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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Clear — Current Temperature: 51° F/11° C. Late morning.

It was a scent he perhaps knew better than any other that clung to Indru's nose now, that he tracked with a intensity he would little else. However, as familiar as it was, there was a new undercurrent to it that while at first had made him pause with confusion now thrilled him beyond anything else. It had not taken Indru long to remember it from the brief time it had been there before, nearly a year ago now. The change in the scent meant hope and left Indru with an excitement that was clearly expressed in his hurried, bouncing lope.

The sky was clear today which was a welcome change for Indru from the storms of late, especially after the storm that had been the main cause from taken him from his family. The sun was faint but was undeniably growing stronger as summer neared and he enjoyed the sun making wild dashes for the ground as he ran, using his lungs to draw the cherished scent of Corinna deep into his lungs. As his mate's scent became fresher and fresher Indru increased his pace, hoping to catch up to her if he travelled faster than the casual lope most wolves adopted for unhurried travel. Her scent was always enticing, but the recent changes only made his desire to be near her stronger, his familiar need before returning, to try and protect her and their now confirmed unborn cubs.

With a handsome grin curling his muzzle when at last he caught a glimpse of the lead shewolf through the trees Indru let out a excited yowl, chasing after her as fast as he could manage. His mate was beautiful and was soon giving them more cubs, and he was determined never to leave her side again.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The sky was clear overhead, and a warm wind whipped through the air, tugging at Corinna's fur. Lifting her head, she closed her eyes and let the breeze wash over her face. Tail wagged easily behind her, and the smile on her lips was one of pure contentment. Ever since Indru had returned to the pack, things had begun to settle down some. She had felt more relaxed, and more confident that things were beginning to go back to normal, whatever that meant. Minus, of course, Ice and Triell's adventure with Rhysis. While she hadn't been particularly pleased that her guardians had attacked the self-proclaimed leader, there had been pride in her eyes when they had approached her after the fight. It was a testament to how much their leaving had affected the pack as a whole, and not just her, and she was soothed by her pack mates putting their loyalty into practice.

Of course, the most content part of Corinna's smile came from herself. The day she had noticed the change in her scent, she had not been able to stop smiling. The false hope she had experienced that night had been difficult, so knowing without question that the scent of new life was coming from her was a relief. And a joy. Certainly, the process had not been enjoyable, but being a mother had come to define her, and she honestly didn't know she she would have done if she had found herself barren this year. The announcement had not been made to the rest of the pack yet, though she figured that sooner or later, the older wolves would figure it out. How to explain it to Rihael, Kisla, and Fenru...now that was a question.

It shouldn't have surprised her that Indru had been following her. He had done quite well at following her demands that he stay home for the time being and not stray too far, and no doubt he had been almost as keen on watching out for her body's chemistry changes as she had been. Turning her head, Cori opened her eyes, seeking his form out from among the trees. He had been healing nicely, and was back up on his feet after his misadventure. Woofing at him, Cori's tail wagged more furiously behind her. Beating her forepaws against the ground, she grinned, waiting for him to catch up with her.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The aperçu Indru had got at Corinna had been enough to start his tail waving erratically behind him as he bounded towards her without hesitation at her welcoming call. He watched his silvery mate beat her paws against the ground in a playful dance and Indru flicked his muzzle upwards as he yowled excitedly back at her, nimbly bouncing towards her, a playful growl rumbling through his chest. His body twisted backwards and forwards like a snake in his excitement as he neared her, a mixture of whines and growls still escaping him. It wasn't until he could brush his muzzle up against hers, letting his cheek travel all the way down her left side before he nipped playfully at her hind quarters and travelled back up tightly to stand by her right side, that he finally quietened.

Your scent, Cori, he hushed, the excitement so clear in his voice as he covered her face and neck in a plethora of licks and nips and happy whines beginning to escape him again. More cubs! We'll be parents again this year and the pack will be strong. His voice hardened in determination and confidence as he spoke of the pack's strength, this year there would not be a thing to take him from her side or his pack. Thank you, he breathed again, grooming her gently around the base of her ears before he turned, trying to catch those rare, green eyes with his fiery eyes, I love you, so much.

