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Who is fairest of them all? — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Sarah who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hocus Lyall
<blockquote>Mountains were steep and sharp, and that ridge looked as treacherous as they come, but Hocus couldn't deny a certain appeal in scaling its heights, if only for the serene view it would offer him. The task would be a great undertaking, and he could see why Rhysis didn't want him going there yet. Hocus had no interest in going beyond the lore, at least not yet. It sounded like the lore was the only safe haven in a sea of uncertainty. He was enraptured by Rhysis' description of the outside, however. How could anything survive such chaos?

Rhysis clearly had Hocus' best intentions in just wanting to show Hocus the wider world. Was he just a simple guide? Surely if he was duplicitous he would have killed or attacked him by now? The smile had admittedly relaxed Hocus' guard, it was true. This dark wolf seemed quite trustworthy and selfless, when Hocus reflected on it.

<b>"What can we go?"</b> Hocus asked eagerly. <b>"What do I have to do to prepare?"</b>
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
sucoH is far too cute. <3 I was to shake him and tell him not to be such a fool! xD

<blockquote>sisyhR chuckled, a sound which he wasn’t used to hearing as it came from himself, but he did find the situation amusing. He had the little tyke ensnared in a dream, a dream of adventure and of showing your worth and like any young pup, wanting to prove that he was capable of anything. sisyhR had been like that from a young age... but he believed he was difference because he would achieve anything he wanted. Delusional perhaps, but so far everything had been going so well and he had no reason to believe otherwise.

<b>”Ah nedroB. You can’t go running off on an adventure just like that now. I’m sure your folks would worry about you.”</b> he said, the aim to suggest that his parents would stop him from going, it was far too dangerous for a grown wolf, let alone a little one and sisyhR didn’t want to harm would could be a very useful asset just yet. With the little tykes adoration, he could easily manipulate the youth, turn him against his family, get information about his pack which even its other members may not yet know- this youth must be the son of the pack leaders, and he would know much of the pack affairs- useful for anyone thinking of starting up a rival pack indeed.

He offered the youngster another kind smile before he stood and began to stretch in a feline way, arching his back and allowing a yawn to escape from his jaws as his front limbs raked at the terrain. His bunched muscles appreciated the break from having remained still for so long, and he needed to appear as friendly as possible, especially as he was still uncertain as to there being any adults in the area. <b>”I’m sure your poor mother would have kittens if you were to go wandering off with a stranger like me. We don’t want her worrying, do we?”</b> he asked, glancing back to the kid with a kind expression.

A noise from the thickets closeby interrupted his thoughts. He felt as if someone was watching. Perhaps it was time to leave. With a glance back to the kid he smiled with a tilted head. <b>"I must be going... but I hope we meet again nedroB. This has been.... fun"</b> he said before he turned and slipped into the shadows.
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 02:11 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]