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No Regrets — Poison Path 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry for the wait! I will pull Rhysis out at this point. <3

<blockquote>Rhysis couldn't help but scoff at the mention of their missing member. Jedd. Next time he saw that wolf, he'd only live long enough to gasp before Rhysis would take him down, the black wolf was sure of it. There was no point tracking him down now, especially not when he needed rest and food; the trek over the mountains was tedious, long and no matter how many times they made the journey, how fit he was, it never got much easier. The thought of a full belly and curling up, mixing his fur with that fine female who now sat next, sounded like a much better plan then hunting down a coward. <b>"Let's just say, to keep things simple - he is a dead wolf walking."</b> he said with his southen accent and a snort.

Surrounded by both his lady and the little wolf, he felt somewhat comfortable, but it couldn't last. He rose then and stepped towards Chantille and the scent of the Poisoned wolves now upon her fur. With his head elevated into dominant stance, he regarded her with a smirk and a quirk of his brow. Of course, he'd much rather had found a fighter, someone to help him protect the females he seemed to be collecting, but another healer couldn't be a bad thing, especially if they could help with the birth of his females children. Anything to keep her safe.

He slipped past Chantille then and headed towards the hidden entrance to their home. With a final glance over his shoulder at the lady's gathered, he slipped into the shadow and off towards their den site in hopes of finding a good meal.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Another female in the pack. Another mouth to feed. Another wolf that Athena had to watch. Can’t some testosterone-filled bastards come along and fill up their mountains? No, that was just too much to ask. Assholes. As Naira marked Chantille as an official member of Poison Path, her eyes turned to Rhysis, wondering what he would think. Would he agree, or would he possibly deem this female unworthy and boot her out? Seems unlikely since she fixed his foot, but you never knew what swirled around in that head of his.

Her head still felt like someone hit her with a sledgehammer, but she was going to manage for now. Her eyes flickered towards Naira when she mentioned Jedd missing. Her lips were sealed and she would not unlock them unless Rhysis wanted her too. She had a feeling Rhysis did want her mentioning anything about the fight, but it seemed she already knew something was amiss. Rhysis’s masculine voice broke the silence and her eyes flipped back to him. Good, she was not going to be the one to tell her. Dead wolf walking, how amusing.

Her head nodded at Naira’s words. Oh, how she would love some of that. Hopefully, she would get it fast, because she felt like her head was going to pop off like a cherry bomb. As Rhysis made his leave, she stayed too wait for Naira and get herself some of her wonderful medicine. Perhaps, she would be able to sleep tonight.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chantille watched in uncomfortable silence as the wolves spoke of some former pack mate. Rhysis spoke as if he had acid on the tongue- the hatred burned within his eyes. What had this wolf done? She watched him with deep brown eyes, curiosity poking at her, but not enough to speak. She would be respectful. A dead wolf walking. Damn. Whoever the wolf was, she felt a bit of pity for, but not enough to truly care. Blinking her eyes, Chant looked at her new family, waiting to see what would be said or done next.

So these are the wolves she would thrive with now. She would heal for them when need be, she would hunt for them, she would protect them. Chantille was ready to take on these roles, and fulfill every need of her family. She had served her home pack well, and had no doubt she would let Poison Path down.

Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Following Rhysis back to the den with the other two wolves in tow she made her way to one of the small caches where she stored bits and pieces that she managed to scavenge from the still frigid terrain. Nosing about in her brittle, dried collection she finally came across one of the small spine like pods she was seeking and carefully collected it to place at Athena’s feet. Clearly she had fought bravely for her pack and the least she could do was help provide her some relief.

<b>”This is ergot, I can not give you more because it can be quite dangerous in larger doses but it should help with that head of yours...”</b> reaching back in to the little hole she pulled out a willow twig. <b>”It tastes terrible but this will help with any other pains you have.”</b> She commented with a smile. Sure the woman could care for herself from here she made her way back to her own den to sleep. It had been a worrying day.</blockquote>

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]