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The Sky is Falling — Poison Path 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Ok, Shentai may jump in for the second round.

<blockquote> The warmth soaked its way into her core as she continued to watch the sky. She didn’t need to look to know Vafri was the first to arrive. Her eyes remained turned to the heavens as she whispered under her breath in response to his statement <b>”It’s a wonderful night for stories...”</b> It was almost teasing, perhaps slightly hinting to the large white wolf. He had after all, all but professed himself as a bard. She had always loved stories. In the place she had grown up, there was no clear view of the skies and for a moment, she pitied the other packs with their tree top canopies blocking such a beautiful sight.

The next to arrive was Chantille, as absorbed in the show as she was. One of the newer members to arrive, the one that had tried to hide...<i>Mist?</i> arrived, and asked if this sort of display happened often. She responded quietly, so as not to disturb the display. <b>”No.”</b>

Finally her love arrived and the way he forced himself between her and the large white male did not go unnoticed by the tawny lady. There was more than enough space on her other side but the way he leaned into her was reassuring and she let her frustration go. Tonight was far too beautiful to be arguing.

Ava was next. Naira had the feeling she had interrupted the girls own viewing of the events above. Her howl had not been commanding, merely beckoning and her heart swelled with pride at the way her family responded. Kegan arrived, and then Athena. She waited a moment more to see if there was any sign of the two newest additions. Treena made her way to the gathering, but Shentai did not yet show. She wasn’t annoyed. The girl was new and might not even be on the territory. She could have gone in search of her brother. It had been several days and the boy was yet to make an appearance. Perhaps she was on her way. But there was no need to hold up the gathering for one wolf, especially one that was not called in a demanding howl.

<b>”As you can all see, there are <i>many</i> new faces amongst us. I expect you all to take the time to get to know each other well after tonight. There is another wolf as well. She has not arrived yet. Perhaps the mountain has her turned about...?”</b> she thought aloud with a smile. She was sure it was no strange feeling for all gathered to become slightly lost, even within their own territory. All it took was one small rock slide and the path you had been using for weeks was gone and you had to find a new way around. If she was following old scents, it might take her a week to get here.

She looked to the skies again, the stars were still flying and she wondered how long the show would last before turning to look at Vafri with a smile. <b>”Do you have any stories you would care to share with us tonight?”</b> she vaguely remembered her uncle telling them a story about the end. About how the sun and the stars would go out and all that would be left was darkness. Surely there was a story about falling stars as well? Perhaps it was a good omen, perhaps it was bad...</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Igni who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vafri Seigaldr
[ sorry - massive post incoming :x ]

More came. They filled the air with breath and quiet words, and Vafri's dark eyes fell from the sky to trace these strange new silhouettes. The first few expressed sentiment of awe and disbelief, and Vafri only gave a shallow nod. He was not a wolf of gatherings and public opinion; he was like the stars themselves, familiar and inanimate until suddenly he proved to be another thing entirely. These strangers meant nothing and needed nothing from him; he ignored them mostly and let Naira's voice fill in the gaps. Her poorly veiled command chewed on his thoughts, and Vafri wondered what to tell about the falling lights, wondered if they could ever understand the black sea and the broken ice and the ghosts keening with strange thin voices across a wasteland coloured only with blue and white. And red, he thought as a hulking shadow stepped from the darkness and pushed him away.

Dark fur brushed pale and muscles tough as wire suddenly pulled hard. Vafri reacted on the sudden anger flaring, brief and pale, between his ears. The white wolf's paws felt warm. His lips pulled back not in a smile but a look of petulant rebuke. Choking to swallow the growl in his throat as soon as it frothed up and the other male leaned into Naira in what must only be described as intimacy Vafri stepped back on legs brittle as old wood and cast his glance across the little circle gathered about. The nearest target glowed silver with falling light and Vafri turned his frustration on her with a growl and a flash of teeth, tail up, expression sour for the instant it took to communicate dominance over - something. He could hardly threaten to bite the leader. He could try to wrest the seat of the nearest unimportant wolf with a glance and a show of his adequate size. I am important, he only wanted to roar. I sit where I will. But only lone wolves do exactly as they wish, and he gave up his loneliness the day he killed the wolverine.

