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alone at sea — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
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Sibyl Balik
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The sun had long since reached its apex and would soon plunge itself down below the horizon to cover the plains in a blanket of clear, starry night. Brilliant orange had begun to paint the sky as the sun dove down towards the distant westward tree-line. A little streak of red rushed its way across the temperate savanna. The gentle hush of grasses and the thudding of her heart in her ears had been the only thing to accompany the little wolf as miles of terrain passed underfoot. She wasn’t entirely sure where she was going or what exactly she was looking for. For the past year Sibyl had always been running, steadily moving forward, but towards what? The wolves she had encountered on her travels gave her no reason to stop and stay, either aloof loners or small packs with no desire to add another hungry, and in Sybil’s case, useless mouth to their territory. She was no good at anything; at least that was what her sister had insisted. It had been a year since she had been chased out of her home territory. Sibyl whined at the bitter memory.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Long, flat stretches of grassland had turned into gently undulating plains, a rolling landscape not unlike the swell of a great sea. Sibyl had darted up a slight slope to stop at the peak of a stout grassy mound. The day’s exertion had caught up with her and she dropped to the ground, panting. Bronze eyes gazed over the meadow just beginning to sprout and bloom for its annual springtime flourish. From her perch atop the knoll she could see much of the meadow lit by the waning sunlight. The sun was nearly halfway below the horizon and lit the russet fur on Sibyl’s left side as if it were ablaze. The whispering grasses shushed in Sibyl’s ears, singing her a lullaby much like the prairies of her home. Sibyl’s head had begun to occasionally jerk as she fought off sleep, but the weary traveler was easily defeated. The wolf’s head sank slowly, slowly, finally resting upon her outstretched forelimbs.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The call of a great horned owl rang out across the plains, startling Sibyl from her sleep. The moon had risen and the dim light cast by the crescent turned the whispering grasses blue. Deciding it was time to continue onward, Sibyl rose and proceeded down the knoll. She need not run now; a feeling, an instinct, bloomed inside of her; she felt she was nearing something. While she was not moving at a running pace her short legs moved briskly, making quick work of the moon-basked meadow. Sibyl caught a scent on the wind and slowed. Another wolf – or several, she couldn’t quite tell – had been in this meadow before. Not wanting to risk trespassing Sibyl lifted her head, not too high, and let out a questing howl: Here I am. Is anyone there?</font>
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>The sky was lit with the dying fire of the sun's light. It hung in the air as a vast stream of orange, and red; brilliant in it's leaving as it had been in it's coming. Jaysyek though feeling quite worn down had no desire to sleep. She was not really tired. She felt so much awake, and alive to let a moment pass her by. It might not be known about her she did enojy watching the bright, bold color of another sunset always in awe of how each was never the same. This was was so vivid, the wisp of clouds looking like long claws trying to cling to the blue sky. It was outside the Cedarforest she lingered on a tall rock, perched just watching in silence. No longer did she carry the strong scent of the breeding season, and no longer did she wonder about Borden. This peace she had she clung to, every piece of it waiting for what would try to rip it from her own tight grasp. If she was mediating she did not make a single move, becoming still as the stone she at upon open to the sounds,sights, and smells of the earth.

At last when the light faded from the sky, the colors becoming diluted, and than just part of the dark indigo she jumped from her hard seat. As for where she was going she had some places in mind. Foremost she wanted to see Borden again, but their relationship was not exactly on display. If anything it was a kept secret they had not yet unleashed. The why had been decided, why they were together, and why they weren't boasting about it. When, and where it would be revealed was not known. The outcome of it's telling could be a disaster, as it had been the first time. And a wary sigh hung in her throat while her body bobbed, and weaved through the soft fingers of the tall grass. She'd not realized she'd been wandering to the meadow with the mindless drones of her problems probing her head. Her life was very repetive, and it scared her what else would be done in her future.

The calm sweet song of nothing from the gentle breeze pulled her into a sense everything would be alright. It was the first time she might realize how Hush Meadow got it's name. She became caught in the time of day, and the lulling of the night bathed in the silverly light of the moon how could she think of horrible things in a settng so lovely? Her heartbeat strong, and whole, almost telling her she was complete again now that she had him.

