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Perfect Tranquility — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Clear — Current Temperature: 56° F/13° C

The tranquile silence of the lagoon soothed the white girl. All the arguing and tension of the trip to meet the black man, has irritated Athena beyond the limit. The other female that traveled with Val and herself, has had the biggest mouth that Athena has ever heard. She never stops complaining or when she's not complianing, she's trying to get into an argument with Athena. The white lady is now overly stressed, emotionally exhausted, and beyond irritated. It would be unwise to upset this she-wolf.

The white she-wolf gazed across the partly frozen lake. Although, the world was a mealting mud bowl, the lake was still beautiful as always. The temperature was rising steadily and the mealting snow occasionally hit the top her head when she past under the treetops. The trees didn't have their signature scent as they usually did. Without their leaves, her world seemed bare and unsafe. Her favorite sound of rustling leaves, left her ears yearning for that wonderful sound.

The white female started moving again, moving anywhere her long, lean legs would take her. She's filled out more, since her travelings with Valiant and Hawke. It was very easy to catch larger prey with three able-bodied wolves. Her stomach was full, but her mind was agitated. She had to keep moving, or else her mind would think about the dreaded trip. She's taken a little walk to get away from the ever-rising tension. It seemed like the trip couldn't go by any slower. You could literally cut the tenison in half with a knife.

Athena's ears were perked up for any sign of life. There were the annoying squirrels in their trees, gabbering about with their kin. The occasional hare hopped by. This perked Athena's interest. She was a exceptional hunter, her speed and stamina allowed her to keep up with her larger prey or the faster, more agile ones. The white girl crouched down into the traditional hunting posture. She crept forward until she was a decent distance from the hare. The pale female lunged herself towards the rabbit. The rabbit in turn skitted away, running for it's life. Athena chased after it, mimicking it's every move.

Finally, her white maw clamped down on the white hare. Crimson blood, trickled down her jaw landing on the dirtied ground. The pale lady laid down on the ground and enjoyed her catch with eager anticipation. She wasn't realitly hungry, but an extra meal wouldn't hurt. The tiny female laid there, devouring her meal.
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Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
Kama was running, chasing visions that weren't there. Her mind constantly playing tricks on her. She grew increasingly more frustrated every minute. She snarled and lunged, landing next to a tree with a lake in her line of sight. She looked around, the lake wasn't completely frozen over so she walked forward and lowered her head, lapping up the cold water.

When she looked up, she picked up a scent that she was very familiar with, blood. She took off in the direction it was coming from. Hopefully someone had just caught a meal she could steal. A white female came into view, she was laying down and digging into a white hare. Its fur was beginning to stain with the red liquid seeping from its body. Kama slowed, walking closer to the female. Hoping to get just a bit of the rabbit.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The female's white fur was getting stained with the crimson blood. She didn't mind, though, she could easily wash it off in the nearby lake or a stream. The sound of cautious paws behind her, sparked a flame inside her and she instinctively went on guard of her prey. This was her food and nobody was going to take it from her. Even if they were utterly starving.

Her white body flung around to guard her prey as her eyes sought out the noise. The amber orbs finally laid upon a lone figure. A black she-wolf was approaching her with cautious steps. She didn't know what or why the female was approaching her, but she had an idea that is about her hare. The wolf was larger that Athena's petite frame and the wolf looked hungry. Athena's teeth bared in warning not to come any closer. Her hackles were raised and her position was aggressive. She relatively didn't like it when wolves crept up on her, she thought of it as rude and inconsiderate. Athena may be much smaller than the wolf in front of her, but she obviously had more speed and stamina than her contender. The tiny wolf looked way more menacing than most of her size. That's what you get when you experience this particular wolf's past.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
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Kama Rydell
Kama had noticed a sick doe not too far from where the white female was. She crouched low, slowly moving closer to the she-wolf. She was guarding the bit of rabbit she had left. Kama spoke as quietly as she could once she was right in front of the white girl. <b>"Be quiet, you're going to scare her away."</b> The deer had its back facing the two girls and Kama slowly crept closer.

Kama jumped onto the doe's back and bit into the back of its neck. Her muscle mass was enough weight that the doe tripped over its own hooves and fell to the ground. Kama took that opportunity to sink her teeth into its vulnerable throat, cutting off its circulation. She bit down harder, tasting blood in her mouth. The body went limp and Kama licked the blood from her lips as she moved to the deer's belly. She looked up at the she-wolf. <b>"There is more than enough if you want some."</b> Kama lowered her head and tore at the flesh.
(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2012, 10:16 PM by Kama.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Well, I have to say that was a bit unrealistic. Usually a wolf can't just take down a deer by it's self, unless the deer was sick and couldn't run away. But you didn't state that, so I have to assume that the deer was healthy. I'd like this to be as realistic as possible, so can you please be realistic. Thanks

The white femme narrowed her eyes at the black wolf and her recent catch. The doe didn't put up a struggle, which was odd, maybe it may have been ill or injuired. The crimson blood trickled down the female's black lips, making the white girl's mouth water. Athena glanced down at her minuscule catch. The hare was half way eaten, still enough meat for a quality meal. Although, the doe's flesh smelled delicious, she had no desire to step any closer to the other lupus. Physical contact wasn't her forte.

When the black woman spoke, Athena had to fight the urge to saunter over and rip a chunk out of the deer's hindquarter. She shook her head, trying to eliminate the urge. Her amber orbs laid back upon her rabbit. Her triangular ears pointed back towards the other female as she took another chunk out of the bunny.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Shelby who has 43 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kama Rydell
Kama devoured the doe's flesh and looked up at the white female. She seemed hesitant to come near Kama, which was understandable. With her large, muscular form and the scars she did appear to be more than a little intimidating to most other wolves. Plus she had been trying to steal the she-wolf's rabbit until she noticed the sick doe stumbling around.

Once she had eaten her fill, Kama stepped back from the doe, giving the white female plenty of room. <b>"Deer tastes better than rabbit. I've had my fill, if you want some take it. Otherwise it's going to sit here until another hungry wolf comes along."</b> She was trying to be friendly but she wasn't doing too well. Kama sat down and smiled at the she-wolf. <b>"I'm Kama."</b> She wagged her tail, hoping the female would loosen up.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
OOC: Apologies for the horrendous wait!

The white lady’s amber orbs never left the wolf before her. It wasn’t in her nature to let down her guard so fast. Even if they offered food, something she needed at times. She was still suspicious of the large female, not just that she was larger than her—she has become used of the oversized beasts that walked relic-lore—but that the female recently just tried to steal her kill. No way was she going to let her guard down now.

But the deer was too mouth-watering to resist. The delicious stench seeped into her black nostrils making her reconsider. I’ll just keep an eye on her. Athena thought to herself. She was surely faster than the female, now called Kama. Speed and stamina were her greatest assists in fights or flights.

Athena slowly walked to the deer’s torn open side. She appeared more feline like than canine; with her long legs and slender figure, she looked like a small snow leopard without the spots. Still keeping her amber orbs sternly on the woman, she bent down and ripped out a chuck of delicious meat. Indeed, the deer meat was much tastier than the rabbit, but she has grown used to it, any meat suited her tastes.

Her observations concluded that Kama didn’t seem to be a threat. At the moment at least. Lifting her head up from the meal, she licked her black lips, catching any excess blood. Her maw was stained red at the moment, giving the usually clean female, a menacing look. Her eyes still narrowed, she decided to speak her name. ”Athena. Athena Moon.” She stated with her always-existing accent.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||