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As Much As I Ever Could — Lost Lake 
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
So sorry about the forever wait, love <3 I'm pretty rusty, so here goes nothing.

<blockquote>The moments of silence that ensued were like glue, slowly dripping its way into their lives and binding the pair to one another as each second passed. Was this to be expected? How easily she had crept her way closer, and he without an inkling of intent to shut her out, nor a want to do so. Subtly shifting his weight so as not to disturb her, the ebony male stretched the muscles of his back and shoulders before settling ever more closely, if there were much space left at all. What would become of them? It seemed she was well adjusted, and happy in her new home. He, on the one hand, was grounded, loyal only to Grizzly Hollow which had been his true home for some time. He'd given his blood, sweat, and tears to ensure its survival, and with the hierarchy restored it would seem matters were in place to facilitate a healthy recovery. A grin played on his dark face as he thoughtfully considered what the future had in store for them.

And so he would let go of his worries with a quiet sigh, listening as Ava spoke of future meetings. Perhaps they'd be drier, though he didn't mind the fact that she was always sopping every time they'd ever touched. <b>"But, darling...I've already laid claim to your <i>pretty little head</i>,"</b> he toyed to her, though there truly was no play in his words. The honest truth was that he did want her, for himself, and it may not be the time to start making promises, but he knew without doubt that he could give her everything there was left of him, as much as he ever could. Whether or not it would culminate in his uprooting from the Hollow, only time would tell. For now, they would have to remain as they were - happy.

It would seem the worst was over as the storm and mountain scene grew quiet, the pattering of rain against stone now like a lullaby, though it wasn't as soothing as the drumming of her heart. Should she ever venture westward, the stoic Guardian would intercept her without a second thought. It was then that she easily dropped a name he'd heard before - Rhysis. It was a name he'd been called in the past, twice, mistaken for someone who he was not. Apparently mistaken for the now-leader of her own pack. How very curious - perhaps in the future he would run across he man, though for now he would be pleased not to. As for the River wolves, well he'd never come across a one of them, nor did he know anything of the Tainn dynasty, on the river or to the north, though he was curious why they were forbidden from crossing paths with the mountain wolves. Naturally, he figured there was some sort of confrontation, and felt no need to pry for information, but he wondered if the wolf who'd injured her belonged in their ranks. <b>"Perhaps some of your leisure could be spent <i>with me</i>, in that case"</b> he spoke smoothly, inwardly glad that she had it in mind to see him again.

Though the sky seemed a thousand shades of navy, the brooding, silver-lined clouds held the moon's pale glow just so. The man could not have asked for anything more, and nothing less. Aside the woman he envisioned, above the Lake that had brought them together, the Attaya embraced the urgency that tore at his heartstrings. The fact was that he now could not fathom a world without her in it, and the day he would have to say goodbye to her - or suffer a worse loss - would be the end of him. He would abandon their easy small talk now...His heart raced at the culmination of their time together and what it had birthed - a blossoming romance that <i>could</i> be made to last a lifetime. <b>"Ava..."</b> he whispered gently, lowering his wide head to get a good look at every inch of her. Fiery, silver eyes would peer into the amber depths of the gaze of the woman who'd, in many ways, charmed him to the core.</blockquote>

"As Much As I Ever Could" - City and Color
(This post was last modified: May 17, 2012, 06:41 AM by Kade.)
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
( *nothing*? I wept <3 )

The words spoken in moments prior reflected such a hopeful optimism which Ava found herself lingering upon the quiet set in. Given their current means it was easy to be uncertain and certainly the black-coated girl was not perfect in terms of emotional control... now that he was back she couldn't help but want him to stay, just want <i>him</i> in general. If it were up to her she'd have him in her mountain life with no complications from all the outside factors they had to consider. Those would be nothing of consideration at all. That was the perfection she yearned for the longer they remained hidden away together. Why was it so easy to feel so selfish? Thankful for whatever sanity she somehow harbored, Ava knew it was better that his needs were met, no matter how greatly she wanted to cling to him and never let go... and he made it so easy to want that.

She couldn't discern whether it was the smoothness or the depth of his voice that made it so easy for Kade to widen the smile that seemed everpresent on her face whenever he was around. The Guardian captivated her with every coy thing he said; similarily the quickness with which she returned, "<b>Oh but love, that <i>was</i> my plan,</b>" was natural. Their closeness betrayed the amount of time they'd actually known each other, but what was to blame for that? It'd just <i>happened</i>, the way a rocks would sometimes slip down the mountainside out of no where. The flirtatious quips that flew so easily between the dark-coated wolves was nothing of clairvoyance - that sort of surface attraction was obvious. But beneath the philandering the words actually provided her the greatest comfort, that Kade actually wanted Ava like she wished for him. It ought to have been more than clear to her by now, but it was too good to be true - of course, it had to be. In what universe did this situation work out in her favor? How did she end up with such a man - handsome, strong - who made her feel as much excitement as he did safety, whose claim to her pretty little head she was more than overjoyed to have?