Nothing could make Indru more happy, more content, than the prospect of more cubs this year, as much as Cori loved being a mother he did a a father, it was a natural instinct in him to love and cherish them and it had killed him it had not worked out how he had imagined. But he had the chance now, to continue to make it up to their current cubs and to make sure he would be there for the new ones, and nothing but a fierce determination rolled through him. The pack, they'll be so pleased. Our cubs—we'll have to explain, and the thought of them trying to do so made him laugh, imagining their faces as he and Cori had the awkward conversation.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

In a matter of moments, Indru was in front of her, the excitement clear in both of their expressions. Continuing to woof pleasantly, she matched him, pressing her nose to his for only a brief moment before he was off. Rubbing his side against her, almost cat-like in nature, Cori turned her head to follow his progress, snapping at his hindquarters as he passed her. Rotating her head to the other side she found herself looking into his orange eyes as he drew level with her. Tail wagging, she nipped at his ears, giving the closest one a playful tug before she let it go. Leaning into his grooming, she squirmed, whining pleasantly. "I love you too," she crooned at him.

So much had gone awry this last year, that it was hard to believe that they found themselves in this fortunate position. The recent suffering of the pack had shaken its confidence, but hopefully announcing that they would be having cubs this year would help to boost their spirits. It had certainly worked miracles on herself and Indru, that much was evident in their behavior now. "We will have to explain..." she broke off into giggles, shooting Indru a coy look as she did. The thought to explain how pups were brought into the world hadn't crossed her mind until now, and somehow, she just couldn't quite imagine having that particular conversation with her far from mature first litter. "...and you," Cori paused, her voice hardening, "You can't wander off this time." Ducking her head under his muzzle, she leaned against his chest. "I need you." The green-eyed female knew she would be able to bring the second litter into the world on her own if she had too, but she had no desire to, and she hoped that Indru's absence the previous summer would motivate him to stick close to home this time around.

"There's also the problem of the pack den...it was ruined when the river broke and flooded that area. We'll need to find a new one." Pulling away, Cori took a few steps backwards, tail wagging. "Now is a good as time as any." Turning around, she set off back towards home, knowing he'd be right behind her in only a moment. "Any thoughts on where to relocate?" She adored their current den, but it's location, as seen, made it vulnerable to spring floods, and her scariest point as a mother so far had no doubt been when she had almost seen her three cubs fall victim to the water's wrath.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

There was a playfulness, a expression of his pure joy, that only his family could bring from Indru as while he was a friendly and welcoming fellow he kept his guard up and he was always ready. It was these moment though, where he had nothing but trust for the company he was in, that he lived for and why he loved, cherished and wanted to protect his family so dearly.

Corinna quickly crooned back at him and Indru pushed his nose up against hers happily, his tail waving ecstatically behind him in an almost comical speed. After his words her own laugh started to blend with his and he turned to watch her as he listened to her giggles with a grin, enjoying her happiness and the loss of tension and stress which had plagued her recently. No where, he returned quickly, his voice just as hard as hers as laced with his determination as it was, not a inch further than right here. He sidestepped lightly to the side as if to express his point, a smile on his muzzle as he drew the radius of movement he was permitting himself around her with his eyes, it looked almost gravitational, like the planets orbit around the sun, and he decided it was fitting. Of course, that just means you have to put up with me, he grinned, prowling back towards her, every, single, second. He laughed quickly as he accented each word with a nip along her nape, but as playful as he was he had meant the earlier words—he wasn't going anywhere.

Her next words caused a brief frown to mar his face, horror images of what could have happened to Kisla cycling through his thoughts, before he shook them off, nodding her with a contemplative expression. Hidden Tree, it's so far, what a shame. It would have been nice to give my birth den some use again, he smiled fondly at the thought before turning to peer around them, the lands he had claimed and had memorized running through his thoughts. It needs to be in the heart of the territory again, of course, and near the slower portions of the river—we want water, but no accidents... He trailed off, certain now that it'd have to be a newly constructed den and none to soon, yet he felt pleased he had a new job to do. I'll get the cubs to help, it'll be good for them, providing a new home for their siblings. They'll feel more involved, and he grinned again in his excitement, tail starting to wave.

North east a little of the centre I think, where the river tapers and narrows and drops to a much slower stream. D'you where I mean? There's that huge tree there, thick, sturdy roots, I'll start one there if it pleases you? He knew of course she'd want to be involved but now that she was pregnant, confirmed, it was equally important she didn't expend to much energy into this when she had other wolves able to do so.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna should have been expecting Indru to mention Hidden Tree, but she was surprised. Though the area held significantly less nostalgic value to her, it was still important in the lives of the Tainn family, for obvious reasons. Not being one of them by blood, it was easy to let it slip her mind, especially when matters of the present demanded her attention. Thinking back to her last venture there, when Fenru had discovered the old den and the discarded snakeskin, she chuckled. "Fenru wouldn't mind going to Hidden Tree," she grinned. But relocating the pack wasn't something she particularly wanted to do, especially not to an area that held just as many painful memories as good ones.The same could be said for Swift River, of course, but there was something about the familiarity that was incredibly comforting.

