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Somebody to love — Pedestal Rock 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
They are far too cute... and right on cue, here comes Rhys to fuck it up! xD
In other news, I must get myself and my daughtered showered, she has pre-school in over an hour and we're still in our PJ's.I shall reply ASAP! <3

<blockquote>Whatever, whoever it was that he had been trying to gnaw on bolted before he managed to get a good hold. He felt his leather pads shift from the soft warmth of body and fur and then they hit the cold, solid terrain of the earth beneath him. Bristles of silver fur stuck to his tongue whilst every nerve in his body seemed to twitch from the sudden adrenaline. He was a ball of energy, ready to explode again without warning... and as soon as Naira brushed against his side he couldn’t stop himself as his jaws snapped towards her ear.

Whilst his mind was still on a buzz from the attack, a thin veil of darkness was between the realms of his mind and reality and he couldn’t fully understand who or what was touching him. All he knew was he had to lash out, scare it away, get it off him no matter the cost. It was clear he wasn’t himself, there was an air about him of pure power, but on the edges was a mixture of confusion. His expression looked a little like that of a lost pup, bewildered at what was going on around him, unable to comprehend the bigger picture.

Were he able to regain some clarity, he would have realised the wolf who’s ear he was trying to rip was a friend, not a foe. Next to Valiant Naira was the only wolf who’s company he could tolerate for more than just a bit of small talk. As if his life wasn’t hard enough, Rhysis always found a way to make it even more difficult for himself. What he needed was a good shaking, something to bring him back to reality and see just what, and who, he was attacking.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
haha too cute indeed. I'll leave Val out for this round, I think its safe to assume he's off in the bushes licking his wounds and wondering if they'll sort their crap out. :P good luck getting to preschool!

<blockquote>In hindsight it had been a stupid move but after his little lecture to his friend earlier, her sudden remembrance bought on another fit of rage as he snapped at her ear, catching the tip painfully in his jaw. She swung her head towards him, hoping to headbutt him just enough to get him to loosen his grip, while not aggravating his headache too much. She was angry but her fight back was half-hearted. She couldn't hurt him if she tried right now. She was far too conflicted and it was almost as if her side was glued to him. She just didn't want to move. He would come out of it soon enough.

She tried hooking her nose under his jaw and she attempted to grab a mouthful of fur on his ruff to try and pull him out of whatever fit he was having. She had heard of beserkers before and she had thought her uncle was bad, but he always managed to get amazing control of himself once the fight was over... she had heard it had taken some time though. Perhaps wriggling was not the best response and she stopped struggling, trying to focus on her breathing.

<i>Damn that smell...</i> she thought to herself with a grimace. She hated it but nobody else seemed to mind and it seemed to get stronger the more she relaxed after being so worked up. It was distinctly her, but stronger.

She needed to get home...


(if he ever lets go of her ear)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He felt, more then he saw, when a heavy thump landed on his throat. He felt, more then he saw, as a chunk of his scruff was snagged between a pair of sharp teeth and forced him to move side to side to prevent himself being torn. It wasn’t feeling that dragged him through the dark veil and into reality, it was scent. From nowhere his nose, which had buried itself in her ear as he tore at it, was filled with a familiar scent. A scent so good he found himself inhaling deeply as if it were some sort of drug. Just like that, his vision cleared and his mind rebooted itself.

His eyes then saw what he was doing. Saw that his teeth were snatched around the tender flesh of her ear and that her pretty eyes were looking at him, a mixture of concern and something he couldn’t read from her. As soon as he realised what he had been doing he dropped the tip of her ear from his jaws and flung himself backwards, moving quickly as his paws would let him until his rear backed up against the stone ledge that they had been at the apex of not so long ago. He noticed from his perspective that Valiant was missing, but for some reason he could taste the furry male on his tongue. He didn’t have time to process his disappearance now though, instead he looked back at Naira. At a loss for words. He didn’t want to ask what had just happened, he couldn’t let her know how easy it was for him to lose control. He begrudged that fact that Valiant knew and that was only because he found him when he was at the peak of his rage and interfered, but he suspected that even the fluffy beast didn’t know the reasons as to why it happened.

<b>”I...”</b> was all he was able to say before he fell silent again. His head was splitting, a feeling which he could only theorise to be guilt was spreading across him. Guilt for what he had done to her... anger towards Valiant... confusion towards himself. He was such a wreck at times of confusion, unable to function. He only worked with stone hard fact and logic, feelings and emotions were such an enigma to him that when they did rear their ugly heads he didn’t know how to deal with it... that is why he ran. He wanted to run, run far away... but Naira blocked his path. <b>”I...”</b> he said with a shake of his head, uncertain of even what to say to her now.

Silence, awkward silence, fell from him.

Quick one before I take her! Back in 10 mins. :D
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She could feel him breathing deeper and could only hope that it was enough to pull him from whatever dark place he found himself. She sighed with relief as he finally let go of her tender, slightly bleeding ear and backed himself against the base of the boulder.

She was still sitting in the same defeated position she had been sitting in when he released her ear, front legs splayed, one ear pinned back, except now she was able to look down at her own blood-stained fur. A bubble of musical laughter escaped her throat laced with relief and mild amusement. She doubted the silver male would be rubbing up against any other strange females any time soon and shaking her head she collapsed to the ground as relief washed over her, feeling the cool earth beneath her body.

