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deus ex machina
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<i> yeah, I'll wrap it up here. xD definitely much going on. Sarah archive it after you read it if ya would, if you want to post again feel free too. ;)</i>

    no good deed goes unpunished.

It was no shock Elettra would not do so. It became a reality instead of a high hope. Her words shooting it down before it could ever really live. So be it, Jayseyk had attempted to mend, or even start something and it was just not to be. She nodded knowingly to the dark coated lady aware how deep a cut Jaysyek was putting into her, between them. It hurt her inside deeply to know this, to see it with her own eyes. It became like a dire sound, sharp and cold that one day she may have decide between Elettra, and the ones she'd let back in. It was her worst fear, something she had assumed when she had let both back into the Hollow. For it to be voiced only made it that much more true. "I understand, and will not expect you to trust, nor serve those you don't see fit." She stated, her voice void of any emotion almost like what she felt inside. Empty, and hollow. She watched with somewhat sad eyes when Elettra walked away, as if she was taking a part of her too. She did not want anyone to go. Why was there always a goodbye. She felt a flicker of anger at her life, where she was, and how the cards had been dealt to her. It was quickly pressed away, and she quietly pulled herself away from Kiche who seemed to be trying to soak in what had passed.

Sitting down she her energy seemed to be drained from the single moment, and she couldn't shake the empty feeling. She wasn't aware Kiche had moved, or anything else was happening outside her cold body. The soft hushed sounds pushed together forming her name released her from her prisoner of thoughts. Mismatched eyes flashed to the Kiche's bright pair. What seemed like the hundredth time he apologized. She did not know everything he was sorry for, but gently bobbed her head. She couldn't do any more to assure him, and she couldn't lie and say it was okay. She had made the choice to bring him back, and she'd live with it. Her breath tight in her chest, she was about to pull herself away to be somewhere private to divid her thoughts when she halted. He was questioning what she'd said? A knot had formed in her throat, very dry and rough she had to swallow to start her own vocal chords. "Yes, Kiche I believe as wolves change for the bad they can also change for the better. What is life with no redemption?" A broken smile pulled up her lips, and she stared at him with a warmness to her pools of gold, and blue. She would hope no one held every little thing against her, and she could not believe someone was solely damned by a single action or choice. She sighed, and stood up turning away from the ginger male. She quietly dipped her head in a silent way of excusing herself. Just then he spotted Kade, her eyes flashed with a flick of uncertain emotion, but could not bare to look at him, and continued walking off outside of the Hollow boundaries.

(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2012, 07:16 PM by Jaysyek.)
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