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Give Birth to a Smile — Lost Lake 
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Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

The wind whipped at the creamy furs; a feeble attempt to mat them together. The wolf slowly approached the massive body of water, her brown eyes catching the glisten from the sun's rays upon it. With a slow wag of her tail, she lowered her delicate head, jaws parting. Coral toned tongue slipped from her mouth, and she began to lap at the water. The refreshing affect made a small smile creep across her slender muzzle, and she brought her head up. It was beautiful here. With an almost inaudible "oof", Chantille landed her rump on the lake's shoreline. Her gaze continued across the lake, and she seemed to daze off.

A white creature captured her interest, and she tilted her head in slight curiosity. A goat. She had heard of these hoofed mammals before, but she had never actually seen one. Its small black horns curled slightly, its head broad and body thick. It scaled up the side of a small outcrop, and Chantille watched carefully in awe. How much skill that must require to do so- she would have to learn to scale these mountains as well. It would be hard work, but she was willing to do whatever it took to satisfy her new family. Chantille was a loyal woman, and willing to prove herself in any way possible.

(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2012, 07:27 PM by Chantille.)
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
With a grimace Ava brought herself down the last of the mountain side, her three workable paws crying relief when at last the terrain was flat again. Even with Athena's help, the trip back home had been excruciating. All the adrenaline had fled from her blood and she was now quite dazed, having lost a decent amount of blood as well as from the toil of the long trek back home. Luckily Ava had sustained no other injuries besides her paw, but that one was quite fearsome. It would require tending to the bone and exposed flesh as well as for the pain and bloodloss. Thankfully, Naira was an excellent healer, or without Ava could perhaps do a shoddy job on her own. Then again, there was that new girl in the mountains, who claimed to be an able healer as well. The black she-wolf had yet to make her acquaintance, but she figured now was as good a time as any.

And as luck would have it, there she was, a creamy-white form on the distance. She gave a slight glance to Athena, trying to judge whatever her reaction was to the sight (Athena having previously met the aforementioned girl and therefore, had something to go off of, unlike Ava) before she hobbled forward, nearly cuddling her wounded forepaw against her chest. Once she came close enough to the cream-colored female she would only spare a glance. First and foremost she had to clean her gnarled paw. Gently she approached the <span class='word'>littoral</span> swells of water, and dipped her paw in the Lost Lake's bounty. The sting of putting her paw in the water, paired with her bloodied face and teeth, made quite the snarly expression on Ava's face, which she turned on their newest recruit without realizing it was quite the ugly look.

"<b>Ava,</b>" she started shortly, her voice strained from the vicious pain that stabbed her toes. "<b>Heard you can heal, is that right?</b>" Gingerly she lifted her mauled paw, the drip from it a translucent red from the mix of water and blood. "<b>The bones might be a little bruised, or cracked. They aren't broken but she damn well tried.</b>" Ava snorted, licking a tuft of silvery fur from between her sharp teeth and spitting it out. At the very least she could please herself knowing that she ripped a good part of the psycho bitch's own hide away from her. A low growl began in her chest as she thought back to the prior events.

Poor Chantille to have to meet her this way!
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chantille's focus on the goat was broken by the sudden appearance of Ava, who began to clean herself off in the lake. Chant immediately rose to her weighted paws, eyes inspecting her wounds silently. "Chantille." she replied with her name quickly before blinking quickly. A growl emitted from the dark wolf, and Chantille's muscles tensed. "Give me a moment, please, ma'am." She said. With these words, the female turned on heel at lightning speed, and bounded along the shoreline. Her eyes scanned the ground, and she managed to scrap together a few fallen goldenrods, but continued along.

She slipped into a small patch of coniferous trees, her heart pounding steadily within her chest. Chantille wanted to take care of Ava's wounds as quickly and efficiently as possible. Within ten minutes, the female had the goldenrods, solomon's seal, and a wad of cobwebs wrapped around the end of a piece of goldenrod. Like a ghost, the female was there then gone, soon reappearing where Ava was waiting.

Huffing through the plants, she approached, dropping everything down. "Ok" she said, looking down at her small collection. Lowering her elegant head, the female began to chew at the goldenrod, until it became mushy. She was doing what she had done for Rhysis, who also had obtained an injury to his paw. She quickly pushed the plant part of the solomon's seal to Ava "If your bone is fractured at all, eat this. It will help, I am sure of it." She was speaking quickly, something that she rarely did. Bringing her head back around, the woman chewed the roots from the solomon's seal with that of the goldenrod paste. The bitter flavor stung at her tongue, but she ignored it.

