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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Copper Rock Creek thread claim. Private for Aeylen, Kinis and Volkan.

It would have been a lie to not admit the travel had been wearying – yet the excitement that spurned between the four wolves had his spirits high, and when they had departed Swift River they had kept their eyes peeled to the possibilities that awaited them. Days passed – Ruiko had not believed them to find their home within a few hours, but that did not deter him.

They traveled northwards – away from the other packs of Relic Lore, but never outside of the realm they did not call home. His eyes would trail to study each of his companions; beautiful Aeylen, who was scouting the lands in desire to find a home that a pack could flourish in.. as well as their pups. Kinis, who’s excitement buzzed through the group as an addicting aura; always eager to please and to help. Volkan, who’s headstrong ways and jovial quips were welcomed by the male, though would cause tension between the two females until the hierarchy was fully established. Each with their own agenda to what their home should be.. and Ruiko, who wanted nothing more than to please the three wolves before him.

Afternoon glinted in the skies above. He had coaxed his companions into the depths of Ghastly Woods – lands that were not commonly explored. Burs stuck to his pelt, though they were thoroughly ignored. Perhaps it was his darker side that called for the depths of the supposed haunted woods, but as they continued, they came upon the opening of the spring he had only been to a handful of times in his age.

His gaze surveyed the small paradise, soon flicking to the wolves at his side to gauge their reaction. Breaking away from the group with his muzzle closer to the ground, the tawny male trailed along the outskirts of the territory, curious to what possibilities lingered here. As he encroached closer to the side of the mountain, a gentle trickle caused his ears to preen forward. Glancing up, Ruiko’s eyes fell upon a shallow creek, its depths glittering with red rocks that shone as the sunlight glinted from them. His glance was questioning as it fell upon the three other wolves: what did they think of this place?
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
:D :D :D hope you didn't intend an order for this?
<blockquote>It almost didn't feel real. Though they travelled for the most part in relative silence, a binding, overpowering excitement linked the four of them as they pressed northward. Often she exchanged glances, especially with Kinis, who now more than ever was her equal, now that Ruiko had officially taken Aeylen as his mate. As the hours wore on and they passed tree after tree, she began to look to Ruiko for a sign; while she knew that the decision of where to settle belonged to all four of them, it also rested heavily on the leader's shoulders.

It wasn't long before her paws begin to ache and hunger turned her stomach, yet her tired limbs propelled her almost mechanically, body low to the ground. Rest wasn't common, but she felt they didn't need it anyway. The four of them were probably far too restless to waste any time, and she knew that once they reached their destination, wherever that would be, then there would be time for celebration. Silently glad that she'd remained so well fed in preparation for this, Volkan kept up with the others, at times nimbly leaping to the top of large rocks or hills in order to scout the territory ahead. What greeted her was a crisp, clear panorama of Relic Lore's wild north, an expanse of dark forest overshadowed by the mountain to the east. Somewhere in there, their new home.

When they reached the Spring the wiry yearling knew it; Ruiko's pace had slowed, and she galloped to a halt at his side, pausing only for a moment, icy eyes wide. This— a breathtakingly serene eden in the midst of such a <span class='word'>cimmerian</span> wood— <i>this must be the Secluded Spring,</i> she mused, crossing to the still water's edge. Despite the chill of winter, there seemed to be some life here; moss lined the spring, and a tiny water bug darted out of the way of her tongue as she stopped briefly for a drink. But, not about to fall behind, Volkan quickly advanced on her leader's trail once again, stopping behind him to behold the sight of the copper rocks. Was this the place he would choose?</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
<blockquote>What a proud time it truly was; like a turning page, the destinies of the wolves were now woven together, an intricate bond that would mark the beginning of something meaningful, and new to them all. It was a strong pack, indeed, and though there was still much in store in the group's future, she would keep the memory of these days and this time with her until whatever end. No wolf could have been more proud, or hopeful, than she was now.

The passage was relentless, but travel was something that she enjoyed, and it was much less taxing with four personalities to keep each other company - all with a similar goal driving them forward. Here and there, the female would stray into the periphery as they moved forward, checking for anything and everything that may be just out of sight in such a vast landscape. Ruiko's pace was steady, and she followed at his side effortlessly, much like a dance they'd mastered. From time to time, Volkan would nimbly ascend upon the landscape, scouring the distances with her silver eyes. Just when it seemed as though they could trek on forever, the afternoon sun hanging above them, they reached the edge of what would appear a harsh woodland, at first glance; though, as she moved deeper, one of the first things the shewolf took note of was the lack of wind, as if the density of the forest created shelter of its own. As eerie as it was, she found herself attune to it's shadows.

