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the truth hurts but secrets kill — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

Hvordan. He did not understand, but he seemed to follow along with her paw. Cam frowned. Was she asking how to get home? He was not certain. There were so many lands that existed with water between where they stood now and where they left… still, he wanted to give her some kind of hope, right? Perhaps if he could point her in a direction she might be able to find it on her own. He looked around to gain his bearings.

“Hvordan… how?” He asked, clarifying, trying to point her towards the English word in case she tried to ask again with someone else before pointing his nose towards the north west. He did not know if this was the direction she sought, but with the color of her fur, with her breed of wolf, it seemed to be the most likely. "North."

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 40 posts.
Inactive Deceased
When she saw his mouth bend downward, Inger worried that the wolf would tell her the same as Rayjiek had; that what she was asking was impossible. Thankfully, however, his features continued to shift and change, eventually rekindling her hope. While she did not understand his words, his gesturing and the nearness of the word north to it's Norwegian equivalent gave her enough information to work with. She grinned with glee, nearly bouncing with energy.

There were so many questions she could ask, but the language barrier... she knew that she was likely to have gotten all that she would be able to.

"Nord," she repeated to confirm, nodding at the stranger while thanking him profusely, "mange takk, tusen, tusen hjertelig takk!"

It was all she could do, and so she spun around and took off, eager to tell her companion of what she had discovered.