Drifting along the sea of grass, her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and the world was a new place stretched out before her. If she could not be with openly be with Borden yet she was intent on finding a way. That called for some real quiet contemplating. She was hardly disturbed by the following song of an owl, she continued hunting for the perfect spot to be undisturbed. All thoughts of tranquility were shattered as a howl, most uncertain called in the dead of the night. Lowering her body, hunching it to a point she kept her ears flattened against her carved skull while her black nostrils twitched for this wolf's location. The call sounded timid, it did not nessarily mean Jayse believed it. The world was full of cruel tricks. Feeling the dominant side of her, she found herself demanding,<b>"Show yourself."</b></blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Sibyl waited a breathless moment as the last note of her cry hung in the air. She couldn’t be sure that this meadow truly was inhabited or whether the lingering scent was of wolves which had since moved on. Maybe the place really was deserted; maybe she was just waking spirits which should be left in peace? Sibyl shuddered at the thought of fiendish ghosts emerging from the soil to chase her away. But before her runaway train of thought could continue, a stern voice sliced through her thoughts.</font>

<i>“Show yourself”</i>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Sibyl froze. Every muscle in her body was pulled taut and she was held in place, with her heart hammering in her chest like a bird trapped in a cage, trapping between fleeing and moving forward. This was what she asked for, wasn’t it? She had called and they had answered. A desire for someone to know, somewhere to stay, perhaps even a pack to belong to, softened a bit of her paralyzing fear. Sibyl drew in a few measured breaths, steeling herself to move forward. The scent of another wolf had become much stronger, and from what Sibyl could tell, probably a female. Did ghosts have a smell? A long minute had passed from when the order was called out and Sibyl reasoned with herself; making anyone wait, ghost or not, never makes them happy. First one paw, then the next, she forced herself forward on shaking limbs. The slice of the moon lighting the field wasn’t much to see by, and Sybil had only the direction of the voice and her nose to guide her. Sibyl advanced with her head bowed low, ears tipped back, and tail tucked by her ankles. A more socially adept wolf would perhaps have announced her approach, but the only noise coming from the shy wolf was her uneven breathing and the soft sigh of parting grasses. The tall grass came well over her slight frame, only showing brief glimpses of cinnamon fur as she slipped through. The smell of the other wolf was now overwhelming and Sibyl slowed her quaking step. She didn’t want to approach too fast and catch them off guard; it wouldn’t take much of a wolf to tear her to bits.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Sybil nosed her way through a particularly thick patch of grass and abruptly stopped when she saw a wolfish figure standing just a few meters ahead, separated by sparse grass. The moonlight cast an eerie glow on the ashen-white form, whose severe expression set her on edge. Had Sibyl had woken the spirits of beyond, and they had sent this blue- and gold-eyed phantom to carry her to the domain of the dead? Sibyl’s knees shook beneath her and her tail curled further beneath her. Sibyl considered turning tail and running, but she had nowhere to go home to, the only way left to move was forward.</font>

<i>“Y-yes? I’m right here,”</i> Sibyl responded.
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She did not weigh much upon her own words. Either someone would step forward if another was what they seeked, or they would have their moment to disappear for good. Her cheeks pressed against the thickness of her neck, her ears rotated trying to hear beyond the voice of the wind. Where the wolf was she could not tell, and kept checking her peripherals for a sign of a <span class='word'>fugitive</span> rogue. It suddenly did not seem to be the best idea being completely alone with no one having knowledge of her whereabouts. The same time Jaysyek would not be conquered by fear she would stare it in the face like an old friend. Her muscles rigid, and her hackles raised in a wild ridge she waited for what was beyond the meadow, lurking almost under her nose.

The seconds trickled by like single grains of sand pouring from one end of an hourglass to the next. Jayse could not hear her own breath, but feel it's warmth blowing against her skin. She did not feel warm, but cold like stone waiting for some ambush. She kept her heart steady, her emotions under control. There was nothing she couldn't handle, she convinced herself in then, and there in the meadow. It was to the east she saw the grass parting like a sea, and began hearing the nervous breaths of the unknown female. Her body stiffened she'd turn to meet the wolf head on, noticing the timid and submissive posture in which she took. The moonlight she appeared a brown wolf, with bright yellow eyes glinting from the reflection of moonlight. Jaysyek kept her ears pinned to the side of her head studying this stranger, and trying to get a feel if this fear was real. The shaking of her body was a hard thing to fake, but the leader was not about to let her guard down. If to offer some sort of peace to the wary wolf her white ears slowly cupped forward, her eyes not narrowed as they had been.

