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a little dirt never hurt — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

When she was given the invitation from her daughter for play there wasn't anyway she was going to turn her down. So she immediately returned the gesture which was clearly what her daughter wanted. As she laughed Oksana barked and Inna felt she was really getting into their game. They hadn't been able to do things like this before which left Inna extremely happy that she could do this with her cub. It seemed that Oksana was operating on instinct as she kept out of the way of her mother's nudge which only brought a wider smile to the older Baranski's maw, little Oksana seemed to be a natural at this. The tiny pup was ready for any more nudgings her mother might decide to give her but Inna had something else in mind.

Instead of a nudge she lept away from the cub much in the same manner Oksana had moments before. She ended up splashing her daughter and herself with mud. It was clear by the widening of her pups dark blue eyes that she was rather surprised by the movement. For a moment In a was a little worried she'd upset her cub but it soon became clear that Oksana hadn't minded at all as she fell into a fit of giggles.

The worry soon left Inna as the Tony cub started bouncing up and down in the mud splashing it all over the both of them. Inna didn't mind she was too overjoyed at being able to see her daughter having so much fun. Then as fast as her little puppy legs could carry her she charged Inna before running into her mother's hind leg and before she knew it she felt the grip Oksana had on her ankle. Inna tried lifting her leg and giving it a little shaken but her daughter had quite the grip on it. She then reached around with her nose and poked the cub in her side giving the child a mischievous look of her own.

The little growls that came from her daughter were more cute than anything else and Inna couldn't pretend that they weren't. The older Baranski watched her cub questioningly as she seemed to be preparing herself for something. It soon became clear as she tried to grab her mother's tail which swayed out of the Cubs grasp as she went for it. Ending up covered in mud and a concerned expression crossed her daughter's face which worried Inna only for a moment as she saw the cheeky grin and innocent look. "You little trickster you," she teased her daughter before bumping her nose against the younger Baranski's cheek.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2017, 06:02 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Oksana enjoyed the challenge her mother was more than willing to provide. The gentle shake of her leg only caused the dark pup to tighten her small jaws around the slender ankle of the adult, gripping on with every ounce of strength she had whilst her paws stumbled around behind her. Growls of enjoyment and determination rumbled in her chest, growls which sounded much less ferocious than the small pup imagined them to be. All four of her paws scraped against the damp soil as Oksana tried desperately to tug her mother by the ankle back towards the deepest area of mud.

However, it didn’t take long until Oksana grew impatient with her futile attempts to get her larger mother to budge and so she tried out another tactic, aiming to pull the adult by the tip of her tail instead. This task proved to be a lot trickier and her boisterous manoeuvre soon caused her unsteady limbs to give out from underneath her, as she missed the target and stumbled into the mud. Now brandishing a thick layer of sticky brown mud all over her, the dark pup glanced back to her mother a little sheepishly before another idea entered her mind.

The innocent gaze and cheeky grin offered to her mother elicited a playful response from the adult and Oksana yapped naughtily and rolled onto stomach before gathering her wobbly legs beneath her to finally stand. Now facing her mother head on, her small ears perked upright as her navy blue eyes focused on her target. The mud-covered pup lowered into a play bow before once again charging straight for the adult, infectious giggles filling the air as she smothered her mother’s face in mud-stained kisses, doing her best to make @Inna as filthy as possible.

Their antics had turned into a game and Oksana wouldn’t stop until her mother had a coat matching her own.

(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2017, 06:24 PM by Oksana.)
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

For being so young her daughter had quite the grip on her, even through a gentle shaking of her mother's ankle she held on even tightening her grip on Inna's appendage. More growls came from her pup as she was moved back and forth through the mud as she held onto the older Baranski's ankle. Try as she might she didn't have quite enough force to pull Inna's leg out from under her. It seemed the cub had given up on that tactic as she let go of the ankle after a few moments of trying so hard.

It was becoming more clear to the new mother that her pup had quite some determination in her. For when trying to pull her down by her ankle didn't work she had another idea. This tactic didn't work either as her timing was just a little off causing her to fall into the mud. She was no longer shared a striking black pelt but one of muddy brown as she was covered in the sticky substance. Inna was worried that Oksana wouldn't want to play anymore too upset but being so dirty but she was very wrong.