Nodding in her head in agreement, she began to think about various places where they would be able to reconstruct what would soon become the most important place in their lives. Corinna would be trapped in the den for several weeks, until her cubs could survive without her. So obviously, comfort would need to be addressed. "Rihael constructing a den? I can't even imagine..." she laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. Her oldest son had the best of intentions, always, but he was reckless. Green eyes growing wide, she stopped dead in her tracks. "He is not allowed to babysit," it was a whisper, the sheer horror of what could happen if she let Hael near the newborns too soon clearly evident. "But you're right, they should be involved. As should the rest of the pack." Once she and Indru staked out the place they wanted to call "home", then they could call the rest of the River wolves.

Forcing herself to move again, Corinna nipped Indru's flank playfully, stopping only when he suggested a place. Thinking, she tried to picture the spot in question. Slowly she nodded her head as the picture became clear. "Shall we then?" Who knew what other creatures had taken over the spot and would need chased out before they could move in. "You know you'll have to let me help too," she woofed, green eyes meeting his fiery ones, the twinkle in them evident. Indru wouldn't be allowed to have all the fun.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
PP'ed them travelling & arriving at the site, hope it's okay!

The comment about Fen surprised Indru and he titled his head to the side curiously, wondering why Corinna had mentioned Fenru specifically when talking about Hidden Tree. Perhaps the two of them had stumbled across it together, but either way the thought made him smile as even with the destructive damage of the file Indru had many good memories there, both being raised and raising the cubs born after him. I think I want to make it bigger this time, he began, thinking back to their old one and making comparisons with the more developed one that Hidden Tree had used. It was okay, but a little on the small side for 3 cubs and you, which isn't ideal seeing that they don't leave it for a month. He smiled quickly at her yet his adoration was clear, besides, who to say you are growing more inside you this year? With a quick grin he turned to press his leathery nose against her belly, there was no sign of cubs yet (besides her scent) but soon he knew she'd be round once more with a belly-full of their children.

He laughed at her reactions, both to Rihael constructing the den and especially to her horror at his babysitting, but he shook his head playfully, a grin on his face again. He'll be a yearling then, it'll be his job. Besides, it'd be with Kisla or Fen too—you never know, it might give him some responsibility. Indru chuckled and he was unable to stop his thoughts wondering if his mother and father had a similar discussion about their first litter when Lani was pregnant with her second, he and Rihael were incredibly alike, he saw so much of the boy in his actions as a cub. As she continued he agreed, it was especially important to get the rest of the pack involved, these cubs were the packs' future after all and it was the job of the pack to provide for and protect the young cubs.

Of course, I'd be surprised otherwise, he smiled, nipping softly at her cheek as they loped leisurely towards the spot Indru had thought most suited. But not too much, you'll have me worried. Besides, you have the tiring job of growing them, it's only fair I have some manual labour too, he grinned, laughing softly and nudging her gently with his shoulder as they ran. They weren't too far from the spot Indru had been thinking of so it did not take long for them to arrive, and to Indru's intense joy he had forgotten about the recently fallen tree, a victim of the storms. Look! Perfect. Leaving her side quickly in his excitement he bounded over, scouting out and sniffing inquisitively at the area around the spot the tree had fallen. The storm had caused it to crash down beside a still standing tall, strong tree and it left a perfect spot where a den could be dug, sheltered inbetween the fallen trunk, which would act like a protective wall, and the thick trunk of the other whose roots and overhead branches would shelter the den from the worst of the weather as well as help keep it hidden and out of site. What do you think? He asked, tail waving happily as he waited eagerly for her response.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
<3 next post will be better, promise

Gone Tomorrow

As always, Indru was quick to follow, leading her towards the spot in question where he was referring to. Laughing at his mention of needing to partake in some physical labor, she shook her head from side to side. "I'm afraid, love, your labor will always fall short of mine," Cori teased him, nipping at his shoulder before falling into step beside him, green eyes watching the surroundings carefully, taking mental notes of where they were going. She liked the idea of having a roomier den, though she would hardly complain if the space she was given was the same in size as it was before.

