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Another Day, Another Challenge — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The wolf in front of her looked at her and it was quite obvious that he was sympathising for her, something she definitely didn't need. The thought sent her into the memory of Koda for a moment before she quickly averted her ears back to the man in front of her. Tlarx was his name, at first she had heard Larax but after thinking about the name for awhile she quickly realized that she had gotten the male's name wrong. Perhaps the irony of the situation fit it well. . .she couldn't speak but couldn't comperhend his words as well as she should have been able to. Then his question came and the thought of what he said brought a small smile onto her face. Were the herbs for her throat?

Shaking her head breifly she mouthed a simple word to him, Alphess. The herbs were certainly not for her. Her voice would heal with time but Aeylen needed her milk immediately. Smiling at the male in front of her she mouthed another word, Ginger. It was the herb she desperately needed for Aeylen, it was either that or garlic and she was pretty sure her lady wouldn't want to be munching on garlic all day considering the fact that she isn't used to the herb what so ever. She hoped that Tlarx knew the herb she spoke of.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx read her mouthing once more Alphess. Ginger. Ginger? Was she some sort of healer? Tlarx knew the scent of ginger, but had no idea what on earth it looked like. After nodding briefly toward Nina, he lowered his head, beginning to scent the thicket floor. Damp odors filled his nose; old wet leaves threatened to stick to him. He continued along, muscles rolling beneath his pelt as he scanned about like some sort of Scooby-Doo character.

There it was. That scent. He could not describe it, but he knew it was there. Tlarx's tail began to sway back and forth, and he raised his head upward, eyes flicking over to the tawny woman. "I smell it, but I don't know what it looks like" the man admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. Letting his head lower back down to earth, he scented the ground once more, head bobbing in agreement with himself. If this lady was a healer, how the hell did she have a sense of smell? Smelling these damn herbs all day would probably turn him into some bat-shit man.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The only thing he knew was the scent. Nothing more and nothing less but it was something. She felt bad for she couldn't introduce herself, perhaps there was time for that later, but right now she knew she had to find some ginger for her leadess. Opening her mouth she once again mouthed, Green stalk. Pink, red flowers. Ginger is root. Hell if not under these certain circumstances she would have scolded herself for speaking the way she was. When she replayed the words in her head. She sounded like a pup. How terrible, she knew she was smarter than this, but there was no easier way to communicate at the moment. 

 Lowering her muzzle to the ground she sniffed slightly before creeping forward. There is was, the ginger. In front of her was a green stalk. . .with. . .no flowers on it. Something was wrong. Flattening her ears on her head she pulled on the stalk. A small piece of ginger popped up from the spot. Eyebrows furrowed Nina growled slightly before ending in a hacking cough. The brown female turned and coughed behind her. Soon enough he small fit ended and now she turned back. The ginger was smaller than it should be. Perhaps it was just the soil in the area, but something had stopped these plants from growing to their full value.
(This post was last modified: May 20, 2012, 02:58 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
I'm going to wrap this up, if you don't mind <3 You can post once more and you can archive it :)
Tlarx watched the lady carefully as she pulled the ginger up from the ground. He could not understand what she mouthed this time, unfortunately. After she pulled the ginger upward, her face turn to disappointment. Lowering his tail, the massive man frowned. He turned slowly away from the woman, nose to the ground. About fifteen feet away was another ginger root. He bit down hard upon the bottom of the stem, pulling upward. Dirt sprayed about as his head jerked back; the ginger popped up above the ground. This one was a bit bigger than the first, and Tlarx smiled. Walking over to Nina, he gently placed the ginger at her feet.

"Ma'am, I don't wish to be rude, but I really should get hunting." He looked at his large paws before gazing up to the female's green eyes. Blinking, his ears fluttered before he scented the winds- rain was on the way. He'd want to catch something before the water fell from the sky, dampening the scents of game. With a light sigh, he nudged the ginger root toward her "I do hope to meet again...when your voice has returned." With a polite nod, he smiled warmly to the tawny pelted female before turning on heel and taking off through the thicket.

{Tlarx exit}