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something may be there — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Rolu pulled on Isa's ear as their eyes met. He sprawled out on the ground, trying to warm his pelt. Isa sat next to him and licked his fur, helping to dry it. When she finished she nipped his chest as he rolled onto his back. <b>"Well I don't know about you Rolu but I could use a nap."</b> She laid down beside him and moved closer so her side was pressed up against his.

Isa looked into his eyes and licked his muzzle. What was this that she felt for her companion. It was unlike anything she had felt for any other wolf before.
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu rolled back over and laid next to her, then cupped himself around her. He looked at her and then but his head on her side. Rolu laid there for a while, before moving his head and asking,<b>"So did you think about joining yet?"</b> He grinned at her and teased her by biting softly on her neck.

He waited for her to answer him, still edge about her side. It had caused pain for her and Rolu knew that. The tawny male turned his head, and looked around before resting his head again on her side. He wondered if his sister and brothers where out there.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
Isa watched as Rolu laid next to her, a smile forming on her face when he cupped himself around her. <b>"Yes I'm going to join Copper Rock Creek."</b> She knew that's what he wanted to hear but it's also what she wanted as well. She wanted to be a part of his pack. He bit her neck softly, teasing her. Isa smirked and nipped at his chest, knowing it tickled him.

She continued to nip at his chest for a moment then pulled on his ear. Isa looked into his eyes and licked his nose before she yawned. She hadn't realized how tired she had gotten.
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
OOC: You think we should end this?

Rolu tried to bit her muzzle softly every time she got his chest. He chuckled and laid his fur flat again with a couple licks to it. He was amazed at how prosistant she could be and was a little glad when she yawned. He was rather tired knowing he hadn't had any sleep for a while, but liked to look at Isa. He loved her, defiantly loved her even if she didn't think so.

Rolu yawned to after a while of sitting there. He was comfortable and after looking around again he laid his head down on her side again. He looked at her and then let his eye lids fall down, and then he opened them sharply to look at her. He finally, closed his eyes and didn't want to open them again, letting everything go dark.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Courtney who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ismeme Theos
OOC: Sure I'll end it on this post

Rolu chuckled each time she nipped at his chest. He yawned a little while after she had. Feeling tired, she rested her head on her paws as he laid his head on her side. She smiled as her eyes began to close, slowly drifting off to sleep.