However, reaching the place that Indru had in mind, Corinna was set at ease that space would not be an issue. While the storm had destroyed the River den, it had also provided them a replacement. The tree that had been torn down had fallen at such an angle as to provide a wall for the den. Far different than the rocks that had previously formed Corinna's den, being sheltered by roots and tree trunks would be a different experience. Indru had taken off, and she smiled, watching him inspect the area, nose shoved into the dirt. Approaching the spot as well, Cori's black nose sniffed at the dirt curiously. The rich scent of earth struck her, and her tail began to wag eagerly. Slowly, her head began to nod in affirmation. "Yes...I think so," she looked up, grinning at him.

Looking into the hole beneath the roots, she dug briefly at the entrance, the dirt flying out from behind her as she swept it away with her forepaws. Peering into the darkness, she breathed in. But the hole was empty of any recent occupants, the scent of wildlife old and faded. Perhaps the storm had driven out the den's previous owners. Rising up again, Cori looked around, taking in the surrounding area. There was far more foliage here than there had been before, but she wasn't sure how concerned she was about that. The river wasn't all that far, but it wasn't within view as it had been before, which meant they would have a better chance of avoiding flood damage. "I think so, Indru. It'll need work, but I like it." Walking over to his side, she grinned and wagged her tail easily. "I'm excited, for all of this." Her voice dropped to a whisper, and she pressed her head against his neck. She had honestly not believed that she would have the chance to be a mother again this year, and the fact that they were going to do this right...well, that was only further proof that this year everything would be okay.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Indru watched her with eyes as eager and expectant as Hael's while she assessed his chosen spot for the new denning site and his tail waved in his anticipation. At her confirmation he woofed excitedly, bouncing back towards her to cover her face in quick nips and licks. Indru turned around and stood beside her as he surveyed it next to her like she had, their fur intermingling at his closeness. See, you picked me for something—I am an excellent den selector, with a laugh he pulled away from her side again, loping back towards the spot and taking a quick, haphazard swipe at the undergrowth with his paw as he peered into the shallow hole in question.

Yes, yes, of course, he agreed at her suggestion that work would be needed (after all, that was half the fun wasn't it?) and nodded enthusiastically, turning to flash her a toothy grin. I want to widen it of course, make it deeper and then I'll work on disguising it as much as possible, though it's already pretty sheltered... His words trailed off as his thoughts went into overdrive, Indru had so many plans for the den and it's preparation he almost didn't know how to start. It'll be perfect, he decided and he turned to walk back to Cori and rested his muzzle along her back while he groomed the base of her neck lovingly. Just like our new cubs will be and just like you are. Thoroughly warmed by her presence Indru lifted his head from her back, dropping it as he travelled up her side to brush the top of it against her shoulders and up before he paused quickly to groom the soft fur around her ears.

With a contented sigh he finally gave her space and quit rolling on her, though even then he couldn't bear more than a millimetre between their skin as he stood beside her as he surveyed the spot that their newest cubs would be born in nearly a months time. Soon, he whispered softly as he turned to flash her his infamous, handsome grin, a mischievous look on his eyes as he let his tongue loll from his mouth, barely resisting the urge to plant a wet one right on her cheek, love you.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Indru had joined her, her positive response initiating a no less positive response from him. Grinning beneath the caresses, Cori returned them, licking Indru's chin before he bounded off again. "I'd wondered what it was I liked about you," she teased him, tail wagging behind her. She wasn't completely sold on the surrounding area, but the den itself met her requirements. It would be enough to house her and her young, which was all she was looking for. Nodding along as Indru listed off the things he wanted to do to make the den better, she settled down onto her haunches. It would be work, of course, but she was ready for it. This was, after all, what she had stressed over for days and nights. It was a bit overwhelming having it all finally coming together.

Sooner rather than later, Indru returned back to her after digging about some. Draping himself over her back, she snuggled closer to him, clearing away some of the dirt from his paw. She could already imagine Rihael and Fenru getting into the construction of the new den; no doubt that they would take great delight in clearing away the mud and grime that made up the hole in the ground. Kisla...Corinna chuckled aloud. "Do you think Kisla will help? She doesn't like to get messy." She fell quiet, nudging his cheek with her nose as he confessed his love. "I love you too." Grinning back at him (though with a smile not quite as a charming), Cori let her head fall to her paws. Closing her eyes for a moment, she remained quiet for a few seconds. "Shall we call the pack? Now is as good of time as any to start work on it." She muttered, keeping her green eyes closed to the world. While she was not as tired now as she should be later on in her pregnancy, there was no denying the subtle changes were already starting to take place. She would be more than content with supervising the den construction.