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doux printemps — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Mania who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Corbin Toussant Reynauld
<blockquote>The sky was clear and bright, filled with such an intense shade of blue that it made Corbin wince; it wasn't that he disliked the color, or even disliked the sky in particular - he just couldn't look at it for long. Sensitive eyes narrowed while he sought out clouds, but found nothing. Anyone else may have been content by this, to be basking in the Spring sun all day; Corbin wanted rain, he wanted something to spice up his travels. It had been ages since he had felt the refreshing touch of rainfall against his skin, although for now he had to survive upon the memory alone. The coiling, twisting ruck of blackberry vines was left behind as he continued to wander, striding away from the tangled mess of threatening barbs; their sweet scent lingering upon his fur, at least where he had let the plants comb through his mottled gray pelt. The plants which peppered the field quickly became scarce, and the wolf ducked below the welcoming branches of yet another tree. At first he thought he had encountered another forest, or at least the edge of the darkness which he had once been treading through; yet Corbin only had to take a small sniff of the air to smell the difference - there was fruit here, cherries, and they blossomed with the spring. Soon enough the fruit itself would form and drop, spreading the seed and prolonging the grove of trees.

Corbin paused in his movement, situating himself next to the nearest trunk, and rested. He leaned against the narrow trunk of one specific tree, brushing against it with one broad shoulder. Above, the branches softly tousled - creating waves of soothing sounds that drifted down to him. This place was calm, and it was relaxing him after all the travel he had been through. Taking a deeper breath, the grizzled wolf sighed softly; how sweet this was, how precious. He almost let down his guard, but then there was an odd sound - from the forest beyond the orchard, perhaps. No sooner had he exhaled, Corbin sat upright and then sprang to his feet again - nervous, jumpy, just as erratic as before. Someone was watching him, but who? And where? Hackles rose in a bristling array, but this time he remained silent; perhaps the interloper would leave him alone.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2012, 05:01 PM by Corbin.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
It had been nearly a week since Alexander's acceptance into the pack of the Hollow, a man whom came from the dead and yet still even, looked like the dead. As asked of her leader, much of Elettra's time had been devoted to the wolf, offering him herbal remedies to help him sleep and ease his bones, as other various effects she could muster up. Within her infirmary, the dirt floor was covered by fur and feather, light and comfortable. The caribou for the pack was in short supply with so many wolves within it and so, oddly, Elettra would find herself slipping away from Alexander's sights for a hunt- something small to settle her nerves and get herself a moment alone. Still, she trusted few within the pack and resented even two. Unknowingly, had Jaysyek taken back her former mate and, had invited Vlarindara back into the pack- two wolves whom done the leader harm formally and two wolves Elettra had yet to forgive for their crimes. Her trust came little and when it did arrival, to break it was an unforgivable mistake. For the time being, and the time being only (as fate would pull her away soon to find her own place), Elettra would roam as a member of Grizzly Hollow yet still.
In a prance, she moved, her steps poised and determined, head low as it hung between her forelimbs, creamy jaws parted with anticipation. Her eyes were a silver gleam in the clean sky, as the subtle highlights of gold in her coating, otherwise a mix of greys and blacks, silvers brushing through her hairs. The curvy woman would move without care by her confidence, but the moment Corbin stirred at the sound of another, did Elettra tense and freeze in her moments at the scrambling back to his feet Corbin had done. After a moment of hesitance, sniffing out the lands, Elettra would creep forth. She was just north east of her home, traveling along the line of trees. ”Ease yourself, wolf. I'll give you no ache, if you give me none.” It was spoken as quick as she saw him- a man of mixed greys and decent proportions of her own, though not nearly as large as others she had seen- Angier, Kiche, Crux and even Alexander, despite his current thin and weary state. She would dip her head delicately into his direction, weary as her silver gaze remained locked upon him and her tail clamped against her quickly- not by submission, but to try her best to submerge the distinctive evidence of the breeding season's arrival.
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Finally, the days were becoming longer and warmer. Volkan felt like an entirely different wolf in the warmth and brightness the early days of the season had to offer. In an odd way, it reminded her of being... home. But, as she picked her way aimlessly northward on a whim this afternoon, it wasn't a feeling of nostalgia that lingered in her, nor was it tinged with any of the regret or sadness that normally accompanied her past. No, it was just... comfortable. Somehow, she felt like herself today, and no knowledge of Rhysis' presence in Relic Lore nor worries about the Creek's hierarchy could put a damper on her spirits today.

