannot send you on your way with nothing... "But the Vale is unlike anything I experienced growing up. ...I believe you could continue your search. They would not stop you." She did not want to lead him on, to believe the wrong thing... but he could use the help whether he wanted it or not. He admitted it by saying he would be stupid to deny the offer. Still, she would not pressure him.

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

In the moment he stood in front of her Tikhon knew his future was uncertain. He could reject her offer and continue on but in his current condition there was no telling how long he would last or where he would end up. He wanted to find Lorcan but the truth of the matter was he had no idea where to begin looking.

He gave a short nod as she told him the choice was his, “What made up your mind?” Would it be the same thing that would end up making up his mind? What she offered him was a home and a place to belong but was it the place he needed to be. What if he did somehow find Lorcan would he want to leave and be with his brother? Tikhon sighed with the difficulty of the situation. He wanted badly to take her up on her offer, it would mean a fresh start and a chance for him to recover from him months on his own. His gaze went to the deer, a symbol of what his life had been like and how much he wanted to be in a position where he didn't have to eat things that had already been dead. Before he could say anything else she spoke up again.

This time she talked of finding her brother and how she couldn't help him directly and seeing him on his way. “It's quite alright I didn't expect the first person I ran into would point me tight to him.” Things were never that easy, if they were he might not be in the position that he was in. He was curious about what she meant calling her pack a Haven, would it be a place where he could regain his strength before going back out to find Lorcan? To him that seemed the ideal scenario for him but he had not heard of too many packs that did such things as that. He brought his gaze from his paws as she started to speak once more. He nodded, “Perhaps I should speak to your one of your Alpha’s before making a decision?”

Maybe they could help him to make up his mind of this was a good choice for him. He truly didn't want to turn down her offer if he didn't have to. He liked her and felt she could understand him and his situation in a way no one else could.


(This post was last modified: Aug 06, 2017, 09:58 PM by Tikhon.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you