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Ballad of the Birds — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
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Pakuna Atea

"A plan, eh? Nay ma'am, I be goin' fer a swim!" With this, the female took a large leap, powerful hind legs pushing off of the bank of the creek. Small pebbles and dirt sprayed up behind her as she was in the air for a brief moment. I want to know how the birds feel... She thought within that second of suspension. In the next second, though, her body was making contact with the water.

She landed heavily, her chest hitting the slow-running liquid first. Head dunked below the surface, and black nostrils released her air, creating a whirl of bubbles. The underwater world was another fascination to the woman. Drowning out the sounds of the terrestrial world, it seemed as if being under the surface was some sort of haven. With paws paddling madly, her head breached, and she released an airy bark of glee.

Coat was soaked, appearing darker than it would if it were dry. She paddled about, feeling the rush of water against her flesh. Turning her head, she yipped towards Willie "Ye care to join?" she questioned before continuing her paddling in circles.