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surrounded by your embrace — The Wildwood 
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Played by - who has 32 posts.
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Her gerent was the wolf she loved, although she didn't know much about him. In the days they would spend together, she knew she would learn more of him as he learned more of her. Exploring another was the most interesting thing one could do, she found, and she had never done it before. It was positively exhilerating. But for the day, she did the unimaginable — she departed from both him and Swift River. She allowed him to know she'd be exploring for the day, and although he had wanted to join she pushed him to remain at the River to spend time with his family. Selfishly they had been in one anothers company and let things be that way. It had been perfect. She had become a recluse to all but him, but she knew no one else to spend her days with. For she hadn't met anyone of his family — yet.

She would take initiative to do that soon. For him, and so that she could also know the wolves he spoke so highly of to her. But now she paused on her random expedition as she caught sight of the work of the goddess of chaos, and her eyes widened as she saw the burnt wood. She sucked in a heavy breath, unprepared for the sight when all she had seen was beauty and thriving life. She wondered who was caught within. What small creatures, what large creatures, might have perished. Her temporary silence was for them.
Played by Sharpie who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>
The barren and bleak carnage that was once a flourishing forest had been oddly inviting to him, despite the unnerving paranoia that came with the feeling of being out in the open: a silver creature amongst blackened, charred earth and spacious trees. Roach slithered through the remnants of the disaster, oblivious to the horror, chaos and heartbreak that would have occurred not that long ago when the inferno ripped through the land. His muddied body was only ruined more as a thick layer of soot settled into his coat, stirred as he slunk along the scarred grounds.

Framed against a grim backdrop, it was not impossible to tell that the scrawny creature which now lurked in Relic Lore's darkest and most sacred grounds was horrendously under-fed. His fur was thin beneath the thick layer of dirt and ash, revealing skin which clung to visible bone on many parts of his body. His skeletal head seemed rather large, like a mismatched body part just screwed into a very thin neck. He crawled - not walked - his posture entirely submissive and sly, darting too and fro and rarely staying in one place for more than a minute, never lingering to observe the haunted forest he now tread upon.

His nose was low to the ground and he paid little attention to his surroundings. When he would pause in his scamper, it would be to bury that scarred and pointed muzzle into the soot and earth and uproot whatever he thought was there. Now, as he had been repeating this over and over ever since his first step into the graveyard, he had perhaps found something. In a frenzy he began digging at the ground, flinging the mud and ash and dust and decaying foliage away from the object of his interest. Any onlooker would not yet be able to see what he was uncovering - until the coyote-like mongrel suddenly picked his head up from the ground: the mutilated and charred skull and neck of some poor creature clenched between his fangs.

Roach thrust it to the ground and without hesitation leaped, no, <i>attacked</i> the carcass that he had scavenged, ripping at the base of its skull and pulling what leftover meat was left after the fire's wrath. It was impossible from a distance to tell what kind of creature it was, but it was obvious the starving animal seemed not to care one bit. A chorus of grisly snarls and gurgling noise, backed by the snapping and crunching of bones and sinew, emanated from where he feasted - an appetizing song to some, a nauseating one to others.

He returned quickly to the spot from whence he had found his gourmet meal, and continued to rip away the earth around that area. He was oblivious to his surroundings at this point - despite the soul that lingered not too far away. Aching with hunger, anything else was the last thing that crossed his mind. Excitement and lust filled his body at the discovery of a body to accompany the head he'd consumed as much as possible of, now forcefully dragging the medium sized corpse from its grave. Once again he buried his face into it to gnaw and gulp the meal in a bloody mess, pausing only once as he looked up and locked his eyes on the only other living thing around.

Pale, demonic yellow eyes seemed to glimmer in the dim light behind the ashy mound of dirt and carcass, bearing straight into the other wolf: Feather.

A very low and defensive growl rumbled in his gut.</span></blockquote>

Ooc:// Posting this from his profile

>>This character is your punching bag! :D Feel free to beat up on him when you want, it's fun trust me. Still no godmoding or powerplaying though please. Also, Roach often APPEARS as an emaciated, pathetic and innocent little thing, and even though inside he's a nasty bastard, PLEASE don't make your character automatically know this until they see it happen for themselves. He's the little orphan kid who you want to help until you take him to your house and he sets your house on fire while you're sleeping. <3
(This post was last modified: Aug 12, 2010, 07:49 PM by Roach.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko had been more than hesitant on the realization that Indru was going to bring outsiders in to the pack. Of course, his initial resistance to his brother’s actions had lead heated words between the both of them, and even when things had smoothed over, Ruiko remained slightly sore about the subject. Despite that, the large tawny wolf knew never to bring it up again, and like many of their arguments, he left it in the past. If his brother found something worthy about this female he had recently accepted, the tawny Tainn would just have to get to know her and accept it. He just didn’t expect it to be outside of the pack lands.

The scent of Swift River was strong in the air, and already he could tell it was not one of his siblings. Withholding a slight sigh, the male moved forward, his bright eyes gleaning the woods for a sight of the she-wolf who had his brother so entranced. The devastation these lands offered was something less than desirable for him, but curiosity won out any other hesitation, and Ruiko soon emerged from the foliage, his eyes falling upon the girl first, before her visitor.

It was a grim sight; a ghastly creature that was thin from mother nature’s wrath. The life of a lone wolf did not suit the beast well, and only briefly did the Tainn’s eyes rest upon the carcass the wolf now protectively stood over. The River wolf’s lip’s curled dangerously back at the low growl that emanated from the creature to his brother’s ‘friend,’ and reverberating a dangerous snarl of his own, the tawny male stalked to ground between the she-wolf and this starving creature, his eyes narrowed and his muzzle swung low in defense, lest the fool try to attack.
Played by - who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
A sound pulled Feathers eyes — once surveying the landscape — to a distinct location. She was surprised to see a wolf there, a wolf that held a charred creature likely destroyed by the fire. She insisted with defensive body language that her intention was not to eat his find, her ears melting easily upon her skull and her tail swaying neutrally between her legs. Although the wolf who held the creature could surely be easily conquered (the heaviest thing on him ought to have been what was his tare, or skin) the meal was hardly worth any sort of scuffle.

She was about to tell the wolf to relax, but another scent distracted her. It was the scent of the Creek, and for an instant she thought it was Indru. Her face brightened considerably, her eyes twinkling while they turned to face 'Indru', until she saw that this was not the male she thought it was. The scent had been distinctly masculine and even dominant, and she recognized that this was the sibling that was Indru's second. Her ears shifted when she heard a low growl, and her eyes turned to the wolf upon the earth. The situation was a tense one, and Feather wasn't the best in awkward situations. The most she could do was tell the wolf on the earth, It's all yours. Perhaps that would bring the tension down, now that the other would know she had no intentions of stealing that morsel.
Played by Sharpie who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ooc:// -nudge nudge- one of ya should go see what roach is eating ;D -hint hint-

<blockquote>The arrival of a second visitor only brought on more tension and more defensive hostility from the skeletal shadow in the ashes. Those pallid, pasty eyes shifted immediately to the larger male wolf, wide, bulging and dark in vibe. The other had placed himself between the creature and the fragile female, curling lips and offering warning growls as well. Roach paused for a moment, allowing for an eerie silence from his half, before turning his face toward the ground and letting out a sort of hissing noise. From under his brow he glared at the two, his small, lanky body crouching low over the baked carcass, but he made no move toward either of them.

The voice of the female, somehow, beyond all belief, made the creature flinch. He shied away from the sound, deliberately looking away from her as if he did not believe her, or did not care. The male posed more of a threat at the moment, and he had not been the one to say he wasn't going to take the rotting, and curiously unidentified corpse from the intruder. The beast felt uncomfortable if he were to continue ripping into it in their presence, assuming they would sneak upon him and take it for themselves, as was the way of the wild. The female he would've thought he could take on, but this new male wolf.. No sir.

Roach glanced back at Ruiko again, now observing the male for a brief second. Calculating.. he immediately came to the conclusion that the male could serve no good, positive purpose to himself, and it would be suicide to try anyway. He was livid, of course, outnumbered and feeling threatened. If it had been only Feather, Roach would have quickly launched himself in front of his find and tried to chase her off in all his furious, vomit-inducing snarls. Instead, he now sunk his gnarled, yellow fangs into the ashy corpse and with a strength that didn't seem like it could possibly come from his frail body, began dragging it out from the hole and piles of ash, into the open, but away from the two, desperate to keep it to himself.</blockquote>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ee. {covers Ruiko's eyes} I don't know if he wants to knooow. >.>

So he stood between them – a wall of brick between the starving creature and the she-wolf of his brother’s affections. She remained low, her body interaction clearly defining that she meant no trouble, and yet Ruiko only lifted himself higher at the other wolf’s snarls, his own fangs slowly baring. He wanted nothing to do with the carcass the beast had captured, and yet the challenge was enough to make his blood boil. The gentle voice of the girl behind him did little so soothe him, and while one ear flickered idly in her direction, his gleaming eyes remained focused upon the silver wolf.

His opponent paused for a moment, as if deciphering what action to take. Yet the low hissing noise stirred a frown in Ruiko’s dark brown features, and the male lowered his muzzle defensively. The creature made no move to attack, but that did not settle Ruiko’s suspicions. Instead, dread began to flicker in his heart as the grey creature began to unbury the charred meal. What was it that he held so tightly in his jaws? With a sinking feeling of dread, the regal male took a prowling step forward, his eyes trying to identify the corpse while still keeping close watch on the other wolf.

It came to him suddenly when he decided he didn't want to know. With that in mind, the male quickly turned, his eyes falling upon the slender she-wolf that had enticed his brother's eye. Without a word, the second in command nudged her to the shoulder, reinforcing that she best leave. With her on her way, the male then turned as well, sweeping away from the strange creature.
(This post was last modified: Sep 11, 2010, 09:54 PM by Ruiko.)