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not acid nor alkaline — Paradise Falls 
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Played by becca who has 6 posts.
Paradise Falls Pup
Caiaphas Valle
maybe @Adelard but no pressure.
note to any takers: isla may or may not pop in!

Isla seemed content to let Caiaphas be outside whenever he wanted to be. Which was why he contently bumbled around near the mouth of the den, playing in the shadows of evening light. The fresh air or new stimulus did wonders for the boy who had spent plenty of young nights crying at his mother's side, unable to be calmed.

He still had those moments.

Like now, when his steps were uncoordinated and he had failed to be quick after a leaf. Instead he fell, his chin first to knock against the ground. He did not immediately wail at the pain but the silence he lingered in before any might-be-tears was just as eerie. The shadow of his mother lurked somewhere in the background, watching for his reaction.

Played by Greyer who has 254 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
Adelard spent most of his time trailing Riven since Isla's cubs had been born. As a mere guard, he assumed by now there was little he would do in the ways of raising the little ones. Isla had never explicitly asked anything of him apart from keeping watch over the den now and then. It was with a hesitant step that he pulled away from the Medic with a sudden whim on his mind. He would see him soon, most likely in time to settle down for bed.

He visited the caches he kept and maintained for any pack member who might need his findings. After two or three, he stamped his foot. Surely his quarry was somewhere around here. Most importantly, he did not want to go out of his way to secure another prize for what he wanted to do.

Ultimately, he pulled a rabbit pelt that he had tucked away. It was meant to be for his and Riven's nook, but he settled on figuring out something else to impress his love with. With his gift in his teeth, he meandered towards Isla's den, stopping in his tracks when he saw the cub's russet crown. With two big triangular ears, it bobbed in the gathering darkness. On wobbly limbs, the youngster flailed after a leaf, falling to the ground.

Hm. Well, not bad for a first attempt. At least the tears were not quick to fall.

Adelard emerged onto the scene with a dip of his head, setting the scrap of fur on the ground in front of the boy. He let his large nose hover over the cub's head, nostrils nearly grazing the soft puppy down before he stepped back. He did not want to assume. While the cub looked familiar, his olfactory senses were telling him otherwise.
ADELARDheat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher
Played by becca who has 6 posts.
Paradise Falls Pup
Caiaphas Valle

Caiaphas would not remember most, if any, of these early days. How visitors always shined with more warmth than his mother. How each one brought something new into his world.

The man could have scooped him up, gripped him by the nape, Caiaphas would have been none the wiser. His full focus had been set on the rabbit pelt upon the ground. At once he had decided he wanted it. He needed it, before his brother or mother came to take it from him. Granted there was still the chance someone might take it from him even if he got it first...

It was good that something had been on ground level to distract him from the blow on his chin. Quickly he was scuttling and kicking stubby legs against the dusty earth to try and get on top of the rabbit pelt.

Played by Greyer who has 254 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
Memories of raising Enera, Marrah, Caelyn, and Aweho came flooding to the forefront of his mind. How small and how precious they had been. And, then, his and Woya's brood and little Brielle. A wistful smile formed on his dark features. He had to remember his role this time. To not overstep and come swooping in to save the day. This little one had a whole pack to help him. Adelard was not 'dad' but merely a cog in the machine; that's what it seemed Chan wanted him to be.

Thoughts aside, Adelard watched the boy in wonder. A little nose leading him on little paws. That little milk-filled belly being the center of his gravity, both a blessing and a curse. Regardless of whether the boy was his or not, this feat of new life was precious all the same.

The Gerau's tail began to sway as the cub pawed and scrambled with all his might. One day, he wouldn't be this small, and the next time Adelard brought something to the den, it would be taken with haste. A cautious gaze was cast toward the den and Adelard wondered if Isla was asleep or watching in the dark. Bearish ears turned to the side before he regarded the youth again and settled on the ground. A bit of playtime never hurt anyone.
ADELARDheat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher
Played by becca who has 221 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Guardian
Isla Valle
feel free to skip phas this round and even pp him playing with ad/rabbit fur if wanted!

She watched them and felt a certain pressure squeeze in her chest. She wondered if Caiaphas liked Adelard better, if the boy was his and that was why it seemed to not fuss so much. Both of the boys were Valles by name but she knew they could not have come into this world without the blood of another.

But she did not mean to tie the man to this role of importance. He must seek it and the boys must take it.

He likes you, She cooed to the large man who held importance in her life, even if the boys did not claim (or not) him yet. This one is lightening into fires for fur. I swear the other is growing like - She pinched her own voice off in that moment.

It was not idle conversation, but she was uncertain how to go forward with him.

Played by Greyer who has 254 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
Adelard's paternal side dared to beam down upon the boy, a small smile edging up at the corners of his lips. His tail, while it had not stopped waving, slowed to a gentler sway as he supervised the little hunter. A couple of times, he pretended to grab the pelt with his paw, just to see how the cub would react... if the toy was deemed as good enough for a curious monthling. A couple of nips and playful jaw sparring seemed to tell him so. There was no taking back his gift now.

As quickly as a small chuckle had emitted from him, Adelard fell quiet as Isla made her presence known. "He likes you."

The Gerau blinked, his gaze torn from the little one before him and fixated on the dark-coated woman. "This one is lightening into fires for fur. I swear the other is growing like-" she continued but was cut off. By what, Adelard could not be sure. His ears returned forward, perplexed by how quickly the conversation had turned heavy.

Adelard took a breath to acknowledge the static that hummed in the air between them. The next smile he gave the boy was suddenly bittersweet. His and Woya's brood were like this once, before they all grew into their personalities. "Ah, well, they're all like this at this age," he attempted to soothe her. "They like everything and everybody. I'll probably get bitten the next time I show up." He tried to offer a little laugh, but all that came out was an embarrassed 'heh.'

In an attempt to recover the connection between them, he asked after her, "You look well. How've you been?"
ADELARDheat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher