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what to think — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Early afternoon. Clear — Current Temperature: 32° F/0° C

Thanatos made his way from the den to the Ghastly Woods. He needed a little time away from Silver. She was in heat and it was beginning to be too much for him to handle. He knew a walk would help clear his head and his senses. Thanatos padded along, small patches of dry grass exposed where the snow had already begun to melt. It was colder that afternoon than it had been for the past few days. Perhaps it would even begin snowing again at some point. Thanatos hoped not. He was ready for spring and the warm weather.

He padded along, picking up the scent of a doe not too far away. He figured he could bring it back to the pack. Slowly, he crept forward as the small deer came into view. She seemed to be healthy enough. No signs of sickness. Thanatos leapt forward and tried to bite the deer's leg but she kicked him in the shoulder. He stumbled for a moment but ignored the pain and immediately went for the doe again. He was able to bite her leg, just under the joint and twisted his head sharply to the side just as his father had taught him. He heard the sharp snap as the deer's leg broke and she stumbled, falling to the ground. Thanatos took the opportunity to bite into her throat before she got the chance to get up. He tightened his grip on her throat and didn't let go until she stopped moving, the last bit of life leaving her body. He let go of her neck and laid down to rest for a moment before he dragged the doe back to the den.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>It felt strange to stray from the Grizzly Hollow borders, but after several meters a gnawing curiosity soon eclipsed the longing ache within Borden that flared up whenever he thought of the white lady who was surely making her rounds now after seeing that Hocus, Arlette and Trisden had had a little something to eat. Whether it had been the yearning to find a new place to hunt in order to fill the caches he was now determined to keep an eye on or the desperate measure he had taken to put some space between him and the pack den, he wasn't quite so sure. He had started to rely on his eyesight when the Wildwood tree line came into view but once the reclaimed soil, full of ash and sprouting plants, he began to walk along with his nose to the ground. Somewhere above him, a bird trilled into a four-note song before taking off and he watched as the sparrow flew off in the direction he had come from. He glared at it randomly then continued on his way. Rabbits seemed to be abundant in this area but what particularly caught his interest was the alluring scent of deer... and the familiar musk that followed it. Or, even better, <i>chased after</i> it.

He lifted his head and tested the air, walking until a metallic fragrance stung his nostrils. <i>Blood.</i> His mouth watered as he took note of where the ground was disturbed. The scattered paw prints and hoof marks in what remained of the snow and shallow pits of mud led him directly to where a coal-pelted figure rested beside a sizable tawny cadaver. He strode forward as confidently as he could with his head and plume-like tail held up, advancing just enough to come within full view and earshot of the dark male. <b>"Afternoon,"</b> he called out in an amiable tone, double-checking the dark male's features. He made an effort to wag his tail in a genial manner, hoping it would "soften" the hard stare he had initially set upon Thanatos. A part of him had been given a shock; if he hadn't looked or smelled properly, he might as well have stumbled nose-first into the almighty Kade himself. The man before him, he was quick to note, though, seemed larger than the new Hollow leader and sported a old wound that trailed over his left eye. <b>"You all right there?"</b> He gestured with a dip of his muzzle towards Thanatos, growing concerned now after seeing the male on the ground.</blockquote>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos heard footsteps heading towards him. He let out a sigh, thinking Silver must have followed him. He was surprised when he heard a males voice and not Silvers. He had to stand and turn his head so he could see the male through his good eye. He looked familiar and when Thanatos picked up his pack scent he realized he had seen the male at the pack meeting. Thanatos quickly submitted to the wolf, treating him more like the leader rather than another subordinate. <b>"Hello Borden. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I had hoped we would get the chance to speak at some point. I'm Thanatos Rua, the seventh of your pack."</b>

Feeling a soreness in his shoulder, Thanatos stretched out before he spoke to Borden. <b>"I'm alright sir. She merrily kicked my shoulder. I've had much worse pain than this so it doesn't bother me much. It's more annoying than anything else."</b> He looked up at the male again, there was much he wanted to talk to him about. Such as, why he would allow Kade to take his place at Jaysyek's side, why he didn't fight Kade to be leader again, and if there was anything he could do to help bring Borden back on top. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind for now. It would be rude to say anything like that at the moment. <b>"What brings you out here sir?"</b>
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The dark man had stood up as Borden approached. He addressed him by name and the Lyall offered a slight smile. <b>"Thanatos,"</b> he returned in greeting. <b>"Pleasure's all mine..."</b> The male's select choice of words made Borden cant his head slightly to one side. <i>"...of your pack."</i> The words floated and writhed at the forefront of his mind. <i>"Your."</i> Perhaps it was a sign? <i>Oh,</i> how he hoped that hearing that one simple possessive word was some sort of omen.

