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I know that you are healing — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
For @Vasco
Just before sunrise, light rain, 5C/40F

Viorel did not normally go this far these days, not wanting to leave Vanadis’ side or let his infant children be unattended. But, he was getting desperate to find a water source closer to the pack territory than the falls. He needed to find somewhere that he could get his mate to without her being out of the den for days on end, and even the herds were beginning to flee.

So he had woken his father up - it was still a bit strange to think of him that way - while the day was still dark and asked for his help. They had gone out north of the territory, searching in vain for some sign of water, a pond, a trickle of a stream, anything. Viorel would have even settled for a fresh kill to bring his wife, get some fluids in her.

It was this thought that caused him to curse at the grey sky, taunting them with it’s light rain. It happened every few days, a sprinkle of rain would fall, get his hopes up, and then disappear without any substantial accumulation. It would wet the trees and leaves, turn the driest sand into a gross paste, and then stop. When was this going to end? Last year they had flooded, and this year a drought. Did this place have no normal springs?

However, when they reached the orchard Viorel grinned. The blossoms were in bloom, lighting the valley up with pink and white and in the branches the smallest of the first cherries were hidden. Grabbing a bunch from the nearest tree he winced as the tart taste filled his tongue, ”Maybe Vanadis would like this? It’s better than nothing.” The leader was pretty much just thinking out loud, he did not want to return empty pawed.

Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

These new lands, it seemed, were intend on making the Backwater wolves fight for their rights to hold them. Vasco still felt skeptical at times, about the place that had become his new home – not easily able to forget the horrors of his first months here, and the losses they had suffered. But at it was the choice his son had made, to stay and start a family of his own, and it was Vasco’s to stick around and support him in the endeavor, for better or worse. The sea too, had had its dangers, drought might be rare along the coast, but not impossible, and at least here, there was no risk of any water they did find being too salt to drink.


The Halex was a worrier at heart, and while he was determined to keep his promise to Viorel, he still wondered about his other children, who had found life in Relic Lore too tough, and about Sita. He couldn’t help it, she had been his entire world for so long – now he had more, his son and grandchildren weighed heavier – but it was still a heartache he wouldn’t easily be over. Seeing Viorel with his own love sometimes made it harder, but at the same time, there was a different joy in knowing that his son had found his own heart’s desire and seeing the devotion in his eyes whenever he spoke of her.


Now, the father wrinkled his whiskers at his boy, amused despite the gravity of the situation. “Perhaps if you bring along some of the flowers too, they might sweeten the bitterness,” he drawled, raising his brows pointedly. Still, he understood Viorel’s need to bring something back from their search, casting his silver-grey gaze around the dried up landscape for perhaps the twentieth time, hoping to spot something new on the horizon; “We could be lucky enough to find fruit on some of the bushes too.” He attempted to give the suggestion a hopeful tone, though he doubted they’d be very successful; What we really need is for this rain to pick up! Just a few days of proper downpour and surely some of it would gather in the backwater; Is that really so much to ask?


Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The tart taste and his father’s wrinkled nose was enough to get Viorel to spit out the unripe cherries. His tongue flicked against his nose a few times quickly, trying to get the taste to dissipate. The leader grinned sheepishly, silently acknowledging that this probably had not been his best idea. Still, he wanted to bring home something, and maybe some flowers would be better than being completely empty pawed.

The salt and pepper wolf sighed, ”I’m not sure we can rely on our luck after all of the events this spring.” It had been a real heartbreaker so far. His tone was determined, but with an undercurrent of fear when he elaborated, ”We already lost grandma Katna, I can’t lose anyone else.” He didn’t even really know how Vasco felt about the matriarch passing, they had not had a chance to speak privately in quite some time. That was the life of a leader after all. He had many duties to attend to, double now that there were pups in the mix.

The thought made Viorel guilty in a way that he couldn’t really understand. He knew he was doing what he needed to do for the pack and for his wife and kids, but was he pushing the rest of the family away as a result? How were his cousins doing, his father, Clover and the older kids? He could only be so many places at once, but he was driving himself mad always trying to be everywhere he was needed.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

A fond smile played around the corner of his mouth as he watched his son, laughter in his grey eyes. Sometimes it was easy to forget how young Viorel was, seeing how assuredly he lead his pack, but in these more private moments, a touch of that awkward boy would shine through now and then, reminding Vasco of the pup he had been.