A bad day for wolves and wolverines alike.

The storyteller took his seat across from Naira and the strange male and sat silent as familiar faces now entered the scene: he recognized the voice of Ava, the pale glow of Athena. Another strange male wolf arrived and Vafri sat tall, tense beneath thick white fur, confident that if his place was below a king it was below no one else. The other male made no attempt at rudeness though and gradually Vafri relaxed, though the magic of light on a dark sea lost its enchantment with events already past. He wanted to flee into the night and make wild songs to shake them all to the marrow and darken even the moon, but he was not so strong nor so great and he merely sat and brooded and glared a little too much at everyone else to answer Naira's howl. Most were female, he noticed with little surprise. Maybe the big male wanted a harem; maybe Vafri was just in the way... His jaw cramped with muscle drawn tight. Slowly he released the pressure and licked his lips. You're being childish. His sister had always warned him about that.

Naira interrupted the white wolf's thoughts again by demanding a story with less subtlety. He supposed he had promised to deliver when he proclaimed himself master of such things, taking ownership, as it were, of the job. Reflecting that he wanted no job served him poorly; Vafri wondered if the other leader knew a thing of stories - likely not. He was petty enough to take heart in the supposition as he answered, his voice low - almost melodic. No hint of anger darkened the notes. "I have stories for everything." As the pale wolf's smile returned he let his eyes sweep through the little crowd, searching pointed faces for interest or disdain, reading what emotion clouded the air and what they expected from their bard. I have seen things, he thought. Things you can't even dream about. But his face made a smile and his posture straightened only to bring Vafri's voice out loud enough to reach them all with its graceful tone. It was a sound made to be pleasant, soft enough to draw their ears up but projected such that all should hear. He spoke louder when he continued, as if the first statement were meant only for Naira and no one else - he did not answer to them.

”When I was a child I learned of the first hero, Ulf, whose mother taught the wolves to sing – whose father was the giant Storulfr. There are many stories about Ulf, of courage and foolishness and strength – for he was very strong – but one of the most sacred is the tale of how he called the ice ghosts home at last across the black sea.” Dark eyes swept his crowd again, checking for understanding and for interest in their eyes – or at least Naira’s. All ill will lay long forgotten as he spoke now, and his own gaze lifted and drifted quite far away, glassy as he peered into memories long lost, recorded only by the voices of his ancestors. ”When at last Ulf was slain and his body grew cold, his spirit still ran fierce and strong through the driving wind and the frosty night. His howl shook the earth and made the herds all fear to linger in the dark. And it is said Ulf’s ghost roamed long and fearsomely, but at last he reached the ice at the top of the world and looked out across the black sea with hunger in his eyes – hunger that no mortal flesh could sate. In those days the Great Snake still swam in the waters above. Her eyes still burned, two, so that night only came in flashes when she blinked. Mortals could not see the waters of the black sea beyond the brilliance of her gaze; nor could they fathom the lights burning across the waters on a far shore. Only the hero Ulf then knew of them as he stood on the ice and howled to call the serpent forth. She was the last thing in all the world he had not fought – the last prey his mighty ghost would hunt, alone, beyond the reach of all his brothers and sisters and children and friends.

