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when canyons ruled the city — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
Large grey paws moved over the dry earth, trying to take in the sights, as much as he could, as fast as he could do it. But, it was difficult to say the least. Alexander felt alone. Forget the trees and the shrubs and the berries, where were the wolves? Where was the life he used to see back near the large glowing towers that swept the skies? He could do little communication with the creatures there, but he could see them and feel the energy that moved from them. It was exhilarating. What he found here was a whole bunch of nothing. He could certainly smell wolf, they were around, but they weren't here.

Alexander was an adult, however, and could easily occupy himself. But he hated feeling like he was being avoided, which was simply impossible since he didn't actually know anyone around here. Travel-weary paws found a damp patch, and the grey male settled himself in the dirt, pale eyes searching for any hint of life. Who would want to avoid him anyhow? He wasn't a bear, nor did he have any sort of aggressive posture. At least not at the current time. He needed to exert something before the incunabulum of anxiety took over his soul.

Played by Snizz who has 3 posts.
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Hours went on and left the wanderer behind, holding him within an indescribable placement of time. Everything was compressed between panted breaths, golden eyes aflutter over the foliage that parted before his stride. So far, no good. He had only recently picked up a scent that was vaguely interesting to him, and it was hope enough to drive him onwards like a puppet danced along on string. The very end was directed by inquisitive desires known only to himself. It was a briefly moist quality to the ground that drew him back from the inner chasms of his frenzied mind, neck bending once so his nose could skim the ground. Sniffing, the wolf's muzzle crinkled as a strong whiff of another entered up his flared nostrils. This was it, he was close.

Lifting his head and continuing along, it appeared the trees had become less, but only to an extent. They were shrouded now, their clustered branches thinning as the trunks stood closer together, a formation that tickled his desire for company. It's about time. Independence. Hah. What was it worth when it ate away at the vitality of his long-departed happiness, left only with sanity to grind between rough jaws? Forget it. With a short burst of speed his prior suspicion was confirmed; there was another nearby. Scoping out the male, Shinzo suppressed a vicious grin on approach, his mouth instead hanging open in a light pant. Loitering forth, the wolf pushed a cautious paw on the nearest rock to garner attention but immediately withdrew it as it shifted.

Hmm. How awkward.

Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
A small sigh departed from Alexander as he lay there, feeling the onset of life-drainage. What had brought him to such a boring, lifeless, damp place? Not that he minded the dampness; he'd sought out the place he was currently lying, and it was plenty damp. There was always a hope lingering within the large being, though, that never quite kept him from giving up. Of course not. Why else would those silly, greedy humans have dumped him near here. Clearly there was some form of life. Perhaps they weren't so intelligent to know what lay waiting in this strange forest, but surely it had to be something.

A sound nearly mimicking his early sigh seemed to be going on a loop, and he shifted around slightly to see what the source was. That's why he had so much hope. He couldn't possibly ever be let down. There were other wolves here! Alex rose, pale yellow eyes looking over the brown male before him. He seemed to blend in, while Alexander stuck out like a sore thumb. From the male, his eyes fell to the rock that had been shifted, and he moved forward to return it to its previous position. "Might want to watch your step there, sir." There was a hard edge to Alexander's eyes and to his words, and only after a moment did the corners of his muzzle twitch. Humor wasn't necessarily his forte, but he tried.

Played by Snizz who has 3 posts.
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So it had worked. Not necessarily in Shinzo's intended way, but... doesn't look so bad. There was no hostility between them yet, the only irritant that smug twitching. It wasn't funny, no. “Keh,” The loner's teeth flashed as his eyes scanned the rock distastefully, tail flickering in mild impatience. “-Go ahead, laugh. I did it on purpose.” Only to get attention. Why else? What else did anyone even want? You could get nothing unnoticed. Wolves existed for one another, and life spent separated was the lowest of the low. Since his sorry excuse for kin had decided they didn't need him around, Shinzo had been feeling the ache of loneliness, though he was too proud to admit it. Not like I've got anyone to listen.

With one last glare at the upturned stone, the wolf stepped over it and began to saunter off into the nearby shrubs - until he remembered. Fighting the urge to roll both golden eyes, Shinzo twisted around and angled his muzzle towards the stranger. “Why are you... here?” It wasn't exactly paradise, was it? Not to mention the fact the guy was just sprawled out in some random forest for apparently no reason. Why? It just didn't sound right. Is this even real?

Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
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Alexander Dieudonné
Alexander watched and listened to the brown male in silence, feeling slightly confused as things went on. A few times, he moved to say something, before deciding against it. It seemed that this wolf was lacking a funny bone, or maybe he'd just woken up after a long night sleeping on a rock. But it seemed as soon as he'd arrived, calling attention to himself in such a strange way, he turned to leave, his passing interrupted only by a sudden thought that seemed to cross his mind.

Why was he here? Alexander knew exactly why he was here. Because he'd been dumped by the humans nearby, and this was the first place he'd gotten to. "I decided to rest. I've been walking for awhile...I've had a rather stressful day." A light brow rose, and he got up, taking a second to stretch his legs. "I could ask you the same thing." And that was Alexander's way of asking.

Played by Snizz who has 3 posts.
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A mania. Bristling, wild gold eyes were cast upon the loner in undisguised disdain. Temptation begged for insults, and all but idleness held them at bay. Why spare? Why? None had such pity for himself. None. Not one. Lips quivered into a hostile smirk. “So you're lazy.” Maybe that was enough bait to pull the monster lurking inside that grey-scale husk into the sunlight, or maybe it was just a damn joke like everything else.

Preparing to resume his long journey, Shinzo's stride was once more cut short as the stranger decided to act the parrot. Watching him stand, the smirk made its return but in a lesser extent. Was that supposed to be a fish for answers? “Uh huh,” The male was going to leave it there, but it probably wouldn't shake the noose from his neck. “-Smell me. Should tell you everything.” Or it could come across as a strange invitation, either way. What was wrong with a canine using its nose?

Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
The usually calm and kind Alexander was beginning to lose his patience with this wolf. What he'd hoped would turn out to be an interesting encounter with the natives around here turned out to be a trying interaction. It was almost like the wolf was trying to piss him off. He wouldn't have it. Jowls twitched irritably, and he was finding it rather had to control himself. Some long slumbering compulsive disorder suddenly showing its ugly face? Perhaps, but Alexander certainly didn't want to spill any blood.

"I doubt it'll tell me much." He had only just arrived. Sure, the scent of trees may have risen off of his pelt, but that's all it would smell like to Alexander. Trees. He didn't know where. "You're just trying to piss me off, aren't you?" He gave the brown wolf a cocked brow, leaning in, managing to contain his irritation this time.