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take it easy for a little while — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
Vaken Svart
Vaken walked slowly, hesitating each step. He smelt coyote in the breeze, and that scared him. His luck hadn’t been good with them. Alone, he was a walking target. He wasn’t strong or intimidating enough to scare them off alone. Any small kill he hunted would have to be devoured quickly. The longer he took eating, the more time the coyotes had to track the smell. He needed to eat though. It felt like he was constantly hunting, and yet he wasn’t eating much at all. The constant threat of coyote made it even harder for him to enjoy a proper meal.

He took a break, sitting along the foggy floor. The last few days had been eventful. He had travelled a fair amount, avoiding pack territory. He knew by the smell that he was close to a border, but he was distancing himself. He hoped the smell of wolves would keep the coyotes wary. He felt more at peace here than he usually did, comforted by the silence and blue hue. It was peaceful. He looked a little out of place, his fur not blending in well to the darkness. He wagged his tail into the dirt, letting small twigs and leaves to get stuck.

That’s when he heard the rabbit. Slightly far in the distance, but still obtainable. Vaken lowered his head and body to try and blend in. His heart was only half in it, but if it was a quick meal he’d be grateful.

I feel numb, born with a weak heart

I guess I must be having fun

(This post was last modified: Jun 26, 2018, 04:33 AM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

The pups were about five weeks old now and well on their way to being weaned. Which meant that Aponi was starting to get some of her sorely missed freedom back. No longer was she constant being attached to at the stomach for food and she was free to leave them for a few hours to hunt if she so pleased. Not only that, but @”Azra” and @”Kisina” were now old enough to follow the older pack members for walks through the territory and mock “border patrols”. Things were far from easy but the children seemed to be doing well, they knew no different.

The mother had left the twins in the care of their father while she had excused herself to go out in search of smaller prey. She wouldn’t stray too far from the borders with the recent run ins with coyotes but she needed to get far enough away to catch herself a meal. The alpha had been low to the ground, silver pelt blending into the blue mist as she stalked after a hare when the sound of rustling nearby distracted her.

Without her focus Aponi stepped on a branch which cracked beneath her weight and caused the rabbit to take off. But, the Donata - or should she call herself an Aquila again? - wasn’t worried about that, was the sound another vermin coyote or a much larger cousin. Standing to full height with her silver tail stiff behind her she barked out, ”Show yourself.” If it was a coyote maybe they would run, but if it was a wolf she still had questions. They didn’t get many visitors this close to the Bend.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
Vaken Svart

Vaken heard the twig snap and watched the rabbit bolt off in disappointment. He looked down at his own paws questioningly, wondering if maybe it was him that made the noise. Then he heard the other wolf’s voice. Against her request, he didn’t reveal himself right away. He didn’t register the authority in her tone. The demand only registered as a request to the lone wolf. He only hesitated for a second, making up his mind. He could run. It would be the safest option, but not the one he was happiest with. He huffed, then slowly stood up completely, stepping around the foliage into view.

He glanced at her fur briefly, following the silver of her back up along her icy eyes. He noticed the scar along her muzzle and her muscle tone. He sniffed the air again, trying to read more about her. He didn’t want to presume her status, but she didn’t read like a lone wolf. She looked healthy. He felt a little pang of jealousy, but quickly shook it off. He was doing fine too, sort of. He took a small step forward, testing the boundaries. He was still an appropriate distance away, but it felt only polite to let her get a closer look.

He knew he was small and thin. He wasn’t a threat, and the sooner she knew that the better. He wasn’t dumb. He wasn’t going to start a fight. He just hoped she wouldn’t either. "Scared my rabbit away,"he said dryly. It wasn’t spoken aggressively or with much humour. It was completely void of emotion, just observational. "Coyotes will probably be here any second to see what the ruckus is." He had just about enough of those pests. If they showed up, he would surely run away, especially if there were only the two of them to chase them off. 

He wasn’t letting his guard down. Not only was he on high alert with the female, but his eyes glanced around nervously for the coyotes. His fur wasn’t bristling, but his body was tense. He didn’t trust his surroundings, and he was prepared to bolt at any second. "“My name is Vaken Svart."

He spoke confidently, but not with extensive pride. The name Svart didn’t have a history around here. There was no prestigious heritage. He wasn’t expecting to be known of. He sniffed the air again, trying to taste the area. “I’m just travelling through from the north. I’m not a threat to the pack," he took another sniff of air. “If that's what you are." He wasn’t sure if it was safe to assume. He knew it was a sensitive topic with most wolves and that made him cautious. Insulting someone’s ego was just as dangerous as a bite to the throat.