But they became further and further between, and as Viorel grew serious once more, his father followed suit, brows furrowing at the discouraged words. He wanted to rush in an reassure his son, but held back, taking a moment to consider before he answered. “Tough times are part of life,” he started, voice calm and serious; “And so is death, sadly.” Often it came sooner than they wished or expected, but regardless, they had to accept it, however hard.


“Your grandmother lived a long, tough life, keeping the Valle’s strong.” He said this with a soft, sad smile. His own relationship with Katna had never been close. He’d always been slightly intimidated by the matriarch, feeling like she, along with her older daughters, judged him and disapproved of his relationship with Sita. But he’d respected her leadership, and what she meant to Her children and grandchildren, and he would mourn her loss, if for nothing else, then for the grief he saw in Viorel, his cousins and his kids. Shaking his head a little, he sighed and continued: “Her age was pressing already before the draught. We can’t say how much longer she had in the best of times.” It might sound a little harsh, but it was the truth, however sad. Vasco straightened up a little, his mournful expression fading in favor of a stern look; “The rest of the pack is healthy, we’re resilient!”


Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel’s father was reassuring in his times of need, and he was slowly learning to let him in and accept their newly developing relationship. For so long he had been just his mother’s closest friend, and then the truth had all unraveled in a time where the leader had been unable to process it. Now? Now he was just happy for the support from wherever he could get it. The dark Valle shot his companion a thankful smile but stayed silent for a few moments.

Eventually Viorel nodded in agreement, ”We’re as strong as we can be, but, I worry more about wanderers than I do everyone’s physical health most days.” They had once had so many, and now their numbers were shrinking. They could only support the pups if they had healthy adult members to assist, and the man still could not figure out why everyone seemed to disappear into the night. Modesto made sense, but the others had all made a choice and never re-appeared.

Yellow eyes looked from cherry blossom to cherry blossom, trying to think of what else to say. Should he change the subject to something lighter, or ask his father the questions that kept him awake at night? In the end, he knew that this time was precious and it could be weeks before they had another moment alone. Turning back gravely to Vasco he questioned, ”Is this what it felt like for you? Like you’re always questioning if you’re doing the right thing?” It felt like ever since coming here, and becoming a father everything felt like there were no good choices.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

It was a strange position to find himself in, not only acknowledge as his father, but offering support and advise to Viorel, his pack leader. In the Estuary, Vasco had been the eternal outsider, second grade simply by the virtue of his name, and further loathed for his devotion to Sita. The council would have turned up their noses at any attempt to offer advice, never mind actually asking him for it.


But here he was valued, he had all he’d ever wanted; almost… He wasn’t about to let any of that go easily. Keeping his eyes on his son’s face, he took a moment to weigh his options before responding; “You aren’t responsible for their choices.” Sometimes sugarcoating was more harm than good, in the Halex’s opinion. Viorel was an adult now, with a pack of his own, he needed to hear things straight. “You’ve put everything into this new start, you and Vayko both, and you’ve achieved so much! But you have to accept that this was your dream,” He paused, letting out a small sigh at what he was about to say, feeling the same pain as his son no doubt was in this moment; “Your siblings… They weren’t ready to make that commitment, that’s on them, not on you!” As for Sita, well, he thought it best not to mention her right now.


He could have continued on, but something in Viorel’s eyes made him stop, letting his son think in piece. His own silvery eyes drifted to the sky, watching the few, stray clouds drifting along, bringing not even the slightest promise of rain. Then Viorel found his words, and Vasco turned back to meet his gaze, compassion lighting up his features. “Sometimes,” he admitted, once again deciding that half truths were no good; “You can only do your best, and most of the time that’s enough.” Offering his son a soft smile, the pale man moved a little closer, making sure he met his eyes before adding: “You’ve got good support, Vayko, Clover, Vanadis and your boys, they’re not about to leave you and there’s a reason for that. You need to focus on your victories in stead of worrying where you might have failed. Those who have stayed, do so because they believe in you Viorel, they trust you and what you have build here, that counts for way more than a few stragglers.” No one could be right all the time, surely Viorel realized that.


Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

His father didn’t beat around the bush, which the leader appreciated, but it still didn’t make the pill any easier to swallow. He hummed in acknowledgement that he had heard what was said to him, and that he was thinking it over. Emotions about being left behind warred with the logic of knowing that Vasco was correct in his statement that he could not control what his siblings did. In the end, he turned to look sharply at his father and inquired, ”But is it right to choose dreams over family/’ Maybe that was the root of all his problems.

A small exhale and soft smile graced Viorel’s features as Vasco admitted sometimes. At least it was not just him, and as his own litters got older and became more of their own wolves he had grown more compassionate to his father’s previous position. Before it had all seemed so black and white, that what his mother and father had done was wrong, but he had now come to see how nuanced the whole situation was.

The words were kind, and bolstered his spirits somewhat, but he could not fully shake the feeling of waiting for the next blow to come. Still, he couldn’t wallow forever, and now more than ever with a pregnant wife at home he needed to shoulder the burden. Forcing a chuckle he teased, ”If only someone had warned me how hard being a father and leader would be.” They had, he just had been too cocky to listen.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

Sure, Vasco was biased. He’d chosen to stay, after all, even when both his other children hadn’t; Even when Sita… He pushed away the thought, angry at his own weakness in regard to the woman who still held his heart, no matter how hard he tried to put her behind him. But she’d been long over him already, on to the next guy, and probably off chasing yet another. Vasco had much more to gain by staying: not only did his son finally know and acknowledge him, he was a leader, with children of his own; My grandchildren…!

So, he could only shake his head lightly at the question, giving Viorel a wry smile. “Is that really what you did?” He asked pointedly, eyes searching his son’s. At this point, the young Valle had just as much family here as back at the Estuary – family that cared much more for his wellbeing than the council ever would have, in Vasco’s humble opinion. Intend on driving his point home, the father added: “Contrary to what you’ve been taught growing up, most young wolves leave home to start families of their own.” The Halex knew in his heart that his son could never have blossomed as he had, back on the coast, with the matriarchs watching over him like hawks. But of course, it was easier for him to denounce the old Valle’s, they weren’t his family.

Viorel’s chuckled comment made his father snort, head shaking again, though this time in humor. It was true, the boy had taken on quite a lot at barely two years old, but he had grown with the roles and Vasco was certain it would take many more blows to really topple him; So we just need to make sure that doesn’t happen! Smiling in earnest now, he took on the same, teasing tone as his son as he answered: “Such a shame you have to shoulder it all on your own.”


Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The leader knew that his father meant well and was trying to reassure him, but all that he could muster was a hum in response. He would reflect on this, but for now there was a small part of him that did feel as if maybe he had chosen leadership and his own dreams over his family. The feeling would continue to come and go over the next few months, but he would continue to remind himself that all of this was supposed to be normal.

At the teasing the young Valle could only chuckle and roll his eyes dramatically. Obviously he knew that he wasn’t alone and that he had a lot of paws helping along the way, but Vi got the message loud and clear. Getting to his paws the salt and pepper man swatted his father with his tail when he passed by, ”We had better get back before Vana sends out a search party.” He doubted it, she would probably come out and drag him home herself if she wanted to.

Viorel walked a few steps before pausing, ”And Dad?” He waited, ”Thanks.” Then he kept walking, they needed to get back, empty pawed again.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Vasco Halex

Although Viorel’s response was subdued, Vasco could see the idea settle in his mind – no doubt it would take time and effort for him to accept, especially with his siblings leaving – but the father would be sure to repeat this lesson as much as needed, to reassure his son that he had chosen right. For now though, the thought was simply left there in his mind for him to ponder.


Vasco grinned back as his joke was received, lashing his own tail in return. The smile turned knowing at the comment about Vanadis, and he nodded his head obediently; “Or a hit squad.” He chuckled. If there was one wolf in the backwater that the Halex never wanted to be on the bad site of, it was his son’s mate, and Viorel wisely knew to do the same.


Letting him take the lead, Vasco prepared to fall in step at his leader’s shoulder, only to be stalled by the sudden halt. Head titled ever so slightly, brows lifting when Viorel looked back at him; “Yeah?” This time his smile was soft, muzzle dipping at the one word. “Anytime.” He answered, a promise that he would not leave. Ever.


Thoughts ”Speech”