“She answered as all beasts do that fear no teeth on the wind: at once her great jaws leapt from the water to devour Ulf, but he was the greatest of our warriors. He fought the beast for many days and nights, sometimes drawing her onto the land and sometimes falling into her mighty coils, and their battle made the earth shake and the skies grow black and purple, until Ulf struck a brave blow to the serpent’s face and took her eye, and as she turned her blind side to the earth all those below saw what their hero saw: a thousand lights, bright, shining on a distant shore.”
His voice grew softer with this revelation and he motioned toward the comets falling, calling attention once more to the real world and the ground his strange tale stood upon. After a quiet pause Vafri spoke up once more, clear voice ringing through the shadows, gilded with silver light. ”It was then Ulf stood above his wounded foe and howled such that every wolf could hear his cry, and all the ghosts of those who fell before, who roamed the white plains and preyed on the lonely and the small, answered with one voice and teemed to meet him, to claim for their brother the land he first spied, that he fought to win for them. But even as they ran to meet him, the Great Snake thrashed and rose up to devour Ulf’s friends, that he might be broken as she was with a part of himself gone. But Ulf was a warrior, the best they say, and braver than he was wise. Before she could devour his friends he leapt into the waves himself that she might give chase – and she did. And to this day Ulf flees before her, and the ghosts of those he loved live on, in the land across the black sea, waiting for their leader to return to them.” The wolf’s voice had grown soft again. His thoughts wound backward to a time he stood upon a shelf of ice, felt the waters heave beneath his paws, and searched in vain for an answer – for the echo of something he’d lost. There was no snake. There were no ghosts. Truth makes for poor stories.

”Few speak of the first ghosts to cross the black sea,” Vafri said. ”They were among Ulf’s own brothers, the first sons of a young world, and they fell to battle or simply weakened in the breath of the cold winds. But they were heroes in their own right, and the voyage to the farthest shore was not an easy one. We know Ulf’s brethren reached that place, though, for their whispers of it, Evigheim, the lost paradise, still linger on the wind. The land of stars, where the fires burn eternal and leaves sprout green, and the earth is soft and the meat fleet but the hunters never tire… Our ancestors feast forever in that place and fear no wickedness, but in the early days they feasted alone and many who tried to cross the black sea were lost, or tied by fear. So it is said that when they grow lonely, when they pine for the love of their own families, the strongest of the valiant dead swim back across the sea – to light the way for others who are not so brave or strong.” At last the story ended with a hero bound to flee before the fangs of death until the end, and hope for those who still stood bound to the earth. Vafri blinked and stretched and wondered if these southern wolves were able even to digest the scope of this, to understand that where the winds scoured holes into the ice death was a simple fact, something that must be softened with their voices and celebrated or else nothing mattered, nothing made sense… His tales bred melancholy in him and he sighed, a heaviness weighing upon his bones. ”In my old home, we sang to them,” he muttered with less eloquence. ”No words, just… music. For the dead.”

[ Hopefully it was obvious, but he didn't actually do anything to Mist. Just kind of gave her a dirty look and sat down over there. ]
(This post was last modified: May 20, 2012, 09:53 AM by Vafri.)
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Played by Jen 2 who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Several others began to arrive. Mist surveyed every new wolf that entered. Few she recognized, and she tried to make note of the others'. Their markings, their eyes, their scent. She observed the discontent displayed by the alpha, and then the white male's retaliation. She flattened her ears and nervously starred back at Vafri. She lowered herself slowly, not exactly sure what she had done to anger the white wolf, but made no other response.

Mist recognized the cream colored she-wolf. She nodded politely at the introduction, and repeated her name a few times in her head as not to forget.

She then focused her attention on her leaders. The pregnant wolf had asked for a story. Mist sat up with curiosity. She then turned to face the pale wolf. Her ears sat upright and alert as she listened intently. What a beautiful gift he had. His words flowed so easily, without stutter and full of confidence in oneself. The white wolf displayed everything that Mist lacked. She did not envy him for it, but it truly amazed her to see someone speak in such ease. The art of delivery was beautiful, but so were the words. Of course it wasn't real, but that didn't matter. For when he spoke, she was placed in this fantasy world, free of real troubles. This offered an escape, a beautiful escape from reality.

