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no more obligations — Stormcloud Moor 
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Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
-another random aw

The further west she pushed, the harsher the landscape seemed to become. There seemed very little sign of others, and even prey animals were relatively scarce. Colette hadn’t seen another since she’d helped the kid after he had injured his leg, which.. had been months ago now, but the ghost had settled into her existence here. Hunting and scavenging where and when she could, surviving, as she wandered the empty fields.

As with almost every day here, the wind was punishing and cold. Dust and.. she swore the occasional flake of snow obscured her vision, so much that she doubted even having two good eyes would’ve helped much.

Though Colette couldn’t be sure she’d survive the winter in this place, she’d be damned if she went crawling back to Reika and Flair, any other pack, or some strangers for aid in the coming months. Though lonely and a challenge, it was still the sort of existence she preferred. She had no obligations to anyone, nobody but herself to worry about, and no one to blame but herself if or when things went wrong. Reverting back to a baser level of instinct and action, helped keep her mind off other troubling things.  

And she certainly didn’t want anybody’s charity or pity. ”T’hell with that,” the ghost grunted, though her words were lost to the wind as she pressed forth.