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just stop your crying it's a sign of the times — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Cade who has 186 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer
Random Event: It's been so humid recently it feels like breathing through a wet leaf, you better find somewhere to cool down! For @Aven and @Neva - open to others too, but anyone Magg doesn't recognize has a 99% chance of being immediately and viciously attacked.


Magg was finding that she didn't much mind the travel. With so many others along for the ride, there was still security. Familiar faces to look out for and protect from danger, to hunt and forage with, to keep at bay the crushing force of all the moving parts driven to take from her... Yeah, things were pretty good, considering how much worse they could be. The easy-going pace of their venture certainly helped as well, Magg having no problem in advocating for her twins as needed and ensuring their comfort and wellbeing were the ultimate priority.

All that wasn't to say she wasn't still on guard, however, and certainly more so than any typical first-time mother would be. Still, there were moments that afforded her something close to... relaxation.

Immersed in novel surroundings once again, she decided it was a good day for her and the girls to simply enjoy. The heat and humidity both were deeply oppressive, and so a trip to the river was decided upon. Finding a place where it was shallow and its current sluggish, she waltzed right into the water and the silt beneath and hunkered down into the coolness of it all. A satisfied sigh left her before she turned her head to see what her children would do - copy join her, or occupy themselves another way?