The brown peppered wolf still wobbled as if her knees were rubber, and not solid bone. Jayse might feel guilty for scaring the poor wolf, but she had been surprised as well. The difference being she had rose up instead of cowering. How the wolf had managed to find enough courage to face her she did not know. The greatness of her fear was a great indication her past had had to been rough in some way. Everyone may be born scared of the outside world to a point, with encouragement, and knowledge it could be cured. This was not the case, and a frown pulled at the edge of her lips. How she was so timid? A raise of her nostrils she could tell she was about her age, and sure she was a little smaller than Jayse but size wasn't everything. Hmm, she became puzzled but this emotion was hidden beneath her wise mask. She had to strain to hear her quiet, and stammered words.

<b>"No need to be afraid, I mean no harm,"</b> she spoke, her voice's warmth cutting into the unsettling night. Would it be enough to settle the stranger's mind? If trying to placate her she continued speaking in the soft rhythm. <b>"I didn't expect to see you either, you know,"</b> she smiled her small yet warm smile. Very slowly her hackles were no more, and she was just a white and grey wolf.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 03, 2012, 03:54 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>((Eep sorry for the short post!))</span>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Sibyl felt the cool surge of relief flow through her, like the ripples of a small drop spreading across a pool, slight but present. The kind tone really did settle her nerves a bit. This wolf before her was no imp or ghoul, and Sibyl could feel the sincerity in her words. She felt a little embarrassed for even thinking such a thing, ghosts were a thing of pup's tales. It could be a trap, of course, but the thought had not crossed her mind. She would not take a kind face for granted in this unfamiliar place. After all, Sibyl was the one who snooping around here, she’d probably just startled the pale grey wolf, she realized. Her stance had relaxed just slightly, with her tail not tucked so far under in fear. Her quivering limbs stilled as well but her muscles remained tense and ready to flee. She was more at ease with the situation, but still unsure. She did not move, as if her limbs were rooted to the ground. Her neck and head remained low, but she turned her face upwards to look at the wolf before her.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The russet wolf shifted uncomfortably and glanced off to the side, momentarily focusing on a small green flower-bud, newly formed after the chill grip of winter had passed and waiting for just the right time to bloom. A word formed in her mind, small and delicate, similarly waiting for just the moment to blossom, ‘home’. That’s what she desired, place to stay, to stop and rest, to live, even. However, she couldn’t be too hopeful, she reminded herself. She had been chased away from several packs already; just because this wolf meant her no harm didn’t mean she would not be turned away. Sibyl gave her head a tiny shake and looked back towards the wolf before her. She pulled her lips back in a sheepish grin and winced. Well, at least she could try.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><i>“Ma’am, I was just passing through,”</i> she murmured, her voice low, barely a whisper on the wind. <i>“But, I guess I need somewhere… Somewhere to stay, I think.”</i> She raised her head a minute amount, and with slightly more confidence said <i>“My name is Sibyl, by the way.”</i> </font>
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<i>your fine ;) sorry to keep you waiting.</i>

<blockquote>Change was very slowly to come over the unknown lady. The hints were subetle, almost hidden if it weren't for her eye's watching for them. She did not curl up in a ball any further, or whine in fear. The tail lifted in protection went straight, and fear was no longer shaking her brown peppered frame. Jayse's words were taken to be true, and the leader softly smiled glad for one success. It was easier if wolves believed her to be honest, and kind...the truth of what was real. She did not say anything, and she sensed she was not yet prepared too. This wasn't Jayse's first encounter with a timid creature, and she doubted it would be her last. She had the patience to stand quiet, and still, unmoved while the lady may take a moment to collect herself.

Marginally her own postured softened, though her bones were stiff to a point. It seemed very novice not to bealert in case something else should find the pair in the night. All they needed was a surprise attack by some grumpy bear, or prowling cat in need of a meal. Her triangle points kept shifting on her head, stealing listens to the music of nature. Eyes not once moved from the wolf, hoping she might be able to say more, or kindly speak a goodbye before running. Jayse intially thought she would run at some point. Something was holding her here, claiming her thoughts. Quietly her tail brushed against her hocks and she noted the bit of an awkward grin on the woman's lips. It was out of place, however, with the grimace. Why was she grimacing too? Intrigued, and thoughtful she tried not to stare to hard when the lady started to speak. She leaned forward, straining her ears to catch the faint murmurs she was being told.

