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There are graves I've dug since we last left off — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Cade who has 80 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Second
Marigold Tanga
Marigold's feelings about her father remained difficult, both in their experience and in attempting to surmise them. Still, things were nowhere near as bad as they had been with her and Auburn's mother when Analia had still been alive, and Mar had even been protective of her in many ways. As his uneasiness pressed in around them, as Nash began to speak in a way that made it seem like he wanted this moment to hurt rather than properly dreading sharing pain, she wanted to step between and defend. A dumb, useless impulse. Chan had been alive over seven years now, he could bear the relationship he'd built (and then maybe deconstructed) with his own brother. He'd certainly have to, now.

It wasn't like anything her uncle had brought up had been a petty point. Death after death after death after loss. Mar didn't mean to reflect her father in needing to swallow back the lump which had formed in her throat.

Chan's response was over just as soon as it had begun, two tiny words filling then vacating the air. Her gray eyes blinked, and she glanced at him. Broken and devoid of all spirit, like she'd always known him. Shame on her, for thinking he'd manage anything more. She shifted uncomfortably, considering attempting to step in for him altogether.

"As am I," Mar decided on, voice tinted and dampened but still as earnest as her parent's, "truly, Nash, Matos."
(This post was last modified: Aug 15, 2024, 10:36 PM by Marigold.)
Played by Grae who has 108 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
His dark audits flicked back and folded against his head as his father began. His head lowered ever so slightly as each name tumbled from his look a like's maw. He knew his dad was hurting but to just dump the losses like this? Amber and emerald dared to look to his extended family. He fought to keep his head from dropping any lower. There was shock and pain written over their features. His uncle's word were quiet as they came out. The young Eastfall-Slayer didn't understand the previous generation's relationship. Maybe it was because his own brothers weren't blood? Whatever the reason it wouldn't have changed his feelings in that moment.

His heart broke for all of them standing there. For his uncle and father who lost their mother, and for him and his cousins who lost a grandmother. Not to mention his sister, his niece and her father, whats happened to Magg. The pale blonde woman spoke next, echoing Chan in her apologies. The use of his name had the young man lifting his head a bit. She knew him yet he didn't know her. He would save his question for later, as this was clearly not the place nor the time.