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Hello, again... — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
The incredible display came to it's conclusion and darkness fell in it's own completeness. He hadn't even realized how very late it was. Nina really ought to be getting back, but one look at her beautiful, but now bleary eyes in the darkness and he knew that she needed sleep more. <b>"Lay down and sleep for a while. You'll never make it back without mishap at this hour."</b> He gave her a couple of licks and nudged her towards the ground gently. <b>"I'll be right here with you."</b>

Once she was settled, he lay down beside her and rested his head lightly on her shoulders protectively. His intent was to remain awake to guard her, but the lateness of the hour, residual effects from the bee stings and his general state of contentment all conspired to defeat his best intentions. It didn't take overly long before his golden eyes drifted shut, eyelids heavier by the second. As he lapsed into sleep himself listening to her breathing and inhaling the scent that was Nina all he could think about was how perfect a day it had turned out to be, meeting his sweet Nina.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
As soon as he ordered her to lay down she didn't complain, though she couldn't anyway, and settled down. Her now tired emerald eyes started to drift shut just as she felt Koda's head curl protectively on top of her. She was safe here, with him. Mister Koda. . .she smiled slightly at the thought. His title. . .she could not forget his title. Smiling to herself she inhaled his scent. She knew immediately she would know it by memory and if he would ever talk to her or call her from long distance she knew it would be him. As soon as she could tell that Koda was a asleep she smiled. . .he would be able to get more rest. As would she. Tonight she had no doubts that she wouldn't get the long nights rest that she was desperately hoping for. Here, with Koda, she felt even safer than she felt than when she was with her pack mates, with the exception of Kashi. 

Finally after much thinking the golden brown lady's emerald eyes drifted closed her head relaxing and he body melting into a relaxed position. With Koda's dead weight on her back she felt comfortable and at ease. She now knew that she wouldn't ever be alone if she needed help. And with that final thought Nina went into a peaceful sleep her senses filled with Koda. In her sleep she even dreamt of the future and the brown female slept with a cute little smile on her face all night.

OOC: Ta-da!! They are so cute. :) You can archive this or reply if you want. :)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.