She wanted somehwere to stay? Jayse mulled this fact over, gently blinking, and casting her gaze to a tall point of grass. Jaysyek had the power to offer her a home, but could Grizzly Hollow take in another meek soul? This was Jaysyek Lyall, someone who took in those in need, and back into her heart those who had hurt her. She sensed potential in the wolf if given a chance, much like Arlette maybe she just needed some encouragement, and truth the world was not so cold. <b>"Hmm,"</b> she put, her face drawn in a thoughtful sort of way. <b>"Well Sybil, I'm Jaysyek Lyall, and I think I might be able to offer you that. I'm a leader of a pack Grizzly Hollow, and we could always use one more,"</b> softly the tip of her tail wiggled through the air behind her. <b>"But, it would be up to you. You could always come home with me, and decide if it's the place you really want to be...."</b> She added, and slowly let her mismatched eyes flicker to the golden pair. Everyone always needed a choice. Sybyl looked like she needed a friend in this world.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Sibyl waited on bated breath, quietly dreading and expecting to be sent off. She silently watched the contemplative lady before her, blue and yellow eyes gazing off into nothing, and the moments of silence scared her. Standing so tense and immobile caused her limbs to itch in longing to move and fidget but she resisted the urge and held as still as she could. A sort of nervous energy flowed through her, and whether that was due to the decision soon to be made or the <span class='word'>zeitgeber</span> of the moon-lit night on her, she was not sure. The soft rustlings and distant calls of the creatures of the night were carried over the rolling plains like the hushed cries of restless ghosts. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Sibyl jolted a little when the wolf began to speak, she had been so captivated by the sounds of the evening. She listened to her words, bronze eyes lighting as the white wolf continued. And a pack leader! Sibyl hadn’t realized who she had been speaking with, and for a second mentally checked herself over. She didn’t have anything stuck in her teeth, did she? The offer to stay in a pack, especially if the leader was this nice lady, made Sibyl nearly leap in joy. However, not wanting to look like an idiot, she settled for a happy, if not a bit silly, grin. She hadn’t expected such a positive answer, perhaps at most permission to sleep the night here and leave by morning; she could hardly believe her luck. Sibyl beamed up at her, still crouched low with red ears leaned back, but her black-flecked tail wagging as if she couldn’t quite keep it still.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><i>“Oh! Miss Lyall, if you really mean it! I- I swear I won’t get in the way, and- and, I’ll follow all the rules, I’ll do anything you need me to, if I can just be in your pack,”</i> Sibyl said in a timid yet eager voice, then, remembering her manners, quickly added <i>“Please?”</i>. Scared or not, it just didn’t seem like she ever talked very loudly. Sibyl had brought her waving tail back under control, and glanced to both sides. <i>“But, where is it?”</i></font>
(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2012, 04:13 PM by Sibyl.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
When you use the word of the day you put. {word } [/ word] around it and it'll show up green so the admin can count it. ;) I had to figure that one out xD Sibyl is adorable by the way <3

<blockquote>If it weren't for the real fear of the <span class='word'>sylph</span> she might be amused. She could be cruel, cold, and merciless. Those were hardly traits of hers, just actions she could use when they were needed. So it was always interesting when someone pegged her as someone they should be supscious about. She was bound to treat anyone how she would ilke to be. (Usually might be too good than someone deserved.) And once upon a time even, she might have been nervous too, feeding of the wolf's energy. Her time in Relic Lore had brought a change upon the Enap runaway. She'd grown accustomed to reading emotions, but not letting them get the best of her --least she tried. A leader she was already emotionally exhausted to let the moods of others affect her. There was something though, she could not quite shake; she had cursed heartstrings that were easily tugged on, and this was one of those cases. The girl was desperate and afraid. Jayse awaited for what her words would do, if they would be the hope Sibyl needed, or not.

She had first startled her, speaking again. She really seemed to listen to what Jaysyek was saying...offering her in this very strange encounter. The signs of happiness were evident, and she sensed a stronger, and more imidiate change in the brown peppered loner. The leader knew she was bestowing her kindness on someone worthy of it. She actually was almost as happy as the rogue, when she accepted her offer. A kind wolf in the Hollow, and someone who was willing to try to pull there weight could be nothing better to hear. There was a innocence, and exuberance Jaysyek saw promise in her. And the fact she saw her getting along well with the rest of the Hollow wolves by her mellow personality was a plus.

