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.... ooc name: Melorama
.... current characters: Clover, Rochus, and Tuwile
.... how you found us: I live here now
.... your character's initial fight stats: Already assigned
....a role play sample (200+ words):
Her muzzle raised from the water at Viorel's voice, droplets running down her cheeks and throat to return to the ever flowing creek. She smiled warmly at him, her tail wagging gently in the water behind her and causing ripples in its wake. "I find a refreshing dip helps soothe the mind a bit." Perhaps it was her thicker arctic coat which helped protect against the colder elements that made her less susceptible to the sharp bite of the water.

But Clover was glad he joined her, slightly turning the front half of her body to face him more front on so she didn't need to crane her neck as sharply. She coughed quietly, her already irritated throat being further disturbed by talking, not that that would stop her from conversing with Viorel.

"Do you think the smoke will ease up soon?" Her brows were pinched as she spoke, not able to fully hide her worry at the prospect of the weather continuing its course for the foreseeable future. It would wreak havoc on the children's lungs to grow up in such an environment, not to mention whatever was causing it could become even worse. It was yet another trial for the Backwater to try and overcome.
and finally a bit about your character... A strange boy in many ways, but he doesn't mean any harm. Most of the time