Thanatos assured the older male that he was fine. A kicked shoulder was {probably} the worst occurrence in his feat against the deer. The word <i>"sir"</i> had made one of his dark-rimmed ears twitch as if to discourage some buzzing insect from landing on one of the triangular caves. It had been months since he had heard the word in reference to him. Borden met his gaze, anticipating what questions were about to be asked or what topic would be chosen as a conversation starter. Surely, by how Thanatos seemed to be looking at him, he was thinking of a way to quell the hankering for answers surrounding the lost leader's reappearance. After what Jaysyek had gone through, what her family had suffered and endured, there was no doubt that when one became initiated into the Hollow that her sorrows became reflected in them once the reason for her agony was revealed.

The masked man came back to his senses as a question was asked. What had brought him out here anyway? He blinked twice before he was able to string his answer together. The second use of the word "sir" made him shudder but he was quick to collect himself again. <b>"Just... wanted to escape for a while,"</b> he half-lied, remembering that part of the reason why he had come out this way was to remove himself from the sudden presence of the aromatic scents around the pack territory. <b>"Figured I'd see if I could hunt down anything worthwhile in the meantime."</b> He was just about to return the query but realized at once that Thanatos had more than likely been drawn away from pack soil in search of food. He changed the subject, <b>"So, how're you settling in? I hope Grizzly Hollow has been hospitable to your needs and pack life has proven to be beneficial for you."</b></blockquote>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
OOC: Sorry he is so talkative today

Thanatos noticed his ear twitch and the shudder when he called Borden sir. <b>"Borden, if referring to you as sir bothers you I will stop. You need only say so."</b> It had appeared Borden had something on his mind, but so did Thanatos. He had so many questions for the fallen leader. He wasn't sure if he should ask or if he should hold his tongue. For the moment it seemed best to keep quiet.

<i>"Just wanted to escape for a while."</i> Thanatos chuckled for a moment at Borden's answer and nodded before he spoke. <b>"Don't we all need a bit of an escape every once in a while? That's why I enjoy hunting, helps clear my mind or calm me down depending on what is happening at the moment."</b> He smiled at Borden, enjoying the older males company already. He greatly respected the fallen leader an"d his mind kept going back to the question he desperately wanted to ask. Thanatos held his tongue still, trying not to pry into the males life.

<b>"I'm sorry, I would offer to hunt with you Borden but I already have to drag this doe back home. Perhaps the two of us could hunt together another time?"</b> He hoped he would get to spend more time with Borden. Thanatos listened to Borden's questions and smiled as he answered. <b>"I'm settling in quite well. I actually ran into a female by the name of Silver who just recently became a member of Grizzly Hollow as well. I had met her on two separate occasions before then and helped her out when she became caught between two others who weren't too happy she was there. I've met a few of the other members of the pack. Kiche doesn't seem to be too fond of me and I am acquainted with Valiant and...<i>Kade</i>. But I haven't met any others besides at the pack meeting. I do quite enjoy being a member of <i>your</i> pack Borden."</b> Thanatos made sure to add a little emphasis when he said 'your pack.'