The younger male must think her insane but at least she didn't smell like the silver male anymore. She buried her nose into her own shoulder sniffing at their mingled scents. She would have to do something about that before she went home. Looking back to Rhysis she smiled radiantly at him. <b>"Just don't."</b> she said to him quietly, cocking her head to the side to judge his reaction. <b>"Don't worry about it."</b></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>She broke the silence with laughter. Laughter?! He couldn’t recognize what was so funny about it all. She sat there, splaying across the floor in an awkward position with a bleeding ear. He couldn’t stop his head from tilting to the side, utter perplexity plastered across his features as he simple watched her filling the awkward tension between them with a pleasant-sounding laugh. <b>”Why are you laughing?”</b> he asked, rather apprehensively in comparison to his usual steady voice.

He couldn’t back up anymore and the feeling of the cold stone on his rear grew uncomfortable. As if all of the energy within him left in an instant, he slumped his rear onto the ground with a thump and hung his head there, still not quite able to meet her gaze yet. Tiredness swept over him, the headache still throbbed across his skull and all he wanted to do was go home. Lay in his log all alone, sleep and wake up with everything perfect. His character intact, powerful, fearsome... not this fucked up mess that he was. He’d been fine until she came along. He was sure of himself, sure of why he was here, where he was going and what he was doing. Ever since he had laid eyes on Naira everything had become unstitched. He had to cancel his plans to hurt his sister. The pack was taking forever to come together and the females that Valiant had found were not up to scratch. They had no location and now he’d also turned on Valiant, the one wolf he needed to push things forward... It was all her fault.

<b>”There is nothing funny about this.”</b> he then snapped harshly, his tone short and blunt. There was never going to be a resolution here... all he could do was avoid her, surely that would make everything better? <b>"I've just hurt my <i>friend</i> because you're too childish to run when it's best for you. When will you learn? Life isn’t a game Naira!"</b> he then shouted and growled at the same time.
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2012, 12:45 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Last one before bed, Val will probably take a glance from the bushes. He just wants to grab them both by the scruff and rub their faces against each other until they accept it -_-

<blockquote>She only laughed harder at his questioning. <b>"Because if I don't laugh, I'll cry about how <i>fucked up</i> all of this is..."</b> she admitted pulling her heavy frame up from her comfortable place in the dirt. She shook out her fur, ignoring the throbbing of her ear, she had come off reasonably ok after all was taken into account. She wondered where the silver male had gotten to and made a mental note to thank him if she ever saw him again, although after her little outburst she imagined he would be avoiding her scent at all costs. With it raging out of control as it currently was, that wouldn't be hard for any wolf with half a nose.

She took a few tentative steps forward and allowed her tongue to dart out giving the young male a small lick on the cheek before darting away with a playful giggle. When she was a short distance away she looked back over her shoulder. She should really be getting home soon. <b>"Don't take life too seriously Rhysis. Nobody gets out alive."</b></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Ahaha. It’s probably never going to happen and they will be miserable forever. Muaha. You wait till she hears he is going to try and get into SR. That’ll be interesting for them. >:c
I’ll end this hear otherwise he is going to end up having kittens. xD

<blockquote> Yes. It really was fucked up. She was laughing to hide her tears, he was shouting to hide his guilt. They were a right pair. Rhysis had no idea how Valiant could go out of his way to get himself tangled into the web of a female. They were such difficult things and he still saw no reason to continue putting himself through the torture. Rhysis didn’t look at the better things, the company, companionship, love and family. He just saw trouble. He always saw trouble. <b>”What’s so fucked up about it? You have to fill me in because I’m just not getting it.”</b> he retorted and snapped his gaze up to meet her own.

He fixed his eyes with hers as she stepped forward. He braced himself, ready for a smack, a kick, a bite, anything which would inflict pain, that is what would have happened back home. Instead a wet, fleshy tongue touched his face and vanished as quickly as it had come. Panic set in. He couldn’t breathe. Bile rose from his gut and into his mouth but he kept it down. He felt as if his skin was in fire where she had licked him, like his very cheek was going to burn away to nothing but bone. He was tossed back into the emotions, anger, fear, nausea. He had to save himself from making yet another mistake. With one final glance towards her...

He ran.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Or puppehs :p Haha! She'll probably go out of her way to avoid him for a bit, she doesn't like things getting complicated. Dreamed i killed her off last night and the i woke up and went 'hmm...not yet...' xD

<blockquote>Judging from the way he shouted, he more than understood, in his own way. She wouldn't hold it agaist him. He was young yet. He still had plenty of time to figure out what was going on, either way it wasn't going to happen tonight, because shortly after her lick he raced off again. A small grin passed her face as she looked to her toes and shook her head. <b>"Nobody gets out alive..."</b> she whispered more to herself. She needed the reminder right now or she was going to lose the plot.

It was her turn to run as well.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2012, 08:43 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Was just looking over this and i was like 'where the hell is Val's lurky post? Then remembered row went down and it didn't post!

<blockquote>As soon as he realised he was no longer being persued he had looped around so he was downwind and had settled hinself in the undergrowth where he could look on in utter fascination. The girl was stupid to a fault, but it seemed her heart was in the right... Well maybe in this instance wrong place. Val wasn't sure the younger male was capable of love but it would seem the girl had enough for them both.

He stifled a chuckle at the girls actions, she was treatig the attack on her ear as if it were a game, but Rhysis was touching her, it was a start he guessed. His eyelids were growing heavy as they finally broke apart. Just as he was about to doze off the laughing female took a step forward and his head raised in interest, eyes almost poppin out of his head at her next action. Of course the boy fled. <i>Swift River was it?</i> he wondered to himself. Convinced he would know where to go looking for the boy before the end of the month... Even if he didn't know it yet.

The silvery male may have to give him a nudge in the right direction, or not. He dropped his head as the girl fled too.

They were both doomed, but maybe not in a bad way... Only time would tell, he was sure of it.</blockquote>
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