She pushed her nose into the mushy creation, now padding over to Ava. "This will sting a bit". With one swift action, she pushed the mixture onto her wound, spreading it in and all about it. After she had applied the mix, she gently plucked the cobwebs from the stick of goldenrod. Leaning back in towards Ava, she covered the mix of the seal and goldenrod with the cobwebs. "That will help to seal it. Try to keep as much pressure of the paw as you can, miss Ava." She nodded her head at her work, still huffing. She took a moment to focus on her breathing, and Chantille finally eased herself back into her normal self.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Sorry for the shortness

The trip home was long and she couldn't imagine how hard it was for Ava. However, as the smell of home got increasingly stronger, she hoped that Naira or even the new subordinate, Chantille would be somewhere close. Ava's paw didn't look good, even if she didn't have any experience with healing she knew that infection could spread quickly. She hoped that mangy wolf got an infection and died a painful death. It may have sounded a bit harsh, but she attacked her beloved pack-mate. That was the last straw for anyone who decided to attack a pack-mate of hers.

They were in luck. When they approached the lake, the cream healer was close by. She let out a small bark, getting her attention. They hobbled further before she stopped and Ava went towards the lake to wash off. She followed and she stood out in the shallow water, waiting patiently as the healer raced off. If Ava needed her help, she was there and willing to give her any aid that she needed.

As the pale female raced back with Ava's medicine, her bright eyes watched as she prepared it for her. Her first impression of the new member was really uneventful. She needed to work on her submission, but she didn't seem like an entirely bad wolf. Soon though, she'll be able to get to know her.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
A pale smile attempted to break through Ava's grimace; she did mean to be polite, but now that she was finally in one place there was nothing to distract her from the pain and it was quite consuming. Darkly she hoped that wherever the crazy bitch was she was suffering just as much as Ava, preferably more, and would have no access to a healer. That'd be <i>lovely</i>. As quickly as she had spoken did the cream-colored wolf bound away, off to gather whats-its and whos-its galore. Ideally she would use this situation to gain knowledge on her own healing, but the downer in her begged for Ava to just sit out the lesson and let her paw be tended to. First and foremost Ava was a huntress, so her paws were of her utmost concern. Her speed was her finest asset (perhaps behind her bloodlust) so Ava just really needed it fixed, and fast. No limp for this girl!

And while Chantille was out, for the short time that it was, the black female would turn her amber gaze on Athena and flash her a half-smile. "<b>Thanks,</b>" she said smally. She didn't elaborate because there were too many reasons - thanks for looking out. Thanks for coming to help. Thanks for putting up with how damn slow the journey was back. Thanks for never letting up on how much you support this pack. Those unsaid words shone in her gaze, long enough for the message to be clear, before she'd blink and toss her dark head in the direction Chantille had disappeared to. "<b>What do you make of her?</b>" she asked quietly, and quickly, for Ava knew she would soon return. She only hoped Athena would have enough time to respond before the would return.

Some short minutes later did the newest subordinate return with her arsenal of medicinal plants. Ava was pleased to see she could at least recognise the goldenrod (though she hadn't known it had properties of use) as well as the solomon's seal. Cobwebs were new to her, but she merely presented her paw and allowed the female to do her worst. To distract her from the paste's sting Ava focused on chewing the plant she had been instructed to, though she growled audibly at the shoots of pain that sprung from the mixture against her exposed flesh as well as the pressure added to her injury. Even she knew, though, that pressure stopped bleeding, so she would nod curtly and sink to her belly, laying one paw on the injured one and pressing down, though careful not to ruin the bandaging that had been done. When the hustle was over, she became accustomed to the new feeling and the pain dulled as she became conditioned to the stimulant. "<b>Thank you, Chantille,</b>" she sighed with relief.
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chantille dipped her head at Ava's thanks. Lowering her ears and tucking her tail in submissively, she spoke softly "You are very welcome, Ava." Her eyes now peered to Athena, and her submissive ways remained the same. "Hello." she said simply. She knew these wolves were judging her, figuring out what to think of her exactly. Blinking, she remained still with her tail tucked in, gazing at the two Poisoned ladies in front of her.

"I'm...very proud to be apart of this pack." she said, her voice a bit shaky. She cleared her throat, ears lifting now. It was hard to be the newest wolf in the pack, but she was a polite wolf, and was confident to make a good first impression on these two. She wanted a permanent home, and hoped that this pack would be where she belonged.

Her eyes lifted to the sky, where the white clouds were slowly trailing across the sky. The large orange ball in the sky glistened down upon the water, casting a fantastic gleam across it. She had never been near such a massive body of water, nor these....mountains. It was brand new to her, and Chantille would have a lot of adapting to do. She would do whatever it took.

(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2012, 04:09 AM by Chantille.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

As the cream female ran off, Ava turned to her asking what Athena thought of the new member. "Honestly, I don't have much to go off from at this moment, besides she helped Rhysis which I can't judge too harshly." She said quietly. The healer had run into Rhysis when they were coming back from the fight and slightly healed up his toe enough for him to walk. However, she did not show too much submission when she met Naira, but that was easily improvable. "She seems okay." She finished as Chantille began to make her way back to the two of them.