As the last few words rolled out of his mouth, Mist refocused on the sky. She had the feeling that things would be alright. She smiled contently, and gazed at the heavens.
<a href="http://s1256.photobucket.com/albums/ii496/jennyfromtheblock22/?action=view&amp;current=28wkupd.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1256.photobucket.com/albums/ii496/jennyfromtheblock22/28wkupd.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

never fear shadows, they simply mean there's a light sinning nearby
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry for the delay! I need to get some glasses; I can’t read things for long so please excuse me if I’ve missed something here. :c

<blockquote>One by one their pack gathered, heeding swiftly as ever to his female’s call. Sure, most of them were females but they were all very attentive. He supposed most females were and whilst he would have preferred a back full of strapping lads, he couldn’t fault them for the moment. He’d never had a problem with females until he had come to the lands- he didn’t exactly like them or have much interest in them, but he didn’t dislike them either; it was only when he met a few weirdoes in these lands that the dislike had surfaced within him. Naira had been the only one at the time he could tolerate, perhaps Athena the few brief times they had met, but that was it. Now though, as he glanced from the sky to the females gathered he supposed his grudge against them had faded and he should now consider them part of his pack, his army.
Of course, there was Keagan, the first male to appear since the disappearance of Fallen and the abandonment of Jedd. Rhysis perhaps judge him more harshly, the males of this pack had let him down so far but he kept his cool and nodded to each member as they arrived.
It didn’t go unnoticed however, that the white male who he had decided to sit aside walked off in a grump; in fact he was grateful for the extra room and allowed himself to relax a little more as his fur didn’t have to mingle. He was somewhat amused however as he stomped off and glared at Mist; seemed their gentle bard had a bit of a temper. Mist recoiled, as he had expected her to; she had been hiding when she came to their lake and he was quite certain that she wasn’t going to make it here. He would break her during her training session when the time came so for now, he allowed her weakness to go and simply glanced back towards the stars.

His females question brought his attention back down to earth; she asked the white wolf, whose name he did not know, for a story. After his little tantrum it seemed he was keen to share a story, an interesting one, Rhysis would give him that, but he hoped that this wolf was more than just words. A story of heroes, or bravery and valour greater than anything else, Rhysis hoped that perhaps this burly male might share those same beliefs.

<b>”A song then perhaps.”</b> he said, addressing the wolves gathered. Of course, they would believe it was in aid of the story, but from up here their song would spread across the land, touching every ear as far as the eye could see. The mountains would carry their voices; the stars would guide them across the land… a cry of strength, of bravery... of warning. They believed he and his pack were weak, small numbers, laughable. Gathered here now, he could prove just how strong they were. <b>”But we won’t sing for the dead… but sing for the soon to be living.”</b> he said with a shoulder bump to the female sitting at his side. Whilst he had little interest in the children in her belly, in fact he wasn’t very keen on them at all for their constant night kicking’s, he did hope that they would grow up to be strong, warriors like him and not as soft hearted as his Naira. Boys, he wanted boys, strong, muscular, fierce boys to carry on his name and their pack when he was gone. He would sing for that this night.

(This post was last modified: May 23, 2012, 12:33 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Sorry for the slight power play guys :) Feel free to continue on/write an exit post

<blockquote> She smiled as the white wolf uttered words that seemed as if they were for her ears alone. She would need to spend more time with him when time allowed, but for now... A kick unlike any she had felt radiated from her stomach. A twitch at the edge of her mouth was the only sign it had happened. Shifting her weight to lean back into her mate, her eyes were drawn from the sky to the large male in front of her as his voice transported her to a land far from here. A land she had heard her mother speak of often.

Her emotions were painted clearly on her face as the story unfolded before her and at its completion she found she needed to remind herself to breath. A grateful smile was given to their bard. It seemed each of their encounters to date had been weighted in her favour. She would need to even the score the on their next encounter.

