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Grenade — Poison Path 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote><i>Drastic measures?</i> She struggled to contain her laughter at the thought, but managed to limit it to a simple smirk. Leaning back into his embrace she breathed in his scent deeply. She was not want to grouse and knew tonight it would get her nowhere. She would allow him this small victory and take the rest of it as it came.

She knew the routines of her other pack mates well enough now that had she wanted to slip away, she could do so easily, but she would abide by his wishes for now. Besides, she didn't feel confident leaving her new home just yet. There was still so much to do to cement their claim on this little piece of the mountain and she had the feeling there would be new recruits howling at their doorstep sooner than any of them could expect. She would take her moment of peace while it lasted, and cherish it.

Unsure of whether the moment was right, her next words were more of a whisper than a question. <b>"What were your family like?"</b> She didn't expect an answer, perhaps he hadn't even heard her, but the words were out now. All they knew of each other was the versions of themselves they had become, and not where they had come from. They hadn't even begun to explore parenting methods. A thought that made her head ache. She would rather leave that one for another day.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Her silence wasn’t convincing. He knew full well she was going to do her own thing anyway. He felt each word was wasted but at least she knew how he felt on the matter, so it would come as no shock when he next discovered her somewhere she shouldn’t be and he had every right to march her right back home. Maybe he was being too over protective, but he had to be. He had many enemies she didn’t know about and if any of them discovered that she was now his mate, she’d make a wonderful target, either to take hostage or worse... He didn’t want to tell her about that though, he didn’t want to shatter the illusion she had built up about him. All she knew was that the River wolves were after them; not that most of the lore would soon want to see his corpse.

He sighed as she leant into him. A quiet breath of air at the death of the conversation. She didn’t want to argue any more, and nor did he. Arguing was tedious, especially when he knew no matter what he said she wouldn’t listen. It appeared her silence had won the battle this time.

Her next comment had taken him by surprisise. His family? Now there was a story to tell. It was just a shame he didn’t want her to know about it. He had to be strong in her eyes, her protector, their leader. He couldn’t admit that he was the result of a vile affair with an omega female. Or that his own family had chased him away. That he had done something terrible to his sister who now wanted to see his head mounted on a stick. That he had double crossed tnailaV as well as everyone else he had ever met. No. He couldn’t tell her the truth and as much as he hated to lie, he couldn’t help it this time around. <b>”Average. Mum. Dad. Grew up and moved away. Why?”</b> he asked with a cocked brow. He slid to the floor then, laying his belly upon the land as he leant into her side.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She wouldn't get her answer this time, but that didn't mean she would stop trying. An absent minded smile crossed her face as she looked down at the wolf now laying at her side. <b>"Just curious. We never really got to the whole 'where do you come from' conversation..."</b> she finished with a small laugh, the melodic sound disturbing the peace of the night around them.

As the memories washed over her, her good mood shifted to one of seriousness. <b>"There was a lot of fighting where I grew up, not amongst ourselves, but someone else always wanted what we had. I never thought it was strange until I came here. Everyone seems happy to keep to themselves."</b> <i>For now...</i> she added as an afterthought. Her children wouldn't be raised as weaklings to be picked off in their first fight. Not if she had anything to do with it. {b}"We had lots of lessons to learn before we were even allowed to consider leaving. It was...tight. I don't miss it anymore though. Not like I once did..."[/i] She looked down at sisyhR with a smile, convinced he had a large role to play in her shift of allegiance. Even at the River she had still experienced pangs for home, but no more would they plague her.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He simply listened as she talked, something about her voice being soothing despite how grumpy he had been about their previous conversation. She had that way about her. She always managed to sooth him, no matter how bristly he became.

He hadn’t realised her growing up had been so involved. He’d always assumed with her good nature she came from a stable family. Whilst fighting was part of everyday life, his pack had taken it to the extremes. He’d always believed that his had been the only pack to value it so highly but it appeared that her own family had taken it quite seriously too. He was glad of that; perhaps she would agree with him that their own offspring should learn to defend themselves. Whilst his upbringing hadn’t been a bundle of joy, he had learnt enough to venture out into the big wide world and survive, despite that he had been forced out as a very young yearling. Were it not the skills he had drilled into him from a young age, he certainly wouldn’t be here now.

<b>”They prepared you for life. They did their job well.”</b> he added with a shrug as he took a glance around them. Always watching. <b>”There is no harm in missing something. You are allowed to have a future alongside your memories. You don’t have to pick a side.”</b> he said, weighing up the logic. It was true. If he didn’t have the memories of his family, he wouldn’t have everything he currently had around him; from his female to their pack lands, this was all down to the memories of his childhood. His wanting of something he was always told was out of reach. Even as the heir to the throne, he doubted he’d ever wear the crown. How that golden circle was upon his head, he was grateful they had treated him as badly as they did, for it only made him more determined to have everything he now did.

