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When the only way is up. — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Han who has 116 posts.
Inactive III. Medic
Kyrie Hyde
Kyrie could already imagine how everything would look like. A pack, hardworking, loyal and standing tall in their territory. Giving their fullest and a good atmosphere where you could trust psychotherapist with you life. Or something like that, it was that idealist image of how a pack should be. In her own head. If that image would become reality was all upon the time. The pack would be there, Kyrie was sure of it. Just wait and she would see how it would become. She didn't know how it would go in other packs, the one she had left was just her family and a couple of strangers who would try to survive. The thought of being in a pack again was pleasant, Kyrie missed the contact with others. Curious she tilted her head a bit at the side. Bear didn't seem to come, or did he hesitate? She couldn't tell, maybe if she could read his mind but Kyrie didn't knew him good enough for something like that. Her eyes looked back at the black she wolf. There was a little smile on her muzzle Kyrie didn't saw just a couple seconds ago. Kyrie smiled warmly, the smiling Elettra (even if it was just a little smile) gave a whole other kind of look at the black she wolf. It didn't look bad either. Her white ears popped up a little, patiently she listened and waited. Elettra showed a bit of hesitate but Kyrie knew now that she should just wait, there was no use in pushing someone. Out of experience the most would just go back into their shell saying it was nothing. However what she did hear was quite surprising. Her mouth already opened to say yes but she shut it before saying one word. Of course she wanted to join her, but maybe she should think about it first. Going into a pack wasn't a little change. But the thought of getting into a pack with Elettra, Kyrie knew her just for a short moment but what she had heard was promising and she trusted the female on her word. 'Yes, I really want to join your pack!' Her heart beated with excitement. 'Do you have already a name in your mind?' Kyrie didn't know other wolves but she couldn't wait to see which faces would pop up in Elettra's pack. What kind of wolves would it be? All kind of questions spun in her head but only time could give a answer.
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
And as Kyrie thought, was how it should be. It had become painfully obvious that the members of Grizzly Hollow did not trust one another. There was a 'pull' between if you were on Borden's side, Jay's or Kade's- a pull which should not have been able to bloom to begin with. Members did not accept their leader's choice and plotted against her, others which did not trust one not to kill another and others, whom did not know the meaning of their place within a pack. It was such a structure that Elettra would enforce- the rights which the leaders had over their members, and the seconds in tow. Each wolf would hold their own placement and each wolf would fight for that placement. There would be respect, their would be trust, and their would be hierarchy or the wolf would be no more; least not in Elettra Archer's pack.
And here, she wavered, on the edge. The female's mouth opened but she too hesitated for a moment, leaving Elettra to wonder if she had failed in her attempt. However, when the woman spoke it was with agreement and excitement, causing Elettra's tail to wave in an unstoppable happiness. Kyrie would be her first promising member, a founding wolf of Elettra's own Empire. Victory.
Quickly, the youth went surging into questioning and, feeling not a need to stand on ceremony any longer, did Elettra Archer's hunches turn downward for a sit, ready to allow the young woman to know of her plots now that the plots were a part of Kyrie much the same. ”Something to do with willows, maybe? Even since my time in Grizzly Hollow, I've an attraction for the Drooping Willows forest, far south of here. I've not yet found a specific landmark to call the den, but I know our location will be within that forest.” She nods delicately, awaiting the woman to drink up the information and location of which they are to live. This way, whilst they still remained rogues, the woman would know where to meet again. Even as only two, hunting and sleeping (with protection in numbers) would be easier on them.
Played by - who has 26 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Bear Aleiz
I'm gonna pull Bear out at this point guys, so he can go brood. <3

So this hadn't quite gone to plan. He was still sitting there, watching the two ladies converse as if he were invisible. They had cast sideways glances in his direction, but he'd already considered himself dismissed. He'd been so happy to meet someone who wanted to talk to him; but like everything else in his life, she had been stolen away and he was left alone. Always an outsider.
He felt like an idiot now, sitting there waiting for attention that never came."I'll... I'll go then." he said, mostly to himself as he picked his hairy rear off from the floor, it feeling a little numb from having been sat for so long on the hard terrain. With a half smile towards them, whether they looked or not, he turned and headed towards the treeline which he hoped would swallow him whole.

Of course, he was hurt. He hadn't meant to upset the black lady, but something he had done had obviously upset her. Once again his social skills had been lacking, he wasn't even sure what he had done wrong, as usual, but he needed to do something. It was getting really lonely... being alone. He was so tired of being alone. With a glance over his shoulder at the females, he simply sighed and vanished into the woodland at a lope.exit