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A Touch of Destiny
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>He looked on grimly as the dark she-wolf finally woke up long enough to chew the willow he had put at her side. <b>"i think it may have been a cougar..."</b> he answered his leader honestly. There was very little else that could cause three evenly spaced slashes like the ones on her neck and it would explain the rapid rate at which the infection spread.

He finally lowered his head in defeat, realising there was little more he could do for Rebecca at this point in time. He lowered his head and his voice with his next question. <b>"Do you know of anyone who may be able to teach me more?"</b> </blockquote>
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
My apologies for the wait on this..

Ruiko regarded the she-wolf as unwillingly obeyed Kanosak’s instructions. Relieved that she was stomaching the herbs, the male’s gaze slid to the other golden wolf as he queried about a medic. Mulling the thought over for only a moment, the tawny Leader withheld a sigh as he could think of only the one wolf; a she-wolf who he was not enthused to send his loyal pack members to considering his last interlude with her.. the depth of her pain, the stealth of her fangs.

“Elettra, from Grizzly Hollow,” he offered after a moment, his tail giving an idle flick. “If you seek her out, be entirely respectful to her. She will tolerate nothing less.” There was a small pause as Ruiko’s gaze fell to Rebecca, and settling himself to his haunches, the regal wolf knew he would sit with her until she fared better. “Jaysyek, the Hollow’s leader is a friend of mine. They might be willing to help.” As he fell to silence, the tawny male noted the soft rise and fall of Rebecca’s chest, noting she had fallen in to sleep.. though who knew what nightmares haunted her now.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rebecca's inactive at the moment so I'll skip posting order so we can wrap this one up. I really need to clear out my thread log... :p Can either finish here or you can reply and maybe suggest Volkan comes along too? Or perhaps we just leave that as an out of posting type thing that just happened...

<blockquote><i>Grizzly Hollow...</i> He hadn't spent much time wandering before he found his way to Copper Rock Creek, so he was unaware of the locations of other packs in the area, although he knew they must exist. The sheer number of loners had to be funnelling into somewhere. He observed his first friend with a cautious eye. Her breathing had improved immensely from the rapid pant it had initially been before he began his task.

So it would mean approaching another pack...

Growing up, the majority of his interactions with other packs had been mostly violent, not because they were prone to volatile interactions but because their lands were sought after, right through intersecting migration routes, close to a body of water, mostly sheltered from the snows because of the dense canopy of trees that was the sky he grew up knowing... Would this pack take his intrusion as similar? But if the leader was Ruiko's friend than surely not.

Rebecca should be up and about again in the morning, if a little stiff. The sooner she got back on her feet the better. <b>"I will travel before the end of the week with your leave. The sooner I learn, the better I imagine..."</b> he said determinedly. Although he would rather another completely train healer prance up on their borders he would do what he had to for the good of the pack. And right now, a medic was what they were lacking.</blockquote>
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Kanosak seemed thoughtful over his words, and as both males turned to glance down at the now peacefully sleeping Rebecca, it seemed to the Leader that they had little choice. Ruiko had always the slightest worry that the she-wolf was reckless, and as she lay before them, battered and torn, he came to wonder how her injuries had become so terrible and why she hadn’t scented the dangerous creature to begin with. Unless it had come upon her unawares..

The mystery was something he would never solve, and at Kanosak’s words, the regal wolf offered a gruff nod of his broad muzzle. <>“Take another with you.” There was a pause as his mind searched for who could accompany the golden male – someone who would be of use to him. “Volkan, perhaps,” he murmured with a flick of his tail, knowing the swarthy girl was usually up for some form of excitement. The more wolves that learned from Elettra, if she would even extend her skills and knowledge to outsiders’, the better. It would also allow the two wolves to become further acquainted with one another rather than either falling back on a single companion they were comfortable with.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>Were it not for the worry the golden wolf felt for his dark pack mate he may have been excited to hear Ruiko suggest Volkan as a travelling companion. A sociable fellow, he hadn't really had a chance to get to know the girl well beyond their little group romp by the spring and he prided himself on knowing all of his pack mates. The opportunity to get to know the young female better, and to learn together would be a welcome distraction from the weight he was carrying on his shoulders.

Instead, his leader was met with an almost absent minded nod. Not disrespectful, but thoughtful none the less. There was much to do before he could leave, the most important of which was ensuring Rebecca continued to recover and didn't take a turn for the worst. He was prepared for a sleepless night, potentially two to make sure she pulled through.

Settling himself just outside her den so he would be at hand if she needed him he turned respectful golden eyes back to his leader. <b>"Thank you."</b> he said from the bottom of his heart. He wasn't the sort to go racing off without permission from his leaders first and he knew his absence would mean an extra burden on the tawny giant. Hopefully the wolves of the Hollow wouldn't turn them away.</blockquote>

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