There was a comfortable silence where her eyes roved back to the skies, the lights still chasing each other across the sky. Rhysis was the next to speak with suggestions of a song for the future. Another kick radiated through her body and she paused. It was unlike anything she had felt before and something deep inside was screaming at her to get home... but she couldn’t just race off in the middle of a gathering she had called... could she?

Raising her own muzzle to the sky, she began the first notes of the howl, and as the pack joined her, their notes intertwined like a delicate lace. There was another kick, and another. They were growing closer and closer together until she broke from their song with a yelp. She began to pant frantically. Perhaps she had waited too long... Hauling herself upwards she began her rushed and awkward waddle back to the den and prayed to all that was good that she would make it back home in time.

The babies were coming and they wanted out <i>NOW</i>. </blockquote>

{Preggers Out}
(This post was last modified: May 23, 2012, 02:05 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Chantille's tail wagged as Vafri told his story- he was gifted. She listened, intrigued, picturing every scene perfectly within her imaginative mind. After the story had ended, Rhysis suggested a song, and it was Naira to first lift her muzzle to the falling stars. Chantille tilted her slender white muzzle, releasing a melody of her own. All life below would hear the song of the Poisoned wolves. It was beautiful, yet eerie at the same time.

As they howled, Chantille's fur rose in alarm as Naira released a yelp into the night's air. A mask of panic overcame her face, and Chantille knew what was happening. The pups. Although excitement attempted to force itself through Chant, the creamy woman refused to feel such a way until the pups were actually delivered. Her tail stopped wagging; chocolate gaze remained locked on to Naira. The pregnant woman turned on heel away from her packmates, urgently waddling back toward the densite. Looking to Rhysis, Chantille lowered her ears, beginning to pad after the lady. She would keep her distance, but would be there incase a healer's hand was needed.

[{Chantille exit}]
(This post was last modified: May 23, 2012, 05:12 PM by Chantille.)
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Athena's approach was one she would take comfort in as the familiarity of her surroundings only decreased while the collection continued. The white-coated female paid her respects and took her place beside her, setting at least one thing back to normal. The brown male had introduced himself as Kegan, while the other female she did not recognize hadn't graced them with any introduction. She was somewhat proud to see Vafri's reaction when ousted by Rhysis, aiming his snarl at a lower-rank. She liked the first male to join their gang of ladies; he had a backbone. The girl fought to keep her amber gaze on the meteor shower when yet <i>another</i> female walked in to the gathering, almost as if not noticing that she had. While she was puzzled, the newcomer glanced around the group with a wavering smile. Ava passed her judgement then, deciding it was better to be respectful and unsure than silent and awkward. When Naira announced there was yet another wolf that still hadn't arrived she nearly rolled right off the damn outcrop. Where had they all come from?! The coal-coated female glanced at Athena and bared a slim grin. Well, they'd at least have a little fun putting everyone in their place, now, wouldn't they?

Their female lead requested a story, which prompted an unsure response from the dark lady. Who exactly had stories to tell here? She knew she had none - folklore hadn't really been big in her birth pack and ghost stories caused no shake of her limbs. But it was again Vafri who took her attention and announced that he had stories. Curious, her black ears would perk forward and the female leaned in his direction, amber eyes vividly alert. Suddenly he began, weaving a tale of <i>Ulf</i> and ice ghosts and a black sea... Perhaps she had been a little overconfident about the ghost stories, for she had to silence the shudder that begged to slip down her spine. For a moment her eyes wandered toward the Mountain of Dire, trailing up its peaks as they reached high into the clouds and disappeared. Was there really ice up there? But she returned to his story instantly, engrossed in his tale and watching as if it were fate that the meteor shower flashed purple when he spoke of the valiant battle between the serpent and the wolf. Despite the story Ava wondered if <i>she</i> could conquer the black sea herself and discover Evigheim.

