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Omens foretold — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
For @Oksana :) 7/25 early evening

Having had an afternoon to spend with his wife, Nash had joined her in picking up their litter from his mother and helped her settle them for the evening. After promising to return and tell the kids a story if they behaved while he was gone, he slipped away to find his leader. Things were rough on the pack right now, with Al having left them. Nash felt eternally guilty; he should have been there to help him. He wished Al had called for his help. He wished a lot of things, and felt as though he'd failed his pack in allowing his friend and leader to be killed.

He'd been updating Oksana on his duties regularly; if not every day, then every other. He tried to take the time to see her and her pups as often as he could, but it wasn't as often as he would like. Thus, his visit this evening. "Sana?" he called softly as he approached her den, not wanting to disturb the pups if she'd already settled them down for the night.

(This post was last modified: Jul 27, 2022, 12:31 AM by Nash.)

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Since her husband's death Oksana was trying to stay strong for the pack. She'd promised to take care if them all and that was exactly what she intended to do. Still there were times that she felt so lost without him. For weeks she'd gone to visit him as he recovered and before that they'd spend time talking walks or just talking but now she didn't have that, she didn't have him.

The crow did her best to keep spirits up for her children and be there for then when they needed her. Life went in though and as with each night she'd made sure each of her children were in the den safe and sound. Once they were settled in she sat at the entrance waiting for each of them to sleep.

Once she qas sure they wouldn't be getting up anytime soon she stepped out into the night. She'd spent many evenings since Lee's passing looking upbat the stars wondering if he might be looking down up his family. The sound of Nash's voice brought her from her thoughts. She moved to step into view of the Guardian. "What brings you by at this hour Nash? Everything's okay?" She asked a concerned note to her voice.
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Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

It didn't take long for the crow to step into sight, clearly concerned as he approached. He let out a soft, ill-humored laugh. "As okay as it can be," he said. "Aquene and I left the kids with Mom for the afternoon and spend time just us... she's distraught of course; blames herself. I keep telling her she tried her best, but..." he trailed away, shaking his head. "I came to see how you're doing."

He didn't want to spill all of his and his wife's insecurities on the grieving widow. She had enough to deal with, and four children to raise and comfort - but not on her own. "You know mom thinks of your bunch as her grandkids as well?" he decided on.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana did her best to put up a strong front for the pack. They needed a strong leader and someone to lead them through the pain she was sure every single one of them was feeling. Everyone loved Lee very much so she understood how they all felt. It was night time after she'd laid her children down for the night that Oksana entertained her greif and allowed it to overcome her so that maybe in time she would be able to not hurt so badly over the loss of her husband.

It was Nash's call for her that brought her from the grip of her grief. She took a moment to compose herself before going to meet him. Automatically she was worried that something was wrong but as he spoke she was relieved to learn that everything was okay. "Its good you and Aquene had some time to yourselves," she told, "I know she is taking Aleisters death pretty hard. I am worried about her. You can tell her and I will too that she shouldn't blame herself. I certainly don't. I know she did everything she could to save him." In the end she supposed that it wasn't enough or Lee just wasn't strong enough and Oksana was sure the drought hadn't helped. At the end of the day she'd lost her husband amd there wasn't anyone to blame for his death.

She offered a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes when Nash said he'd come to check on her. "I appreciate that Nash. I'm doing okay I suppose. I'm taking things one day at a time, you know. I've also been doing a lot of thinking about the future of the pack and there is a decision I've come to and I'd like to speak with you about it." Despite the hour Oksana had come to a few realizations that she didn't think should wait any longer.

Another smile graced her maw as she nodded. "I know and I'm so thankful for her and the love that she's shown them. They may no longer have their father but they are still very lucky because they have Moonshadow and you and Aquene amd all of their siblings. Knowing that really helps." It was a comfort to know that none of her children had to go through the loss of their father alone.
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Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

It was a time of deep grief for the Cove; one they hadn't known for a long time - not since the matriarch Namid, Al's mother, had died. His parents had talked to him about it, told him stories about her. Now her son had joined her and the pack was mourning. Nash was no stranger to grief, but the grief of losing a dear friend was different to that of losing his own father. That these pups had lost theirs so young... would they even remember him when they grew up?

All Nash could do was offer a sad smile and nod. "I'll tell her, but... I don't know how much she'll listen. You know how she gets... but hearing it will help eventually, if we say it enough." Maybe it might convince him that he, too, was not at fault, even though he should have been there. He should have been by Al's side. If he had been, maybe his friend would still be alive.

Or maybe they'd both be dead.

Sana had carried on the conversation however, so Nash rolled with her. His ears pricked. A decision? "You know I will always support you," he said. "What have you decided?" He trusted her to lead the pack; she'd been doing a brilliant job, even in her grief. He wished there was more he could do to help her.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana wasn't a stranger to grief. Before losing Aleister she'd lost her mother but there was a really big difference between the two. She missed her mom a lot but in her heart she knew it was what was best for Inna, for her mother to finally be at peace. Her heart ached for Aleister. Even now talking with Nash or going about her daily business the pain in her heart was always there deep in her chest feeling like it wouldn't ever go away and there was nothing she could do about it.

