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i'd break the back of love for you — Swift River 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The four wolves stood upon the other side of the river now, and while Ruiko’s shoulder brushed against Aeylen’s, his gaze was now focused upon the shifting of the foliage across the waters. Corinna emerged next, her bright period gaze focused upon the small gathering with an expression that the regal wolf could not read. For as well as he believed he knew the silver she-wolf, she was still a mystery to him. While Swift River was formed mostly with his family and loved ones, Corinna would perhaps be the presence he missed the most; she had been the reason he had returned to the pack, and even now that she and her whelps had flourished with Swift River’s numbers returning, the tawny wolf felt a pang of desire to still protect her from the world. Yet it was not his job; that rested upon Indru alone, and Ruiko was at least grateful to see that the couple had not been torn apart from his brother’s mistake.

Next to come was the ebony Triell. His dark brother trailed past both Marsh and Corinna, edging closer to the waters bank. It would seem the yearling had made his decision to stay with Indru, and while a heavy heart accepted that Ruiko was now separated from the youth, the tawny male knew it to be for the better. Indru needed Triell.

His gaze swept over the two, his own tail mimicking Corinna’s. His sister’s song rang through the winter air with heartfelt meaning, and the Tainn male bowed his muzzle to her, a silent motion of gratitude. Finally, as his eyes swept to his younger brother, he felt his figure shift. Longing to cross the river once more to embrace the swarthy male, Ruiko would not make their goodbye more painful than it was. Instead, his muzzle lifted to the sky, his own song echoing back to the wolves of the river, a final farewell. He would see them in passing, and it was to be sure he would visit.

Indru’s presence was noticed and disgruntled at the fact that his brother could not even come see him off, the Tainn male cast the thought aside. Perhaps he was outside the pack borders.. perhaps he was with the pups. But Ruiko could prolong the moment no longer, and turning his large figure, the male offered a nudge to Aeylen before his eyes swept up to Kinis and Volkan. With a nod, the golden wolf began to lead their journey away from their home.. for they were off to find a new one.