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First Sight — Riddle Heights 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
OOC - Having a regressive moment. Feel free to jump in :)

He couldn't remember the last time he had rested, or caught anything larger than a rodent. He had been trapezing the ever-changing landscape, never travelling in one direction for longer than a few days, never stopping for more than a night. The wolves there were volatile, suspicious of strangers, and never hesitated to chase him off when he got too close.

Something was pulling him east, until he had crossed the line the humans called a state border. Walking over that line was almost physical and he felt something inside him break. He knew now he was never returning home.

He had been travelling since the snows first melted and now they were on their way again. He could feel it in the wind and taste it in the water. His honey coloured coat thickened and lengthened, making him appear larger than he was and he thanked his mothers ancestors for the added protection it gave him when he couldn't find shelter for the night.

He awoke with the sun, the pull had changed directions again and he sighed. He could never predict what way it would take him each day and he had no idea what was it was that was drawing him in. He took in his surroundings, paying attention to the landscape for the first time in weeks. It had changed from the dense forrest he had known all his life to sparse rocky slopes.

He shook his head in resignation and began to follow his feet again. Where the joy and love of his family had once been, there was now a dull ache in his chest that was refusing to go away. He fought to push it down. It was a hinderance and would come and go at the most inconvenient times.

He continued onwards and upwards,nimbly leaping from boulder to rock shelf and down again. It seemed to go on forever, up and down, onwards and upwards. He was beginning to tire when he suddenly realised the peak was in sight. He grinned for what felt like the first time since he left. He knew it wasn't but it still felt odd after such a long absence from his face.

Below was a fertile landscape. He could see the forests and lakes and meadows, and the looming mountain that looked over it all. He imagined what the view would look like from up there and decided one day he would have to make the journey. He settled himself on relatively flat topped boulder and enjoyed the last of the afternoon sun. There were plenty of small crevices and nooks he could crawl into if he needed shelter for the night. Tomorrow, he would travel down the other side of the sloping landscape and try to find some food amongst the trees. For now, he intended to enjoy the view and rest while he could.
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