She wasn't the only one hurting though which was something she hadn't forgotten. Aleisters death had hit Aquene hard as well. Oksana didn't know what she could offer the Shawman that might help her to stop blaming herself besides words that she hoped would sink in one day. "Maybe if we both say it enough it will help her. Even if it's a small way. I just don't want her to hurt because she believes that she hadn't done all she could." Oksana knew Aquene had lost a friend and the father to her first born. She was going to be sad about his passing but she wanted her grief to be because of that and not because of reasons that the crow believed to be out of her control.

Oksana had been doing a lot of thinking about the pack. What she was about to ask of Nash had come on because of Lee's death. What had solidified it in her mind as something the pack needed was what if the pack needed a litter while she was unavailable. This year she'd spent three weeks sequestered in her den taking care of her children. She didn't know what would happen next year. "Thank you Nash that really means a lot. I'm going to have to call on that support now." She didn't really know how to go about this so she just plowed ahead. "The decision I've come in one that isn't meant to be taken lightly so if you need time or want to speak with Aquene first I'm okay with that. I was hoping that you would stand next to me as a co-leader."
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Nash no longer knew what to expect from day to day. Al's passing - or at least his injury - had been so unexpected, all sense of stability seemed to have bled from the pack. Between the lake's constant shrinking and the the paralleled shrinking of his pack, their home seemed almost more a prison than it ever had before. Not once did Nash think about leaving, however.

All that aside, whatever the guardian might have thought Oksana had decided, it wasn't that. He just stared at her for a long moment, processing. It wasn't until he started to speak that he realized his mouth had been hanging open. "You- you want me to lead with you?" he asked, voice cracking halfway through. "I'm- are you sure? I don't... I'm not very good at- at leading. I..."

He trailed off, mind and heart racing. If Oksana was speaking to him again, he didn't notice. There had to be someone better... but Chan was gone, and had made it clear when he'd been leading for Al before that he didn't like the job. He wouldn't come back only to be trapped like that again. Aquene was the next logical choice, as the other second, but she had her paws full with... everything she had. Leading would likely be one thing too much. Both his mother and Kajika had experience leading, but both were elderly, and everyone else was just a pup - or a yearling grieving their father.

And Nash had spent a lot of time doing things a leader might do. He'd felt inadequate before and turned out to do just fine.

"Okay." He swallowed and looked up at Sana. "Okay. I'll do it. I think Aquene would agree. I want to take care of my pack. You're all my family."

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
It couldn't be avoided now that Lee was gone. She needed someone that she trusted at her side. To lead beside her and Nash was the most logical choice. They had been working together as leader amd Guardian for months. It was what made sense to her and though she believed she could lead the pack by herself she had to do what was best for them and having Nash lead next to her was the right thing to do. So Oksana had finally made her decision and that night was the night she was going to ask him.

It was very clear to the crow that the Guardian was very surprised by the offer. That did cause her to smile a little. She thought he might need to talk it over with Aquene. So she would give him the time that he needed to give her an answer. She felt it was fair but then he spoke. "Yes I'm sure Nash. I trust you and you've earned it. You've been such a big help to me these past months. Don't worry I be able to help you." She was confident that Nash would do a good job.

It was his turn to surprise her when he had an answer for her right away. He was sure that Aquene would agree with his decision. "I'm so happy Nash. I know this is what is right for the pack and I know you'll do well because we are all your family." Oksana felt a sense of relief that he had agreed. Like a weight had been taken off of her.
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Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

He was nervous and surprised by the offer, but once he'd agreed and Sana assured him she was sure, he felt himself settle a little, a new weight on his shoulders, but settled none the less. He was sure he'd be nervous the first little while, but if she was there to help him, and he had Aquene by his side...

Nash offered his leader a small smile. "I'll always do my best, you know that," he said. "I'm honored you trust me with this... by your confidence in me. And it was an honor. He'd grown up at this lake, spent years coming back in the hope that one day his family would return. He'd found them here at long last, and created a new pack, a new family, over the bones of the old. Now, with his friend and founding leader gone, he was being trusted with the future of that family.

There was no where else he'd rather be.

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Now with Lee gone Oksana didn't know what the future would bring for her or the pack. She knew that her children would grow akd start their own lives. That was how life worked but even knowing that Oksana felt a sense of uncertainty. Part of her thought that she felt that way due to her grief. She was certain that she was making the right decision. Whether Nash was confident he could lead in that moment she knew itnwoild come to him just as it had her.

Oksana offered her new co-lead a smile. "I know you do," she assured, "I've seen it myself." Everyday you put work in to help protect the pack, our family. So I know that as my co-lead you will do what's best for us all." Oksana offered her new co-lead a smile confident that she'd made the right choice in asking this of him.
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