After a while, she arrived at a place she hadn't visited since her first days in Relic Lore, when the weather had been like it was today. The strange red berries dotted the ground and the trees above it, their smell sweet and sticky in the air. It was intoxicating, pleasant— but, she realized after a long moment of standing in the woods at the edge of the Orchard, it had prevented her from noticing that she wasn't alone. There, not too far before her, was a male, bristling at the sound of another. <i>Guess I'm not the only one thrown off by the smell,</i> she thought to herself, figuring she might as well make herself known. Stepping out from the trees, she peered forward in an attempt to distinguish the source of the noise the male was so concerned about. When she saw who it was, she moved closer. Elettra was popping up everywhere these days, wasn't she?

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" Volkan remarked with a tilt of her head, her stance unimposing, as an addition to Elettra's warning. Wolves were so edgy sometimes; in her current state of mind, she couldn't understand it. "Pretty big reaction for a guy like you to have to a lady," she added through a smirk, finding a small amount of humor in the fact that he'd been scared— by a <i>girl.</i> Studying him, she broke away momentarily to flash a grin at Elettra before returning her pale gaze to the stranger. Whoever he was, he was certainly new around here...
done :]
(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2012, 02:00 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Mania who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Corbin Toussant Reynauld
Almost as soon as he was on his feet, the stranger intercepted him. The dark form made him want to snap his teeth, but he noticed the slight curve of the hips - the smell, before her tail flattened against her rump, was enough to key him in to the situation. This wasn't one of the wolves he was avoiding. Corbin let out a low sigh, quietly exhaling while his nervous energy dissipated along with it; beneath his breast his heart still raced, but the man was beginning to calm himself. <i><b>”Ease yourself, wolf."</b></i> Came the woman's snappy comment, which he did not take offense to. There was no reason to find error with it, considering his own behavior. <b><i>"I'll give you no ache, if you give me none.”</b></i> What an odd turn of phrase. Corbin took a few steps away from her, but inevitably turned to get a proper look. When he moved, he was met with not one - but <i>two</i> wolves; the second must have slipped close when he was distracted.

