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Show what you're worth — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
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Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Easily predicted - the entire atmosphere shifted with his arrival, going from slightly tense to something much worse. Triell snapped into a rigid position, shielding poor Hael who looked lost and bewildered - and Hartt, she tucked her tail and dropped low as if that could save her miserable hide. Ice looked at her with scorn, though his heart ached for the soon-to-be-yearling with the red muzzle. He heard Triell murmur soothingly, and desperately wished that he could do the same. He didn't want to make the boy feel bad, but he couldn't drop the act now. They'd have to patch it up later. They were wolves. Surely they'd understand each other, and the need to protect. Being a pup, he guessed Rihael had lived a sheltered life here in the Grove. For one of his first meetings with a loner to be so.. tense, was cruel.

Hartt began to talk, about explaining herself to Corinna, and Ice snorted. Why was she wasting breath on him then? One had to admire her stubbornness and courage, but it would do her little good now. Besides, as Triell also had noticed in his mind, the only place she'd be able to hold was lowest. With neither Corinna nor Ice inclined to like her... well, it'd not be such a nice life. It could even be considered a kindness, a mercy, to drive her out. Her words about her parents and upbringing didn't do much good either. The large male frowned, then gave his head a small shake. Stupid. She would've had some form of pack to care for her, otherwise she'd be dead. "You should've known," he growled out, voice harsh and raspy. It was in their blood. Even someone as awkward as Ice had it in his bones how to act. Besides, as Triell pointed out, having spent time alone with Hael would surely not do her any good either. Pushing aside his own insecurity and the doubts gnawing at him, he took a step forward, trying to push her back. He had to be liege to his instinct, but it was hard - at one moment he wanted to drive her out, in the next, he'd be willing to step back, reconsider, ponder... He hardened himself. If she'd survived the most crucial time of her young life as a loner, she could very well survive alone for a bit longer.

"Well, clearly you are being judged now," he pointed out stiffly, yet another large paw closing the gap between them. Triell was urging her away, and Ice, conflicted, did the same. To suddenly drop it now would be bad, even though he sort of wanted to take pity on her. She was just young and stupid. We don't need young, stupid wolves when the next litter comes, he reminded himself sternly. Who was to say Hartt wouldn't misstep and get too close to the pups, and stress Corinna? Or that her hunting skills would fail them? He'd much rather rely on someone adult, such as Teldias, for food. A slight frown adorned his face and he stilled, giving her the chance to save herself and go. It was for the better, he told himself, even though his hearts had his doubts. If only Corinna were here... if she was, he'd know if he was doing the right thing or not.

"Go," he simply said, suddenly tired of it all.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
OOC: Sorry it's so short and pathetic. Muse ran off on me :(

Hartt backed up when the two large wolves made it clear that she wasn't welcome and probably never would be. She looked down and nodded. <b>"Alright. I'm sorry. I'll be on my way."</b> Hartt turned around and ran from the Sacred Grove.

She ran as far as her feet would carry her before she slowed down. She looked back in the direction of the grove and turned and kept running, never looking back again.

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2012, 07:45 AM by Hartt.)
Played by Chels who has 76 posts.
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Rihael Tainn
Just closing this out...
<blockquote>Rude to Mom? Triell's words were like poison, and though calmed by his uncle's words, Hael found himself at a loss for what to do, staring at Triell and Ice as they defended Swift River's integrity. They were so large, so impressive— and just like that, Hartt backed off, turned tail, and ran. Still perplexed, the kid stared back and forth between the two, noticing a strange churning in his stomach. He knew it was just because he'd made a mistake, and apparently a bad one, but the shame of this whole encounter... made him feel sick. He shouldn't have eaten that deer, shouldn't have been so foolish as to talk to a stranger like this...

<b>"...I'm going to the den,"</b> he told the two adults, taking a few steps back from the deer before turning his back and heading away quickly. Just when he thought he was important! For the first time, Hael was at a loss, his outgoing nature having gotten him in trouble. He cast a rueful glance back at Uncle Triell, with a final <b>"I'm sorry,"</b> before disappearing through the trees, hopefully fast enough not to be followed.</blockquote>
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100px;"><img src="http://moral-lock.com/rl/sr1.png"></div>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Ice's own intolerance, and annoyance only seemed to make Triell know he had chosen the right decision. She didn't deserve to stay, she would have to seek else where. If they were kind and let every sad, pathetic story in there would be more mouth's to feed, than hunters. Life simply did not work that way. Survival of the fittest, and if what she said was true she should not exist. Better she should have been on her knees begging Corinna for a home on her first encounter. It was probably best he did not know what she had done, or already his teeth could have sank into her flesh. Ice came forward Triell only further stiffened his body, letting his lip curl above his white fangs. He was not about to count aloud, and his eyes were already looking for a weak target of her body. She would have no one's trusts, and what kind of life was that? The answer was none. She'd be worse than looked down upon, and who really had patience to teach her? Triell was tired of the excuses.

He let his jaws snap, another rough growl mixed with a bark shoot out of his open mouth. She looked so pathetic if she had come any other way maybe it would have worked better. Now she only had a snow ball's chance in hell. She mumbled her apologies and took flight. Triell let out a fierce bark to keep her running. He would have liked to pursue her, he instead turned to Hael, very worried about what he was taking in. He could see how his pride was hurt, and his eyes filled with questions. Triell would not mistake the hint of shame in choosing wrong. He'd only been that a year ago, and calmly took a step closer to assure him it was okay. He was moving away, saying he would be at the den. Triell's head hung low as the boy muttered a sorry, and took off like a wild rabbit through the trees. He was tempted to chase after him, and console him. But could he? He wasn't very certain of his ability to do so. A frown cut heavily across his dark jaw. Sooner or later he would need to see him or at least let Corinna know what happened. "I'm gonna make sure she's gone, and then I'll be back to help take that deer home." He muttered his tone indifferent, recalling his own hard times of being a pup unsure of anything. Swiftly he took up after the white wolf's trail to make sure she had went far, far away from the Grove.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It seemed that their advances had the desired effect. The taut, drawn atmosphere fractured, powerful brisance; the world slowly fell apart, cracks torn through the skies and through his mind. Weariness edged him, wrapped him in a gray and bothersome embrace, and it was with no particular emotion at all that he watched the pale wolf bolt from the scene of mental destruction. There was no satisfaction in this today, in keeping the perimeter secure and unwanted visitors out - it simply was, in the way that life can be heavy; a burden.

The kid - Hael - bolted, Triell's face a mask of.. what? Worry? Anxiety? He was frowning, that much Ice saw before he flung a tired "S'okay!" after the fleeing youth. Ice didn't really understand what had happened, but it wasn't perfect - it was slightly skewed, less than ideal. Winter eyes snapped back to Triell, muzzle placing an affectionate, assuring nudge on his inky cheek. He didn't respond, just gave a silent nod - what was there to say? Ironic comments about having won a deer? Unlikely. As Triell sped away, Ice allowed himself to heave a sigh. The world felt queer - as if something truly had blown up and left his ears ringing and his soul shocked. Wearily, he sank down on his haunches and stared morosely at the dead, glazed-over eyes of the deer, waiting for Triell to return.

[ the end. ]
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul