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10 mile stereo — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Adopt me! :D who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ioni Tainn
Her life had never been complete; there was still a large portion of the puzzle unsolved. With these web tangles called emotions, a bitterness had surfaced. Secretive in things that she did, she was a mystery in the eyes of all. Only one statement was true about her, she wanted the throne, and she would step over anyone to get it. A power lust some would say, but the sheer thrill of dominance was close enough to taste. There were but only a few obstacles deterring her from becoming an almighty, her older siblings. Although she was young, she was mature and strong enough to hold her ground. Not even her littermates could stand in her way.

Ioni hunched forward in the cool water, her paws well above the ground that could have held her. She glanced down before her; small fishes quickly swam away as she continued to gracefully pull forward. It was days like these that she could be taken back to her past. With the wind softly beckoning nostalgia, she sank back to the days in which she had played pretend and make believe. Childish thoughts of one day becoming queen grew and developed into a possible reality. She refused to believe that because she was a female and fairly young that she could not rule a kingdom.

She continued to stare at the marvelous beauty before her, cascades upon cascades a never ending cycle of breathtaking beauty. Her dreams would not end because the fire had devastated most of the pack, no, they would begin then and there. Ioni lifted her head proudly as though she were wearing a crown fit only for her. Only scheming could beckon forth such bliss; she wanted everything, she wanted it all. With a ferocious determination, no one could revoke her goals and hopes. As she continued to think of all the possibilities her future held, she continued to pull herself forward in the water. After a few moments, she halted. She took a deep breath, cleansing her body just as her soul.

"One day this will all be mine," she whispered to the breeze as she rose like a queen.

Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy

http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/9951/weldtab1.png) top no-repeat; background-color: #000000; width: 440px; border: 1px solid #000;">
For some strange reason unwillingly his own life had been a twisting battle for power and dominance. Finding that certain place to truly call his own yet doing so without accumulating any of the guilt or doubt. While he had passed up the opportunity to become mates with an Heir before in the past it was not because he did not care about her but because it would have never worked. He was needed back in his own pack with his own friends and daughter, plus deep down he knew he would have never been accepted. It was a meaningful spiritual cadre and while Weldering had morals and always chose an higher ground there was only so high he could place his hope, certainly not into the hands of any gods. It was something he could not believe in no matter how hard he tried and for that reason how could he lead a group that were so committed to their gods? Even back within his own abode the foundations of the pack were shaken in unfortunate events and while this set Weldering up to challenge for a takeover at the last minute it was averted, was he always destined to be the nearly Alpha?

The sound of the waterfall was a familiar sensation as he padded towards the clearing by the side of the pool. He had met someone else by the falls only the day before yet while he usually roamed far and wide across Relic Lore after discovering the waterfall he had hung close sticking to the surrounding Wildwoods and even looking down over it watchfully from the Riddle Heights. At night he would return making his way towards the grotto finding the best shelter that would suffice for the night.

It did not take him long to realise that the Bramble Falls was attended by someone else as he begun to break cautiously into the clearing. As with most that he had met so far the scent of Tainn and Swift River lingered in the soft summer breeze causing the brute to smirk involuntarily as he wondered how many of them there actually were. Though he knew in fairness he was particularly close to their home within Sacred Grove which was merely a small walk down stream. Ioni's words were muttered too softly to hear yet the mumble was noticed as he padded forwards slowly to meet with the stranger. "Hey." He called out smoothly across the pool. His own black tipped forepaws edging close to the bank of the pool.


Table by Kitty!
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Adopt me! :D who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ioni Tainn

http://a.imageshack.us/img210/9179/ionitable1.png) top no-repeat; background-color: #000000; width: 420px; border: 1px solid #000;">
Ioni continued to dip into the water. Occasionally she was in the water deep enough to only let her eyes peer above the water. Ferociously, she swam like a shark; a predator in search of the next victim. Completely alone, she had managed to entertain herself and let out a light laughter. The laughter itself surprised her and her eyes widened at the sound. True laughter had been a stranger to her, and she slowly took a gander at her surroundings in case anyone had been close by. Ironically, someone had been close enough, perhaps they had even had heard a faint echo of the rare sound.

Usually this creature was quite fond of herself, vain, some would say. Today, her vanity had failed her and she slumped at the soft resonance of her mirth. Happiness had never been her forte, and she never found herself amused by her own antics; instead, she found that the failures of others were rather comedic. Just as she had become crescent fallen, she had risen all the same. Perking up, she held her head proudly, as though she were the sole ruler in the area. Neutral territory or not, she would not deny any of her pleasures. She frolicked within her own fantasy, appearing pleasant and carefree.

A sudden change occurred in the winds; Ioni immediately glanced over at the direction from where the perpetrator had descended. Her golden eyes blazed with an intense fire, she had been caught off guard and in her vulnerable state of euphoria. The interloper had offered a friendly greeting, but Ioni was more than infuriated. She felt exposed, bathing innocently and playing within the refreshing water. Her glare could not go unnoticed as she approached the male, obviously annoyed. "I don't believe that's how you address a lady, especially when you intrude while she is bathing," Ioni retorted, but her tone was deadpan. Stopping a few feet from him, she observed his stature and appearance. He was handsome enough to redeem himself if he tried she supposed.

(This post was last modified: Aug 08, 2010, 01:40 AM by Ioni.)
Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy

http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/9951/weldtab1.png) top no-repeat; background-color: #000000; width: 440px; border: 1px solid #000;">
Unknown to Weldering the soft giggle of mirth was meant to be a secret. If Ioni knew that he had heard her would she feel any differently towards him? Of course the dark and silver painted male at this point had no idea what she was truly like and so as the soft giggle reached his ears he could not help but smile, taking a seat back to watch. Yet it had not occurred to himself until the mood sharply changed that he had been in the wrong, spying on her while she was bathing. He did not mean to come across as though he was some kind of peeping tom.

Ioni was now standing directly in front of him questing him motives as he begun to feel a bit sorry and guilty. "My apologises miss. I did not realise. " Well he at least did not realise until it was too late. By now her bathing time had been interupted and already the warm sun would have been drying her pelt the moment she had left the water. His own blue gaze held towards her. "Is there anyway I can make it up to you? For ruining your bathing time?"


Table by Kitty!
(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2010, 08:34 PM by Weldering.)
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Adopt me! :D who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ioni Tainn

http://a.imageshack.us/img210/9179/ionitable1.png) top no-repeat; background-color: #000000; width: 420px; border: 1px solid #000;">
Ioni had been isolated from the rest of the pack. She had always been rather distant from her family as whole, and individually, most of them had been of no use to her. They had never been particularly cold to her, but she had always remained the black sheep for her headstrong persona and passionate personality. Submission had never once been her forte, and fitting into a pack was a bit difficult. As a child, she had dreamed of ruling her own plot of land and governing her own pack. Now that she was older, her wishes seemed easier to fulfill, but her family had been an obstacle.

Her coat had been soaked, but the sun had dried it significantly to the point where it was damp. Her golden eyes locked onto his sterling blue ones. He was certainly a sight to see; his silvery gray pelt prickled with black tips, the ebony mask that was his face, and the mysterious gray lining under his eyes. She failed in comparison. Angered by the sudden realization, she continued to watch him tentatively. "Aren't you creative enough to come up with your own method? Surprise me, it's much more exciting you know."

Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy

http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/9951/weldtab1.png) top no-repeat; background-color: #000000; width: 440px; border: 1px solid #000;">
How could he possibly make it up to her? Several ideas flitted through his mind but he had to watch his tongue. Weldering usually had this habit of saying certain things that were taken the wrong way and he did not fancy getting a paw across the face for saying something that could be taken out of context - just like he had said to Indru about Junai. The scent of Swift River she carried upon her pelt only made the young silver and black rogue feel more awkward and tense. His ears now pressing forwards in an assertive and alert way, still thinking about how to make it up to the damsel.

"Perhaps I could join you on a hunt?" He offered, lifting up a single black socked paw suggestively with the faintest of smiles covering his lips. Although he was not much good at hunting the odds of catching a meal were higher when working with someone else and together they could share a meal... or he could just give it all to her for putting her out in the first place. Weldering liked to think he was charming like that sometimes. "Or I could escort you home, to Swift River." He also suggested just in case she was not fond of the first idea, maybe she was full. "I'm Weldering." He finally introduced.


Table by Kitty!
(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2010, 08:33 PM by Weldering.)
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>