<b><i>"Yeah, what's the big deal?"</b></i> Muttered the second female, who seemed considerably younger (and far less jaded). They appeared to recognize one another, which made Corbin hesitant - anxious that perhaps he had intruded upon pack territory, or some such thing. How rude of him. As the second arrival made a comment about his jumpy demeanor, Corbin's face was painted with a coy, slightly embarrassed smirk. <b>"I thought... I thought you were someone else,"</b> He responded calmly, letting his deep voice roll about like quiet thunder. <b>"I do apologize, <i>mademoiselles</i>."</b> With that, he fell silent again. Gray gaze passed between both shadows, but did not linger for much time on either of them - there was a sudden awkwardness that demanded his immediate attention. Unaccustomed to the company of wolves (or women specifically,) poor Corbin did not know what to do next; so he simply nodded his head in a polite bow, and turned to leave.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Before the man even had the change to react fully, another came into view- dark with grays and blacks like her own, but molted in a patchwork different and still, lighter then she. Her words caused Elettra's ears to perk higher, eyes side-glancing to the girl she had seen often enough before, had hunted with on numerous times and without meaning to, even trained a bit with her herbal knowledge. She was beginning to grow on Elettra to where she could consider herself some sort of an ally, despite the fact that much land, and even a different pack, divided them.
He eased quickly, perhaps calmed to know it was only another wolf- perhaps thinking it another predator, or even an enemy of his? Elettra's own past was dark and filled with the same hatred, pain and betrayal that even his own might have been. He'd escaped it, much as she and not, he too found himself captured by the blessing of these lands. Elettra's lips turned in a smirk to Volkan's words, offering her a turn of her attention but a moment. There was much one might fear of her and it had been proven enough in her time here; she was not one to be trifled with and little whom crossed her escaped her wrath.
And it was in these moments of thought, did Corbin speak, his words thick, deep and ever so fomal which pleased Elettra to where her ears would turn back with a softness, her tail offering but the slightest (daring in her state during this time of year) wave behind her. By the time her silvered gaze would return to him, already the man was on his way. Ever more so, they had their similarities. Elettra was not a wolf for simple small talk, mainly to a complete stranger and felt no need to stop him in his tracks, her lack of friendly, talkative nature getting the best of her. She would only flash Volkan another glance and she too, would continue forth on her way.
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>The guy actually <i>apologized</i> for being startled, giving them his excuse, and Volkan grinned. <i>Been there before,</i> she remembered, her meeting with that dark male from the cave a year ago entering her mind. Something about this guy intrigued her, and she watched him as he offered them a bow and turned away. Wait, was he leaving so soon? A glance at Elettra told her that she didn't seem all that interested in the male, which didn't surprise Volkan, she guessed; the dark lady seemed to have quite a mind of her own, and it didn't usually seem to be preoccupied with random conversations. Briefly the achromatic wolf watched her older counterpart as she seemed to move on her way, then turned to follow the stranger, moving quickly to catch up with him.

"Woah, wait," she said quickly, not about to let this interesting fellow leave so quickly. For some reason, Volkan was feeling herself quite the extrovert. "You're just gonna leave now, after all we've been through?" It was an odd, quirky thing that came out of her mouth, a comment that surprised even her. She hoped it'd make him turn around, or even stop, so she stood there a little awkwardly, slender limbs splayed at a somewhat playful angle. "Don't you at least wanna know who we are?" After all, it'd benefit her to know his name, at least. Here in Relic Lore, every acquaintance was of some consequence, as Volkan had come to learn. Hell, she'd just run into to that weird Sebastian guy, and she certainly hadn't seen <i>that</i> one coming. Silently she stood, wondering whether or not her stab at conversation would be enough to make him stay, casting another glance back in Elettra's direction to see if she'd chosen to stick around as well.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2012, 03:04 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Mania who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Corbin Toussant Reynauld
He should have known it wouldn't be easy. As soon as he had turned to leave, Corbin managed to distance himself from both women by a few strides before - as if on cue - a voice piped up. It didn't surprise him at all when the younger woman drifted past him, only to block his escape. <b><i>"You're just gonna </i>leave<i> now, after all we've been through?"</b></i> She questioned, although Corbin wasn't about to answer her. The words seemed to be rhetorical, so he only watched her with slight disdain as she pranced about. The gray wolf bristled slightly, not at all amused by her antics - but at the same time, he didn't think it was his place to be aggressive, especially since this girl had a friend nearby. <b><i>"Don't you at least wanna know who we are?"</b></i> Corbin watched as her eyes shifted, and found himself turning his head - catching sight of the more mature wolf out of the corner of his eye; with a small sigh of resignation, he gave a tiny shrug of the shoulders. It seemed as if he was not going to escape after all.

