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Dead Empress Backwater
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Character name: Rosemary
How long your character has been in Relic Lore: Since birth
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It was getting colder, and Morven and Eclypse were gone. Rosemary was cold, and tired, and hungry, and wasn't sure exactly what to do or where to go from here. She had found a pack - or at least, what she hoped was a pack, - in the forest, but she didn't know if it was the right one. Didn't know if Sage would be waiting here for her or not.

What she did know was that she couldn't survive by herself. Regardless of who lived in these woods, she needed to appease them in some way. Above all else, she needed a place to stay.

She'd caught an emaciated rabbit - it wasnt much, but it was the best she could do. Rosemary figured it was the proper thing to bring an offering for whoever she were to meet, to prove herself useful in some way, even if it was hardly a noteworthy catch.

The girl howled at the border, and didn't have to wait long for an answer. She shivered as the stranger approached, tail giving a tentative wag low between her legs as she nudged the prey toward him.

"M-my name is Rosemary," she said, cringing a bit at the slight stutter. She'd meant to sound more confident. "Is it alright if I stay here? I, um, caught this. For you." She kept herself low, orange eyes darting over his face and away again, visibly nervous.
It was just a child who had called from their borders, the smallest rabbit he had ever seen at her paws. Despite the numbness he had learned to sink into and find comfort in, it broke his heart. His mind on Kalysta who had still not come home to them potentially knocking on someone else's door at this very moment. It was not lost on him her resemblance to both Nia and Sage, and the age lined up, but the older woman was no where to be seen. He couldn't assume this was her daughter, but if it was it was not Rosemary's fault that her mother was an irresponsible wretch. He smiled softly, "Come on Rosemary, let me show you around." He wouldn't turn a child away to freeze to death with the incoming winter.
[Image: s38i5ZS.png]