There was a sadness she hadn't been able to pick out from him as he mentioned, ever quietly, that they had sung to these heroes in his old home. Ava felt sorry for him and a little ashamed she had been so entranced by his tale that she'd failed to notice, but Rhysis spoke soon after. <i>A song for the soon to be living.</i> Behind her began a gentle waving of her dark tale at the reminder of the new life that was approaching Poison Path. Dark chin high in the air she parted her jaws and called out both her hope for the future and her insurance for it as well - Ava would be there, to help how she could, to make sure Poison Path had the glorious future those other packs wished they wouldn't. But suddenly, Naira's voice dropped out from the calling and a yelp of such vibrance that she'd never heard before leapt from her jaws. Naira lifted herself and waddled away, revealing her heavy breaths and her round belly while she rushed down the mountainside.

Alarm was her immediate response, not because she didn't know what was happening, but because there were <i>so many new kids</i> running around in the most vulnerable time. A low growl escaped her throat as she hastened away, overtaking Chantille with a hard-thrusted leap. The female would be of most use to them with her healing, but only if Naira requested it, and the dutiful girl would not anyone close without the tawny leader's permission. Ava would take place where the path of nightshade died out at the densite, daring anyone to come near.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

New faces. New personalites. New wolves that she would sooner or later have to get to know. More wolves that she had to keep an eye one. And more wolves that she would possibly have to put into their place. Should be fun. She listened as her tawny leader began to speak. She spoke of another wolf that had failed to show. Great, just great. Their "story-teller" was then asked to graise them with a tale.

He obliched and she fell into a tranze just listening to it all. Once he was done, Rhysis sugessted a song and she joined in with a elegant, melodic howl with the other Poisoned wolves. A yelp interuppeted her thoughts and her eyes pinned back towards Naira. Shit. As her leader ran off, she too leaped fowards before Ava and Chantille and stopped her from going just yet. Indeed, she may be needed soon, but it wasn't the time to follow her just yet. She soon will be loyally standing in before the densite, guarding her from unwanted guests.
Athena out
(This post was last modified: May 25, 2012, 01:19 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Smeh who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kegan Richie
Kegan was very eager and excited to get on and socialize with some people, well, he was great at that. Kegan wanted to get along with people right away, he wouldn't want somebody in the pack he never knew or hated. Kegan wasn't exactly listening to what the wolf was saying, he was more concentrated about the stars, he thought they were way to beautiful to look away from. Suddenly, he turned his head when Rhysis spoke about howling, Kegan joined in straight away.

He howled gorgeously, but he didn't try to show off, his song was so young,fresh and elegant. He howled along with the others, Kegan then knew that it certainly was the right decison to join <i>this</i> pack, this was exactly what he was looking for.

Suddenly, his alpha female yelped and broke the melodic music, and had waddled back to her den like a penguin. Kegan felt like a terrible nurse maid. <i>'Is there something wrong..or good....?'</i> Then Kegan knew what it was, he just stood they're, like a doe in a headlight.

(Kegan's out)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Posting to keep within activity check whilst my fate is decided. <3

<blockquote>As his pack turned their heads towards the skys, their song echoed out across the land- just as he had hoped. Their voices glided through the mountains, bouncing off the walls and heights and out over into the lore, loud enough for the entire world to hear, he thought. With a smug satisfaction, he too tilted his head back and allowed his songul tones to escape and join the ranks around him.

There was something soothing in singing with your pack mates; something powerful to know that each of those voices would answer his call, as they had done Naira's tonight. He was almost enjoying himself when his female's song turned into something entirly different.
As soon as the sound left her lips he stopped and simply watched, unsure of what more to do. She said nothing as she stood and waddled down the path they had all worn to get here.

He glanced around the others, looking mostly to Ava and Athena as if they could give him the answers, but on one said a thing. They simply knew what was wrong and he didn't. He hated that feeling.

He left in tow of the others but would be sure to get to her first... that was for certain.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]