<b>”How do you feel about having children?”</b> he then asked, surprising himself with the change in topic. Of course, he’d thought about it in depth but he didn’t know how she felt. Scared? Anxious? Excited? Did she hate them already for the life she now had to live? He doubted it, but their arrival had changed so much already. He could only guess how she was feeling.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>He made so much sense. How was it possible that he could see things so clearly when to her it was all a blur? His change of topic made her suddenly draw in breath. <b>"Terrified."</b> she admitted in a gushing outward of breath. Her own eyes continued to scan the landscape around them as well. Already her moods were beginning to shift. Early she knew, but she had seem enough pregnancies to know what <i>could</i> go wrong.

There was so much she wanted to say on the matter. So many what ifs? the biggest being <b>"What if I'm a bad mother?"</b> she said absentmindedly, the worry clearly conveyed in her tone. Even her grandmother, flawless as she was, had made mistakes. Maia was a perfect example. That was her first litter. Her father and uncle had made it, but her aunt hadn't... Could she handle loosing one of her own? There were so many other concerns racing through her mind, but that was foremost. <b>"What if they don't make it?"</b> her heart broke a little at the thought. She would probably handle it as well as if were to ever loose him. They were unsettling thoughts.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>sisyhR had half been expecting her answer. He saw through the face she put on for him and the rest of the world. He was pretty sure he felt the same. He’d been in the world for only two short years, and in that time he felt as if he had lived many lives over. He was insightful, he was logical, clever and everything a wolf should be, fearless, strong, tactical... but he was petrified of being a father and screwing it up. Utterly frightened that he was going to end up breaking one somehow or turning into his own father. Whilst he saw method to his father’s madness, he knew firsthand how he had felt and how much he hated his father- he wished his own children not to hate him. He hadn’t thought much past how he felt about it, and that he wished for them to be strong enough to care for each other and their mother- he didn’t care if they were all girls or all boys, he didn’t care if they looked like him or her (though he would probably prefer they look like her, rather than the lanky thing he was) all he cared was that they were healthy and strong.

<b>”You will be a fine mother. You will love, care and cherish those little beasts beyond anything you can imagine. I am certain of it.”</b> he said with a gentle nuzzle to her shoulder in reassurance. Odd, how he could go from hated of contact to snuggling into her; he just couldn’t seem to get enough of her scent, her fur or her body. <b>”Though I do worry that you will let them get away with murder.”</b> he joked. Though on some levels believed it to be true- he was certain he was going to be the discipline area whilst she would be the one to encourage them to break the rules. It was going to be havoc and on some levels he was dreading it but on the others he was somewhat excited.

At her concearn of their health there was little he could say. He didn’t know for sure, but he thought he might of had other siblings but only he and nakloV had made it to adulthood. <b>”They have the goodness of your soul, the love from your veins and the strength from your temper... they have the best chance we could give them to make it.”</b>
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 10:26 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
*can't wait for the ratbags to get here!* wrap it up soon?

<blockquote>His voice soothed her like no other sound could, his scent put her at ease like no herb. <i>This</i> was where she belonged, and she drew confidence from the knowledge. For so long she had convinced herself that she would never experience the joy of raising her own young and so had kept herself content assisting with the young of others. Now it was her turn. She had nothing to be worried about. anehtA and avA would help her where she needed it, and sisyhR would keep them all safe from things that went bump in the night. Calmness once again stole its way across her form, besides, stress wasn't good for the babies, (she was certain there was more than one).

<i>Would</i> she let them get away with murder? Probably. <b>"I'm sure if they chose to kill someone they would have more than a valid reason..."</b> she responded with a giggle, flopping down to land half on top of her love, her life, her mate. Wriggling about playfully she decided the time for serious talk was over. They were both becoming far too serious these days...</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Me to. I’m so excited! I hope people want one. xD Yeah can do. I can wrap it up here if you like. Excuse the little PP!

<blockquote>He felt his lips tug into a half smile at her comment, but it vanished as she threw her weight on top of him. Breath slipped from his lungs at force as his body became trapped under hers. Not surprisingly, she weighed a lot (Aha!) and though she wasn’t heavily pregnant, he felt as if she was. His body was so thin in comparison to hers that being squashed by her was quite a chore. With a snort, though not an aggressive one, he rolled onto his side beneath her and over onto his pack, with a light kick of his back paws he pushed her upwards giving him room to escape. With a nip to her ear as he stood, he gave her a casual nudge to the side with his nose. He didn’t quite understand the concept of play, but if she thought squashing someone was fun then maybe he should try it?

With her now laying on the floor he flung himself on top of her, careful not to use all of his weight as he pinned her with a triumphant smirk. <b>"Well... that is providing they fight like their dad and not you. Else they don't stand a chance..."</b> he teased. As he looked down from above her, he felt a little warm inside, meeting her honey eyes with his grey ones there was nothing but adoration there, despite the fact they had been rowing again, he could never stay truly mad at her. She was such a beautiful creature. From nowhere his coal tongue slipped from his lips and licked her maw, before he left her on the floor and bolted into the forest for a “game” of chase. His black form slipped into the shadows whilst a short howl of excitement escaped, on its own accord, into the air.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]