This one, apparently.

The roar of wind and downpour had slowed and quieted to nothing more than a gentle hush, softly sounding from beyond the close confines of their retreat. It was almost saddening that the night's storm was dwindling to a close - she wanted every excuse to stay <i>here</i>, with Kade, pressed into his dark fur and inhaling his scent with every breath that she took. And every breath <i>he</i> took fanned the flame of romance that lit at each touch of their forms, each amber gaze met with liquid silver, each playful word that bounced from their tongues. <i>Tongues</i>. Ava loved the way her name rolled off his. Like many of her favorite things it'd appeared in her dreams. Every time the Grizzly Hollow wolf spoke it she followed his inflections, to know what was coming next. But not this time - he said it so differently, so delicately.

When she looked up to meet those brilliant eyes it was like she could feel the resonance from their the thumping of their nervous hearts together through the stone walls of their escape. Kade always held her gaze as gently as if he were holding her heart - and it was through that knowledge that she realized he did. Dark head lifted to him she waited, and surmised what lay within that potential that had hung at the end of her name, but her chords pressed at her to speak.

So softly she wondered, "<b>What?</b>" <i>-do you want? -do you need?</i> Anything.
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote><i>"Oh but love, that was my plan," </i>

Plan. Plans. As much as he would have enjoyed embracing the notion that either of them had truly planned for <i>this</i>, in his swelling heart he knew it was not true. What they had was nothing if not spontaneous, without premeditation. It was...<i>fate</i>. In retrospect, it was as if destiny had pushed her from that damn cliff that fateful evening, and flung her right into his path - a path that, at that time, he'd abandoned to nonexistence. If a trail had remained in the face of his despair and self-deception, then he was thrust from it, into the shadow. Little had he known, <i>they had found each other in the dark</i>.

His head lifted with the ebony woman's, and he craned his neck to reach for hers, once more sliding the shiny tip of a wet snout through the drying layers of her cashmere touched fur. If he were still drenched, he would have been electricuted by the current they shared. At a pace rivaling that of the ice melting from his dripping heart, his lips would rove over the curve of her shoulder before gracing the musculature between the blades. He would ignore the tickling of the hairs upon a sensitive nose, indulging in her scent which he found was strongest, and most tempting, along the dorsal aspect of her neck. Intimately, the awestruck man would exhale a soft breath just behind the shewolf's ear, leaning his body from her as if to invite her nearer.

<b>"I'm <i>yours</i>." </b>


Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
The moment before the answer came to her question Ava kept still, until Kade lifted his head toward her once more. She felt as though her skin had been lit on the most pleasurable of fires as he roved the end of his snout through her fur, reveling in the very motion as time froze for the pair. While he rested between the blades of her shoulders she turned to press her cheek where he had exposed his neck and felt the very tension of her uncertainty vanish from her muscles as though it hadn't ever been there in the first place. The warmth that radiated from her fur was fueled by the rhythm of her heart following his. Reverently the dark girl indulged in his very touch, following him immediately when he leaned away as though the sheer desire between the two had a tangible magnetism with as much authority as gravity. With the gentlest whisper he completed her <i>world</i>, the two words casting everything golden as they were exhaled to her waiting ears. Unexpected, but she'd been so acutely hoping for it.

While she nestled delicately into the strong curves of his body, nearly spoiling herself with the richness of his scent and the perfect fit she would find to settle in, Ava smiled and admitted, "<b>I'd like to be yours, too,</b>"

Outside the rains had calmed to almost a patter of nothing, and the delicate scape of the Lake was basked in a moonlit glow that was only aided by the dewey freshness from the storm finally past. The gentle light cast inwards between the rocks brought out the silvers of his fur and lit his eyes brighter than any gemstone. A more romantic setting couldn't have been found, or made or bought, and she would have to agree it was fate that had smiled upon them their first time at the Lake - and once again, tonight. Her eyes begged to close; she was more than content to be here tonight. Perhaps there should've been some driving force within her chest to take her home, through the poison path and into her make-shift den where she slept (most) nights... but there was nothing nagging in the back of her mind to get on her way. There was no yearning for her stoney mountain passes, the blackened flowers or the bank beyond their den. The only wild flame in her chest burned for Kade, and he was here. There was no need to leave, and she didn't.