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close the spaces — Swift River 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

She had known without any doubt that Indru would follow her, and it didn't take but a few seconds for his nose to find its way to her flank and then on up to her shoulder. With some startlement, she realized that the gesture reminded her of Ice - how he had approached her when Naira had fled. It sparked, as well, the conversation that she and the Guardian had that night. Looking at Indru's fiery eyes now, Cori couldn't help but wonder how this reunion might had gone differently, had she lost her faith. There was no doubt in her mind that Indru would have been happy to see her, but given the dates of his absence, he would know in a moment that the life in her womb was not his, and the resulting disappointment would have destroyed her.

As it were, Corinna had held on, disappointing Ice, perhaps, but sticking to what she knew to be the right decision. Of course, that meant she was still in the midst of heat, though the tantalizing scent was rapidly fading. Her worry had been that Swift River's den would be empty of cubs this summer, but now that Indru was back, there was no reason to worry about that. It was just one more way his being back provided her relief, and just one more reason that she wasn't going to let him too far out of her sight now that he was back. Leaning into his side, she pressed her fur against his, a content smile on her face.

But not staying put for long, she nudged his cheek with her nose. Skipping ahead a few steps, she half turned her head, the content twinkle in her eye replaced with something a bit more coy. Hitting him in the front leg with her tail, she woofed at him once more, the coyness slipping into the smile that played about her lips. Intention made clear, she hoped, Corinna dashed forward, back towards the borders, relief growing with every step.