Spreading his name around was, perhaps, the <i>last</i> thing on his mind. He didn't want to draw attention to himself, but avoiding others seemed to be backfiring. It wouldn't hurt to hear the names of these wolves, if that would allow him safe - and <i>silent</i> passage across these unclaimed lands. <b>"Alright,"</b> he murmured, as if he had just been reprimanded - he glanced up, looking at the older wolf briefly before turning his sullen gaze upon the youngster. <b>"My name is Corbin; what do I call you, miss?"</b> This time, he did not bother speaking a word of French - assuming that neither wolf would understand it, although that thought was a bit <i>conceited.</i>
(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2012, 03:25 AM by Corbin.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
In the very instant she would turn to move on her own, uncaring for mild conversation, usually finding herself with much better things to due to occupy her mind- hunting for the pack, finding healing herbs, scouting the boarders- did Volkan whip around after the male... After all, she had never been the kind of woman's to rely on others company and more times then not, found herself struggling when it came to small talk, which probably was why none despite her time in the pack, knew about her history in the least bit, nor what she enjoyed in life, other then her interest in herbs...
Feeling a pang of hesitation to leave the much younger girl wondering around with a complete stranger three times her age, Elettra would turn quick on her heals and follow suit. "Volkan-" It was a snap of her name, nearly worrisome as a mother might have to stop their child and quickly did the blackish female's long limbs carry herself in quick strides after her. However, to the young girl's (newly woman) prodding, Elettra remained silent. She stood only a bit of a distance away, listening to Corbin's response, having been trapped by Volkan's words.
His attention turned to her, and, in return, Elettra would only offer a silver stare, uncaring as it were by the situation (as she was willing to let him go) but intent to watch Volkan none the less. It was obvious he had no interest in staying here and no interest in small talk or 'making friends' much as herself, but none the less he played nice for the younger girl and, respectfully spoke his peace. Elettra could at least admire his ability to keep his cool, and now, smirked as he answered, if only the slightest. Other then this, she remained silent still. She didn't doubt that not only Volkan would speak up for herself, but Elettra, too. After all, she was the ring leader to this little 'gathering'.
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Corbin is inactive now, so... what do you wanna do about this? :]
<blockquote>nakloV heard arttelE practically spit out her name as though it was a command, shooting her a quick, slightly confused glare. <i>What, am I </i>bothering<i> you?</i> she couldn't help but think, irked that a wolf who was very much not her mother was trying to act like it. With a small scoff she brushed this off, an irritated flick of her tail quickly becoming the last acknowledgement to arttelE's order that she would give. Here at the Orchard, they were on no pack's territory; if nakloV wanted to stir up a little trouble, which she wasn't even really <i>doing</i> by just talking to someone, then it was her own prerogative.

Instead of dwell on this awkwardness, Volk pointed her attention toward the male. Corbin. He didn't look happy, did he? For some reason, she found his disappointment endearing, and she didn't hold her grin back as it spread across her rugged-looking face. "Don't look so sad!" she cooed after he gave his name begrudgingly, "I'm doing you a favor. You always wanna remember names— never know when you might need 'em again someday," she finished with a shrug.

"Anyway. nakloV," she added calmly, "of Copper Rock Creek." Her reply came somewhat coyly, as she was pleased that he had actually taken the time to stop and talk to her, even if he didn't seem all that excited about it. She momentarily thought about introducing arttelE too, but given the female's previous display, she finally decided to hold her tongue on this one.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 06:22 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
we could end it here? say that el lured volkan away?

So typically, did Volkan's display act as though Elettra was trying to uphold some dominance over her by her demand. It became more and more clear each day that the wolves of the Lore were quick in their assumptions and even quicker to judge the dark woman. Elettra's response to her would be offered by a wrinkling of her lip. Though the girl did not live with her, in ways she knew her well enough more then she knew the very members of her pack. Her words, worry, showed this which Elettra would lock away by Volkan's reaction. Elettra cared for Volkan's safety- but it was obvious the young girl didn't give two shits, or was too dimwitted after all to notice.
Giving her name and trying hard to press the male into conversation, Elettra would only sigh. Her head would dip low, delicately, both in greeting and a secret way of protecting her throat should the male prove hostile by being pushed by such strangers- a display Elettra could understand, seeing as she might have done the same herself. "Elettra Archer." She introduced with her own air of arrogant pride before her attention shifted back towards Volkan. "Why don't we get moving? I'm itching for a hunt." But in all honestly, she was itching to get herself, and Volkan, out of this situation.
(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2012, 01:01 AM by Elettra.)