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Having meaning again
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Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>
Pakuna stood, silently, at the border of the unknown territory. Her emerald eyes were filled with absolutely no emotion, her face a blank canvas. A soft wind blew, rustling her mix of black and brown fur. Auds flattened in frustration for a brief moment as she narrowed her eyes, mind racing <i> Oi, Pakuna, ye want to be part of a pack again, aye? Part yer damn jowls and have at it, then.</i> She nodded slowly to herself, lifting her head, and parting her jaws. The shewolf let out a long, low howl, hoping that a wolf that thrived upon this land would appear.

She continued to stand there, but now she felt rather numb. She was rather pleased with herself that she did howl, but how were these wolves to act? Would they be kind, or were they to come at her with fangs bearing and hackles raised? Releasing a sigh, Pakuna's head craned as she scanned the springs, her ears straining to listen for the sound of any approaching wolf. Patience is a virtue, and this is a virtue she excelled in. She could wait all day for a wolf to arrive if she had to. She had recently felt an annoying tugging at her heart, one that persuaded her to join a pack. She had not been w ith other wolves for over three years, and she knew it must change. What was a wolf without a pack? Nothing, that's what. She wished to have meaning again.</span>
(This post was last modified: Feb 29, 2012, 09:24 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The winter was long it seemed. The cold wind of the harsh season bristled at the male’s golden pelt, though the large Leader paid little mind to his discomfort. The sun crept up the skyline earlier and earlier each day, and would not fall below the horizon until later now. The days were becoming longer, which meant that spring would be upon them soon. Ruiko welcomed this change of season, for it meant the pack would be away from the dangers of the harshest weather of the year.

His paws fell heavily upon the frozen grounds as he maneuvered the borders. Scents passed by him; most frequently that of Aeylen and Wille, though other pack members mingled amongst them. It would seem others were pulling their weight by guarding and marking the pack lands, and for that Ruiko was grateful. After all, the pack was made up of nearly all yearlings.

A howl echoed across the sky, and pausing only a moment to decipher the location of the cry, the Tainn male bounded forward, his large figure emerging from the foliage of the springs only moments after his summon. His hardened gaze swept over the she-wolf, though he spoke nothing. Lifting himself as was custom to his rank, the male awaited for her to speak and explain why she was so near his lands and making demands of his presence.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna waited, her ears continuing to strain, her body tense. Within a few minutes, she picked up the sound of heavy foot fall, and a large brute emerged from the foliage around them. Nostrils widened and nose wrinkled as she took in the scent of this creature- he must be the leader. A powerful aura seemed to be cast from him, and Pakuna lowered her dark cranium and thick tail, showing that she meant no harm. She was a bit rusty at this, but she hoped that she'd be able to converse well with this wolf.

Her green auds looked upward, connecting with his golden ones. <b> " 'Ello, sir."</b> she said, gruff voice rumbling in her throat <b> " 'Pologies if ye were busy, but I be interested in joinin' a pack."</b> She continued to look into the alpha's eyes to assure him that she was being completely honest with her words. <b> "It has been much o' a long time since I been in one, but me heart grows old of a lone life. I wish to serve me kind n' watch us prosper."</b> She nodded slightly, black and brown furred head bobbing up and down. She loosened her muscles and relaxed herself, looking as submissive as she possibly could.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko’s ears preened forward at the female’s accent, his eyes blinking once before his stoical mask settled back upon his features. He was unfamiliar with the accent, but it did little to stir his curiosity for the loner before him. Naturally opposed to wolves who lived their life alone, despite having been one, the regal wolf’s words with them were generally short and to the point.

“Ruiko Tainn,” he offered in brief introduction, his tail giving an idle flick. Her submission was noted and the male relaxed slightly, feeling her less of a threat to his pack now. “What’s your name and what can you offer Copper Rock Creek in turn return of giving you a home?” It awed him to the amount of wolves that had settled themselves in Relic Lore as of late. Only a little over a year ago, the male had struggled to keep Swift River ranks up when he had been its leader.
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna continued to be submissive, and was to do so throughout the whole conversation. <b> "Ruiko Tainn, I be Pakuna Atea."</b> she said, dipping her head respectively. Looking back up to the leader, she parted her jaws, explaining herself: <b> "I've always wished to protect me kind, I've always put others before meself."</b> she said. Oh, how it was true. When she traveled with her mother after her home pack had dispersed, she would do anything to protect her, when in reality, the mother was just focused on her young daughter surviving. Being a lone wolf, she never had the opportunity to help and protect other wolven, but with this chance of becoming part of a pack once more, she was not to let it escape.

<b> "I can protect, or provide food. Me ma always considered me a great hunter."</b> Nay, she was not boastful, but rather humble with her words. She did not go into great detail with things unless asked. <b> "Aye, I would take great pride in joinin' yer pack."</b>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The responses from the rogue wolves only varied so much, so upon her answer, Ruiko gave a nod of acceptance. The skill set of the pack was in tune with one another, and the large male would be sure to give allowance for his members to hone any skill they wished to excel or add. “You’re welcome to our ranks then, Pakuna. We’re getting tight on numbers though, and if you don’t pull your weight around here you’ll be standing right back where you started,” he rumbled in light warning.

Moving forward, the hefty regal prowled around the she-wolf’s sides, his body briefly brushing against hers to give her the pack’s scent so she would not be questioned upon entering. Pulling away, Ruiko gave a nod in the direction he had come, his own paws moving back home with the expectance that she would follow him. “Your accent is different than the ones from around here,” he noted, stating the obvious. “Where are you from?”
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna dipped her head graciously to the large wolf. <b>"Much obliged"</b> she said <b>"I will not let ye or me new pack down."</b> She planned on holding true to her words. Pakuna was a wolf of loyalty, for her mother drilled that into her mind when she was just a wee pup. She smiled a bit to herself thinking of her mom before padding quickly to catch up to her new leader. Once caught up to him, she walked in stride with Ruiko. Auds perked forth as he spoke of her accent. It seemed many wolves were curious about her way of speaking.

<b>"Aye, Ruiko, I be from the South. Couldn't tell ye exactly where from, I've been travellin' North for years."</b> she sighed almost inaudibly, for she really could not remember the land in which she had left her mother at a year old. She looked to Ruiko, speaking again <b>"Me birth pack split unexpectedly. I was a half year when it happened; don't 'member a thing, unfortunately."</b> Nay, the female did not want sympathy. She felt as if this wolf would not present any, though, which she favored.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko’s lips held back the twitch of a smile at her words – spoken so brashly and so very unfeminine-like, and yet he could not help but enjoy her presence. She was perhaps the most refreshing rogue he had come across on his borders since Kanosak and Wille.

The wolves walked in stride together, and the male listened quietly to her story – short, and yet to the point. That was how Ruiko liked his conversations. It lacked any luster of imagination, but her honesty was noticed and the large male gave a nod. Not everyone had a whirlwind past. “You’ll settle in fine then,” he decided. After all, if she had traveled for so long, she must have been able to really find a safe haven anywhere, even if it had only been temporary.

The rest of the walk was spent in silence, and as the two came to the clearing that acted as the pack’s main den area, Ruiko offered the she-wolf a nod before departing her side. He was certain she would find herself a warm welcome as her pelt now held the slightest hint of his scent on it, and he would have another round of patrolling before the day was through.