The white lady's smile was an elated grin. <b>"Of coarse I mean so, and I don't doubt your words."</b> She softly laughed at the joy she'd brought without effort. With a question, her pale masked smoothed, and she answered <b>"Its actually north of here, not to long in the Cedarwood Forest. We could head there now unless you want to wait?"</b> She said her mismatched eyes staring into the bronzen color of her latest recruit. Then she hoped if she had any more questions she would ask, as having a new home was always different. Jaysyek wanted her to be prepared what to expect.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2012, 03:55 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>((Ooo, thank you! I was wondering how that worked... And aww thanks! :3))</span>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Sibyl cautiously met the odd-eyed gaze and nodded twice at her new leader’s words. She’d grown up on the wide open plains, and the prospect of making her new home in the forest was equally intimidating and exciting to her. Tall trees looming overhead and everything else that hid among them always had unsettled her, never quite being able to tell if the prickling feeling really was hidden eyes on her back or her imagination gone wild. Plains as wide as the eye could see held no such secrets, and dangers were easily revealed. But it would be something new to experience, and she would learn to adapt to her new life in a pack, with the trees, regardless. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She stamped her front two paws in place, trampling the already broken blades of grass underfoot. Now with direction, she was ready to continue onward and see what this new turn of fate held for her. There was a small shred of doubt and fear that things wouldn’t quite go as well as she hoped, that there would be some conflict and she would be on the run again with no place to call home. But today, between the starry sky and sighing plains, she was optimistic and eager to try her best to fit into this new life.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Sibyl glanced down, bronze eyes sightlessly pointed at Jaysyek’s paws, with her brows furrowed in a moment of thought. Seeming to have quickly made up her mind, she looked back up to her face. <i>“Well, ma'am, I suppose I’m quite ready to move on from here,”</i> she spoke softly, <i>“this place is strange at night.”</i> First one step, then the next, Sibyl slinked forward a few paces so that she was standing a bit closer to her superior. She turned her eyes and ears north and squinted into the distance, as if she might see the cedar forest by simply looking harder. But all she could see was the grey-green smudge of a tree-line in the distance. <i>“Is Grizzly Hollow a big pack?”</i> She asked.</font>
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
:) Sorry for the wait, and not the most wonderful reply. I'm going to end here if that's okay with you? If you want another thread just pm me, and of coarse feel free to have Sybil meet her pack mates.

<blockquote>She couldn't tell if the forest setting would bother her or not. She kept a closed mouth about it, no questions, or widening eyes of fear. The Grizzly Hollow Leader took it all as good signs if the girl was worried she'd get use to it, or speak up later. It reminded her when she had first come to the Lore. She had ran into Borden, grumpy and onery but who eventually told her about the Mountain of Dire. It had scared her the idea of living on a mountain. She hadn't had the best of times, but a prospect of a home, and a new friend was too good to pass up.

The girl's excitement, and pure joy did the silver wolf good to see. Someone positive, and hoped not only did she catch it, but the rest of the Hollow wolves. There had been too much sorrow, and too much fighting. Everyone needed to realize how good they had it, how lucky they were despite all the this. Be grateful.

She accepted Sybil's words with a wide smile. <b>"It is,"</b> she voiced in agreement trying to keep a chill from her spine while glancing around as if something else strange might happen in the waves of grass. She had not been here much except to hunt, and preffered the forest she was more familiar with. She took in a breath of the chill air, and her tail openly wagged when the brown speckled wolf moved closer. It was amazing what a little kindness would do, and why she preffered to be it before all else. She half chuckled, coming to stand by the girl. Carefully she rubbed her neck against hers. <b>"There, now you'll smell like me, and no one should bother you,"</b> she grinned this time, meeting the bronze coated pools. She thought her eyes were very pretty, and had often thought it'd be nice to have ones like that. The thought was shifted away, and she took a step in the direction of the Hollow. She was ready to go home as Sybil was.

<b>"Well, I guess it's a decent size, there's about sixteen of us?"</b> She tried to count in her head, but felt she might be missing someone. It was a rather shaky count of who really was there, and who was bound to stay. She wouldn't think upon it now. <b>"If it makes you feel beter, three are my pups almost yearlings now."</b> And they were, each day they were getting closer, and closer to adulthood, and it did hurt. That was life, and she smiled so proud of them, before she continued the walk to their home.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]