And then, an opening in the thick, hidden within it a quiet spring. The glittering of the stones in the creek bed caught the females eye immediately, like a diamond in a lump of coal, all in shades of rust and red. The sunlight played off the top of the waters just right, and the cove beckoned a whisper of mystery. Muzzle low, she roved through the dried grasses to the water's edge, gazing into the forest beyond the clearing as her eyes swiveled, listening to the glenn's quiet hum. It was a beautiful scene.

Her amber eyes searched for his, and her warm gaze fell upon Ruiko with a calm longing. She watched as he surveyed the colors of the creek, Volkan loyally at his heels. From the look of his face as he considered his packmate's reactions, Aeylen knew that he'd seen in the spring what she had, and for a moment she thought of the future, and the cove of the spring in it. What would Kinis and Volkan think? She was unable to formulate an answer because she had yet to get to know either one to much depth, and so she moved slowly at the water's edge, following it as she took note of the angles of the trees and blue hues of the clear sky in the back of her mind.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2012, 09:29 PM by Aeylen.)
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>His excitement was probably the most palpable, it was true, but then Kinis Tainn had never been the subtlest of wolves, nor the most able to contain his feelings. Additionally, having been largely unused to grandiose swathes of emotion, the thrill which rocketed through his chest was of an intensity he had never experienced before. It had started at that first cry, and the euphoric, blinding sensation had not yet let up. This feeling of the climax of all he had been waiting for was almost too much to bear, and had it not been a purely positive feeling, he may not have been able to handle it.

Never did the grin leave his face, and he often exchanged glances with the three other wolves present. No doubt everybody could see his eagerness, for it probably radiated like heat from his body.

Ever since the Secluded Spring had been mentioned as a possibility, the Ghastly Woods had lost any semblance of unlikeability, and certainly now he was more than happy to pass through them. The trees closed in, and should have evoked some kind of claustrophobia, but all Kinis could sense was safety and privacy. Every moment he expected to see that clearing, with that beautiful spring, the spring he damn-near dreamt about these days.

When it opened up into their vision, it must have hit them all with the same realisation of being home, but secretly Kinis fancied that it hit him hardest. Where the others all moved on before long, Kinis remained by the edges of the forest, struck by a deep and profound emotion that he wasn't able to translate. This was it. This was everything he had been wanting.

A part of him wondered if he should be disappointed, for what conclusion could do justice to all the hype? But he was not disappointed, not in the least. The spring was sparkling and clear and made the entire clearing the most spectacular sight he had ever laid eyes on. For the first time in his young life, Kinis fell in love.

Movement caught his attention - broke though the rapture - and Kinis' eyes flickered to the only other thing in the world which held so much of his high regard. Ruiko was headed on, and eagerly Kinis jumped forwards, his heart in his throat as the new pack moved on, around the opening. The creek they came upon was even more beautiful, though perhaps the boy was just being caught up in the moment by this point. Ruiko glanced back, seeking their opinions, and Kinis stared at him, open approval and adoration in his eyes. This was everything, <i>everything</i>, he had ever wanted.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Silence seemed to envelop them all – Aeylen’s approval was noted in the way she continued to trail along, her exploration giving Ruiko the contentment to know that she found the area as enticing as him. In truth, the silence from all of them verified this; for the first time since they had started traveling from the River pack the small group was speechless. Volkan’s excitement and Kinis’ adoration shone through their eyes, and with an attempt to hold back a smirk, the tawny male continued to glance around the area, his paws shuffling the ground for any signs of predator tracks they would wish to avoid.

Moments would pass before Ruiko would trail closer to the mountain’s edge, noting the gentle slope with a note of curiosity; more or less, the mountain could either offer them shelter, or it would offer them danger.. but to spot a predator or enemy upon its steeper grounds would be easy. A darker glint caught his eye, and as his vision roamed over to the opening of a sheltered cave guarded with slabs of stone and it was before this abandoned entrance that the male reclined to a seat. His chest swelling with an inhale of breath, Ruiko Tainn’s gaze caught that of his mate’s before moving across to his other companions. “This is where we will stay.” There was a pause for a moment, and with a flick of his tail, Ruiko gave a nod to the red rocks that were littered throughout the creek. “Copper Rock Creek. We are home.”

Finally, a place he and Kinis could call their own after a year of waiting. A place that would offer him a life with Aeylen, the headstrong she-wolf who had stolen his heart, and a steady home that Volkan would rise within.