A cheeky grin and a yap later Oksana was in her stomach pulling her feet under her so that she could get up. With Inna's face on the same level as her pup it gave the tiny cub the perfect opportunity to put her next idea into play. A play bow was presented before the older Baranski soon found her face covered in mud as giggles filled the air around them. Inna didn't mind, seeing her daughter so happy was a fair price to pay for a face covered in mud. She took it one step further as she lowered herself to her daughter​'s level and rolling on her back kicking her feet in the air as she laughed.

Still on her back she turned her head to look at her mud covered daughter, “Look at us Sana,” she said as she tooled onto her stomach, “What would your father think if he saw us?” Inna shook her head before brushing her muzzle against her daughter's cheek, “What do you say the two of us get cleaned up and sneak into the den for a nap before our next adventure?”

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2017, 08:06 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Delighted yaps and excited barks filled the air as Oksana smothered her mother’s face in mud-stained kisses. The dark pup was relentless, rubbing her face right up against her mother’s larger muzzle as she tried to wipe some of the mud she had collected onto the adult as she covered her in tiny licks. In the small pups eyes this game was something she was good at, unlike her previous attempts to drag the adult into the mud alongside her, this tactic worked much better.

A mischievous laugh, deep and throaty, rumbled up from inside her to replace the girlish giggles as her mother gave in and rolled onto her back submissively so that she was easier to reach. Oksana barked a warning, her slender tail rising up dominantly as she then proceeded to waddle around her mother’s larger frame, brushing her mud-soaked body up against any area she could reach – her sides, her neck, and her rear – anywhere that wasn’t painted with the thick muck already.

The pup would have been content to run circles around her mother for hours, after all this game was exciting and Oksana was good at it, but her small legs soon grew tired of her antics and her pace eventually slowed to show it. Her sides heaved with exhaustion and her small tongue lolled from her mouth as she trudged a final lap around her mother before she paused to place a final dirty kiss upon Inna’s nose.

Oksana stumbled backwards as her mother rolled over onto her stomach but she quickly approached her mother again, a purr vibrating in her throat, as Inna reached out to nuzzle her affectionately. Navy blue eyes glanced up to meet her mother’s deep orange gaze as she asked her a question, the pups head tilting to one side curious to know what she was saying. A monstrous yawn then caused her jaws to part wide and her body to tremble and then the question was swiftly forgotten as the dark pup proceeded to nestle herself in comfortably to the soft furs of her mother’s neck in an attempt to sleep.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna wondered if her mother had ever felt watching her own children play as she did then hearing the happy barks and laughs coming for her daughter. It was easy to forget how Oksana had come to be in the world as her face was covered in the tiny licks her cub placed on it. Inna closed her eyes for a moment as her pup continued to shower her in licks wanting to remember the moment forever, how happy Oksana was in that moment. She knew that her daughter wouldn't stay this small forever no matter how badly she wanted her to.

Then as she rolled on her back giving the youngest Baranski exactly what she wanted the girl laughed and it was music to her mother's ears. She could see as her daughter gave a warning bark before posturing dominantly that she was going to be a strong wolf when she was older. Then Oksana's puppy antics caused her mother to laugh as she ran circles around the older Baranski. It was certainly the pups goal to get her mother as dirty as possible as she rubbed her small body against the larger body in any place that didn't have any of the sticky Brown stuff on it.

After moments of the child running around her mother it soon became apparent to the larger Baranski that her daughter was growing tired. Inna watched as Oksana made one final lap around her showing all the signs of a pup ready for a nap, “Oh, Sana have you worn yourself out,” cooed Inna as the tiny black cun finished her last lap and came to place a kiss to her mother's nose.

When Inna rolled to her stomach the little pup stumbled backwards but recovered herself and approached her mother once more. Inna nuzzled her daughter's​ cheek as she spoke about getting cleaned up and taking a nap. After a big yawn which convinced Inna even further that some rest for her child was in order Oksana moved to curl up against her mother, “Oh no, little one we can't fall asleep here.” Lorcan really would have her hide if she let their daughter sleep in the mud. “I’ll clean you up and then back to the den with you,” she said before carefully rising to her feet grabbing Oksana by her scruff as she went. Once she had her daughter safely grasped in her mouth she carried her toward a place in the river that would be perfect for cleaning the pup off.


~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Jun 09, 2017, 07:28 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.