As the healer worked on Ava, her attention was directed towards her dark friend offering nudges and licks of comfort when she seemed to be in pain. She hated seeing her pack-mate and close friend in pain, it just made her want to kill the crazy bitch that caused all this even more. Once everything was done, she looked back towards Chantille and studied her for a little bit. The cream female's posture became submissive and Athena's gaze lightened. So, she was improving already.

Her next words were a bit unexpected, but Athena was still weary of them. Jedd seemed to be proud of being apart of this pack until the coward learned how they were formed. Her elegant head lifted a bit more dominating as she looked down at the subordinate. "In time we will see if those words are true." She said sternly as her fiery eyes held Chantille's chocolate ones
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
A slight nod was given to Athena's words, more than grateful not only for her support, but also her friendship. She looked upon the cream-colored female with her words in mind. <i>Okay</i> was what she had gotten, and in truth it was far better than it was worse. Chantille's posture gave in to the two females quite easily. Certainly the dark-furred female would be irked had Chantille attempted to dominate <i>her</i>, but she hadn't; as such she didn't require her tail to touch her belly. Ava did not go so far as to call her white-furred second <i>severe</i>, but she knew her place and was certain everyone else knew there's as well. Athena's judgment was looked upon highly in the pack, so she made no move to openly comfort Chantille's submission. Whatever Athena desired.

Ava couldn't help but catch the observational quality within her chocolate gaze. It was as if the Bay wolf could sense that they'd spoken of her in her absense despite that neither Ava nor Athena held it in their gaze, but it was logical in thinking anyway. The freshest subordinate was always under the most scrutiny until experience and seniority would grant them change. Ava had yet to figure out the female's defining feature either, besides her eagerness. Her healing skills had been excellently displayed, though they had Naira's expertise to begin with. Ava was taking lessons on her own, though with their leader's growing belly there would soon be a break in her teaching. Besides, she carried the majority of the pack's cache on her back and with an expecting mother and growing pack the hunt was required more and more often. Hopefully the thought of herself and Chantille as equals would be stronger than the feelings of jealousy she endured, feeling herself being ousted in the medical divison of their pack.

Her words of pride at least struck a grin upon her black face, only strengthened by the white wolf's skeptical response. "<b>Indeed we will see</b>," mused the she-wolf, readjusting her position as well as she could without removing pressure from her paw. It was quite the irritant but she would prefer it to heal within a few days than a few weeks. "<b>But it's good to hear, anyhow.</b>" The very least she could do, though, was attempt to make her feel more welcome. Athena would probably enjoy learning more about the creamy girl as well, although she preferred to leave the small-talk to Ava most times. Sociable as she was, she had no problem with such compromise - they worked together well. She could see why Chantille felt difficulty fitting in. "<b>Been in Relic Lore long?</b>" It would be an easy talking point, she hoped.
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chantille nodded her head to the women. She was a dauntless wolf, although her kind heart and words seemed to disguise it- she was not to be underestimated. Looking to Ava, she shook her creamy head as if to say no. "Not really. I left my old pack looking for something better." Her eyes flicked back to Athena, assuring that she would make eye contact with both of them, not just one. "I was raised in a pack of Hudson Bay hybrids. My mother, though, was a pureblood. She bred with some loner that always stalked the pack. He too was of pure blood." The female shrugged her shoulders lightly, continuing, "They only let me live because I am a pure Bay. They were upset that I decided to leave, and told me that they would not accept me back, understandably."

With this, she closed her jaws together, inky lips covering her fangs that flashed when she spoke her words. She stood still now, her legs together and holding her up in a rather proud manner. Chantille was not a cocky wolf, therefore she spoke in a calm manner rather than a boasting one. These two women seemed to be very sensitive to newcomers, but she would not change who she was just to please them. Her big heart already made her kind enough, so it was not necessary for her to strain it.

(This post was last modified: May 07, 2012, 01:09 PM by Chantille.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Gosh, I'm so sorry for having such a LATE reply. You can scold me if you want. (; I love you guys anyways, so I'll understand, aha <3 I'll just end it now, since it's kinda dated back a long time

She listened to Chantille's story, nodding here and there. She wasn't pure blood. Her father was Arctic while her mother had Timber blood. Chantille and her had something in common, however, both wouldn't be able to go back to their birth packs. Not that Athena would want to anyway, but she did miss seeing her real family. She wondered if Chantille felt the same way.

Thinking the conversation was getting a little too personal (for her liking), she decided it was time to take her leave. Looking towards Ava and Chantille, she nodded to both. "I shall see you two later." She said, giving both of them a light smile before heading back towards the den area.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||