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are we holdin' hands jumpin' off the dock — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Ghost who has 55 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater XI. Yearling
Khalon Valle
Pack RE!: Dead Empress Backwater, some sort of mild illness is going around.
Hoping for at least 2 other DEB wolves. Khalon has caught canine influenza and is not feeling well.
Night, Few Clouds, 48F/9C

from charming to alarming in seconds

He wanted to sleep, he was exhausted, and yet he couldn’t. Every time he thought he was getting close, drooping eyelids and relaxed body, he was wracked with a round of shivers, or worse yet a wet, hacking kind of cough. It had been a week since he had started feeling crumby, and instead of feeling any better he seemed to only be getting worse. Nose clogged and gloopy which was disgusting, fevers that came and went, unable to force himself to eat any of the food his Ma brought him. His eyes often felt like they were crying, but when he wiped them it felt like snot.

Overall, he was just not having a good time.

Plus, his Ma has sequestered him away into the medical den so she could keep a close eye on him. At first he had protested, knowing how bored he would become, then he had embraced all of the extra attention that he got. He liked being fawned over, especially by his mother, though he would never admit such a thing in front of his sister.

Groaning he rolled onto his other side, trying to find some position that might alleviate the muscle aches that meant his fever was back. While he didn’t mind the extra attention, being sick was total ass. There was not much to distract him from the pity party that he was the guest of honour at.

Played by Melorama who has 104 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rochus Ward
At first his symptoms had been mild enough that it had been enough for him to simply keep space from the rest of the non-infected pack members, which Rochus generally did anyway, but once he became more sick he had been ordered to the medical den. For such a gentle-natured woman Clover had a fierceness to her, and he was not about to argue with her over where he was to ride out the course of his illness.

Rochus laid quietly just inside the entrance, doing his best to ignore the coughs and other noises his grandson was making further inside. He was so tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep, but the snot in his nose and his own cough kept him from staying asleep for long enough to feel rested.

Rustling from behind had Rochus turning his head to look back at Khalon, doing his best to hold back a sneeze at the light dust swirling in the air. He would have preferred being completely isolated than stuck in the den with the yearling, but it was not his call to make.
Played by Flywolf who has 39 posts.
Inactive XIII. Yearling
Jacynth Valle-Quinlan

Jacy thought he might just be going through the newest round of grief; so many bad things seemed to be happening. Or, he was only noticing the bad things. He was beginning to think the mysterious Az had the right of it, keeping to himself and avoiding everyone else. Maybe that meant it wouldn't hurt so much when someone left.

He hadn't known Archer. He barely even heard about him, except perhaps in whispered warnings until the man arrived mid-winter with his daughter. Even then Jacy hadn't really met them before they were gone again, whisked off by whatever misfortune kept stealing their pack members away. But now Ally was back, apparently, and her dad was dead, and it was devastating news to their leaders. Jacy might no be grieving for someone he had lost this time, but he could grieve for the pain his family felt.

Only now it was becoming clear that it was not grief that plagued him but illness. Resigned, Jacy turned paw towards the medicine den to seek out his adoptive mother and ask for help. He paused upon seeing Rochus out front, and hearing shifting inside. "You too?" he asked, trying and failing to suppress a cough.

"Speech" Thought

Played by Ghost who has 55 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater XI. Yearling
Khalon Valle
from charming to alarming in seconds

It had not been long before the Valle boy was not the only one that Clover had locked away in the den to take care of. He didn’t mind really, his grandpa was mostly quiet, and though his coughs kept him up sometimes he didn’t really mind. It wasn’t like his Ma could be here all the time, and though he wouldn’t admit it, in the throes of illness it was better not to be alone.

He was still trying to sleep when he heard another voice near the entrance, and a barely suppressed cough. This caused irritation to rise up in his throat, it was one thing to have to share with his older grandfather but his age mate cousin felt like a little bit too much like competition to Khalon. Instead of saying anything, he just let out a wet hack and then swallowed hard against his raw throat.

He wasn’t sure there was enough room in here for anyone else, and to make that point clear he spread out a little further. He wished that his mother would come and shoo Jacynth away and tell him that he would need to rest somewhere else. She wouldn’t and he knew that, but it felt nice to think that maybe she would.