Thanatos couldn't help himself any longer. He looked Borden right in the eyes as he spoke again. <b>"I apologize, I do not mean to pry into your life Borden but I believe you should be leading alongside <i>your</i> mate, not Kade. I don't know the whole story of what happened, all I know is that you were Jaysyek's mate at one point in time but aren't any longer. I may be old fashioned but I believe when you choose a mate, you're mates for life. It is clear in the way you look at her that you still love her very much, which is why I am asking you this,"</b> He paused for a moment before continuing. <b>"What can I do to help you back to Jaysyek's side and back into your proper role?"</b>
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2012, 09:55 AM by Thanatos.)
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote><b>"I-it's fine,"</b> Borden reassured him after he had chimed in that he enjoyed hunting for leisure. He fell quiet and Thanatos offered a smile, which the older male returned. His eyes scanned the ground for a brief moment before he took a seat in the space before him. The air grew still and their conversation teetered on the brink of being discontinued and taken over by awkward silence. Thanatos was quick, however, to apologize that he had already enjoyed the thrill of the chase and taken down some prey. The Lyall shook his head, <b>"That's all right, and I'd be delighted to when we both have the time. If you'd like I could help take a few morsels back with you."</b> His mind went to the caches he had rediscovered around the territory: particularly the one he often checked and refilled by the old bear den and the dug up pit by Jasper Rocks that had been emptied a few days ago by one of the pack's several males. These barely noticeable landmarks, he noted to himself, would have to be replenished. As a Keeper, it was his duty after all.

Thanatos stated that he had been adjusting well and that Silver, a female who had also been initiated into the pack, was one of the few members he had personally met aside from Kiche, Valiant, and Kade. Borden wordlessly nodded as he added that he enjoyed being apart of the pack, but the ex-leader began to grow suspicious about how the male openly acknowledged that the pack had belonged him. As far as Borden was concerned, Jaysyek had announced at the pack meeting that Kade was the new patriarch of Grizzly Hollow. It was apparent to him now that Thanatos had purposefully emphasized the word and the question that the youth had been dying to ask rolled off his tongue.

Everything came out in what seemed to be one, long apology, opinion, observation, declaration, and an offer of assistance all at once. Borden's eyes widened and he took a few moments to think of what to say. <b>"Apology accepted,</b> he started, staring at the digits in his forepaws before lifting them again to look steely into the dark male's mismatched eyes. <b>"<i>Look here... Good for you</i> if that's what you believe. I don't know what you know or what you've been told but <i>good for you.</i>"</b> He paused to evaluate the emotions, if any, on Thanatos' face. <b>"I, too, am old-fashioned but that doesn't make the world soften and praise the affection I lavish upon Lady Jaysyek. If you must know... Change <i>is</i> afoot. Kiche, I assure you isn't too fond of anyone except for a select number of personalities, but he is among the few I have enlisted to aid me in my return to Jaysyek's side. If you'd like to help, I must ask you, as a Guardian and confidant, to look after the children from time to time while I sort things out. See to it that Elettra has not fed them her opinion of me or Kade... becoming Jaysyek's... mate. Time has not been kind you see, and I merely hope that they think what they wish because they've drawn their own conclusions, not because of what the adults have disclosed."</b></blockquote>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Borden seemed at least somewhat excited to hunt with Thanatos at some point. He offered to help bring the doe back to the den and Thanatos nodded. He would probably need the help in case his shoulder did end up giving him any trouble. Borden's eyes widened as Thanatos spoke. He knew he should have kept quiet but everything was already out in the open.

<i>Good for you</i>, Thanatos wasn't sure if it was meant to be sarcastic or if Borden was happy to have someone on his side. <b>"All I have been told was that you were once Jaysyek's mate and, for some reason that is unknown to me, you no longer are. And after the meeting it seemed as if Kade was taking your place."</b> Borden asked his to look after his children and make sure Elettra doesn't try to force her own opinion of Borden or Kade on them. He was right, the children were old enough to be able to make their own conclusions and not be fed information. He nodded as he spoke. <b>"I will watch over your children Borden and I will keep an eye on Elettra. At least Arlette has chosen to be your apprentice and your son asked to work with Kiche. That is less time they will spend away from Elettra."</b>

He looked at Borden, wondering if there was anything else he could do for the fallen leader.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>The Lyall listened intently as Thanatos elaborated upon the facts that he knew. As much as it was unsettling for the male to restate the fact that Kade was "replacing" him, it was just as motivating and assuring that those like Thanatos knew how important it was to Borden for him to reclaim all that might <span class='word'>appertain</span> to the responsibilities of a Grizzly Hollow leader. Borden dipped his muzzle in gratitude as the younger male said he would watch over the pups - even now as they were nearing the brink of becoming yearlings - and offered a sort of comfort that Borden would at least be able to keep an eye out for Arlette. Thanatos looked at him quietly and the masked male's muzzle curled up in a soft smile. For now, he had his gratitude, but time would only tell if Borden's newly-appointed supporter had kept his word.