I feel numb, born with a weak heart

I guess I must be having fun

(This post was last modified: Jul 04, 2018, 07:40 PM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Whoever or whatever was out there in the woods didn’t show themselves immediately to her deman and the woman’s silver tail flicked behind her in annoyance. However, her minimal amount of patience was rewarded with the figure of a small dark wolf, a loner clearly. It was evident not only from his slightly thin frame but also from the lack other’s scent mingling with his own.

Blue eyes flicked upwards to the stranger’s orange, making dead eye contact at his comment and smirking, ”I scared my own rabbit.” She had been following it and these woods certainly belong more to herself than to some loner wandering through. Shrugging off his statement her tone was dismissive, ”The coyotes aren’t much of a threat to a pack wolf, especially since my subordinates are only a call away.” The implication was there, the vermin were a loners problem. Sure they would still be an annoyance to a pack wolf out on their own but it wouldn’t take much to get enough backup to scare them off.

The loner however had more manners than herself and instead of continuing their dry, sarcastic conversation he introduced himself. Flicking tail stilled and sarcasm was dropped, ”Aponi, leader of Oak Tree Bend.” Aponi what she wasn’t quite sure of these days, should she still call herself a Donata and if not would introducing herself as an Aquila again be the final nail in her marriage’s coffin?

Raising a single silver brow the sarcastic smirk reappeared, ”If you’re not a threat then what are you?”

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
Vaken Svart

Vaken flicked his tail and dropped to a slightly more submissive position. Leader? That was just his luck. His instinct was to challenge her dominance, lift his tail higher and hold eye contact, but his frail frame kept him in place. He wasn’t in any position to fight, especially over something so futile. If he challenged her, what would he win? The rabbit was already gone. Her respect meant nothing. Most importantly: he wouldn’t win. With vague disappointment he kept his body language lesser. Not because he respected her more for her alpha status, but because he had a will to live.

He gave a snort when she spoke, but otherwise remained poised. His eyes stayed focused on her and he kept his neck protected, lowering his chin. He was relaxed, but not trusting. He wasn’t going to turn his back on her even for a second, but he wasn’t completely on edge. Her personality was strangely charming to the young wolf. “Okay, fine,” he retorted. “I’m a threat.” He almost laughed as he said it, but held his lips tightly closed. He knew it was a foolish thing to say, but he wasn’t going to call himself an ally. He wasn’t going to justify his good intentions. He didn’t have any intentions at all, he was just looking to hunt.

He plopped a seat on the ground. His butt hit the forest floor with a slight thud and he let out a little grunt. His rear was bonier than he had remembered it to be. “You gonna call those subordinates? I mean-” he flashed a goofy look around the forest. “If you don’t think a pack of coyotes are a threat, but that I am,” his little tail started to wag. “I’m flattered. Call in the crusade.”

I feel numb, born with a weak heart

I guess I must be having fun

(This post was last modified: Jun 27, 2018, 10:29 PM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
I am so sorry this took so long!

Vaken may be a scrawny looking loner but he was a smart one, smart enough to show her some respect at least. Taking note of his submissive posture Aponi allowed her own frame to relax, a clear display that she wasn’t looking for a physical fight. Not today. Though come to think of it it had been a long time since she had been able to take out some of her physical frustration. She wondered if one of the yearlings might be up to a spar sometime this week.

His snort was matched with a smirk, she appreciated a wolf who recognized sarcasm for the humor it was and not immediately an insult. If Aponi was going to insult you you would know it. Her own silver rump settled upon the ground as she looked Vaken over, ”You’re skinnier than a coyote, I doubt I would need a full crusade maybe only a warrior or two.” Not to mention that she herself was probably the closest to a warrior that the Bend had. The evidence of that was as clear as the scars that marred her muzzle.

Glancing around briefly the queen almost wanted to call this brief but entertaining exchange over and head back to the territory. But, that was looking less and less appealing these days and so she remained, ”So what’s to the south that’s got you travelling so far? You’re not looking for something more permanent I suppose?” Most loners called when they got near the borders if they were looking to make good impressions. But, Aponi supposed she could make an exception based on his wit alone.

(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2018, 03:13 AM by Sahalie.)
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
OOC: no rush! Take your time with this thread

I feel numb, born with a weak heart

“You’re underestimating me,” he chuckled lightheartedly. Only a warrior or two? He snickered, but it wasn’t genuine. He knew he was small, and thin, not very strong. He pressed his lips together firmly but cracked a small smile. He wasn’t going to admit that easily that he wasn’t a fighter. He felt like a fighter, and that had to count for something.

He knew this women, with her grey eyes and muscular frame could probably kill him herself. She was leader of a pack, clearly strong- physically and mentally. He admired the way she carried herself. There was a certain confidence and beauty in her actions that Vaken sorely lacked. Would he say that out loud? Hell no. Puffing out his chest, the yearling glanced at his body sceptically. Sure, he hadn’t been eating that great. He was alone. His legs were mostly bone, but hell. He had fought more coyotes and wolves within his time in relic lore than he ever imagined he would in a life time.

Surviving this long in such conditions had been a feat. He shrugged playfully, and stood again. This time he stretched out, pressing his belly to the floor and cracking his spine. “Not permanency,” he admitted. “I was looking to catch that rabbit."

He smiled to himself, clearly enjoying the banter- but offered her a more serious look. “I hadn’t meant to get so close to the border. Foods getting scare out there with the coyotes- but I’m just passing through.”

He had no interest in disturbing the residing pack. He wasn’t planning on trespassing or causing trouble. He quirked an eyebrow, and almost wishfully opened his mouth. “You ever met a wolf named Nashoba?” He knew the name alone probably wasn’t too helpful, but what were the chances of another Nashoba existing in the area. He would have killed to have some blood relation to this women- with her beauty and strength. He knew it wasn’t likely- but still. “His family name is a mystery- to me. He was alpha of a pack south of here- far south.”

I guess I must be having fun
(This post was last modified: Jul 27, 2018, 05:23 AM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Aponi made no attempt to hide the playful roll of her eyes at his comment, ”I’m not prone to underestimating wolves, that’s a dangerous business to be in.” It had gotten many canines injured, even killed depending on how grave their judgement in error was. Two warriors would have been generous to take Vaken down and they both knew it, it was an unacknowledged truth in this exchange. She wasn’t currently utilizing it but she had all the power here.

The alpha was almost disappointed that the loner wasn’t looking for anything permanent. He was witty in a sarcastic kind of way, and they certainly needed the numbers even if they were skinny. Surviving as a loner with the constant coyote vermin was certainly credit enough that he would be useful. Shrugging casually she offered, ”If you ever change your mind, come calling at my borders and we’ll see if we could make a warrior out of you.” It wasn’t everyday she made suggestions like this one, Aponi was a hard woman to impress even at the best of times.

Shaking her head remorsefully she had only a little information to give, ”Never heard of a Nashoba, and the only pack I’ve ever known south of here was Quaking Vale.” And, because she loved to scorn at that pack in particular she added, ”But I knew both their leaders, practically children.” Who said she was still bitter?

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Joe who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vaken Svart
OOC: fade with the next post?

I feel numb, born with a weak heart

As expected, the name Nashoba was not familiar to the woman. Even though it had been a shot in the dark, disappointment stung Vaken. He had really been hoping. Keeping his face clear, he tried to conceal the signs of sadness. He succeeded mostly, but the corners of his mouth twitched down. It didn’t take long for the boy to turn his attention from his thoughts back to the lady though, and his frown was replaced with a straight line. Something about her commanded his full awareness.

He respected her so fully, more than he had many others. The insolent boy was normally too impulsive, too selfish to listen to someone so fully. With Aponi, he was silent. Even his breathing was quieter in order catch every word clearly. Maybe it was the way she carried herself, the scars on her fur, maybe even the way she spoke. He couldn’t put his paw on it, but there was something there that drew him in. He was still playful and teasing, but he couldn’t hide his admiration completely. The invite did not fall on deaf ears. If anything, her invite was more inviting than any of the others had been. He liked her. That was farther than anyone else had got. “Keep your ears open for me,” he purred.

It wasn’t a promise. He wasn’t devoting his loyalty to her- but he wasn’t denying it either. He was certain he would see her again. Whether he joined her pack or not, he wasn’t ready to make any decisions. He enjoyed her company and was certain he could learn a lot. That was enticing. 

Looking over his shoulder, he stared off into the direction of his travels. He wanted to stay with her longer, ask more about the Quaking Vale pack, but time was money. He needed to hunt, to eat and rest. The heat stole most of his energy and he was growing lethargic. “I’m sure we’ll bump into each other again,” he added softly, nodding his head. It was time for him to take his leave.

I guess I must be having fun
(This post was last modified: Aug 20, 2018, 09:23 PM by Vaken.)
currently travelling with Circe (she can jump in any of his threads)
[Image: bountyhunter_otb_by_a_yellow_bird-dc8zt91.png]
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

The queen paid little mind to Vaken’s frown, his disappointment was not her problem and she was sure he would hear no far more times than he heard yes. If he was going to frown every time someone had never heard of Nashoba then he might as well get ready to frown for the rest of his life. Even those who had heard such a strange name might be more likely to hold their cards close to their chest. You could never be too careful when a strange wolf was asking around, unless he had something to offer in return.

Smirking at his purr Aponi flicked her silver tail in dismissal. It was clear that this meeting was over and after watching his small frame disappear into the woods she had to admit it was time for her to return as well. Turning she made her way back into the Bend, the pups would be hungry by now.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]