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i've heard the worst — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Katie who has 13 posts.
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<blockquote>Enveloped by the foliage, shielded from daylight, Terra prowled through the undergrowth with a sulky scowl painted across her sculpted muzzle. The leaves and wines overhead cast shadows across her dark features as she attempted to pick her way through the brush. It was a harrowing task; Terra cursed her large size as it prevented her from maneuvering her way out of the tangle. For once in her life, her movements were as graceful as a hippopotamus’.

She was hopelessly lost, too. It was something the lone female would have hated to admit, but it was the truth. There was no telling which way she had come or which way she needed to go in order to free herself. Growling inaudibly, Terra continued to wrestle with the obstacles blocking her path, vibrant irises flashing with malicious intent.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Aug 22, 2010, 12:02 AM by Terra.)
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;"> Thankfully, the talent of living in a place for almost two years let Inkheart be a little more skilled when it came to being around the lands. When it came to the Thicket of Secrets he knew the best, most painful path to take and always made the best out of it if he ever got caught by something. Of course, he had had a ton of painful trips through this place with a few bleeding scratches here and there but he definitely did not mind a little pain. He preferred actually doing something in return to whatever damaged his handsomely rugged appearance but he wasn’t scientifically insane to fight back with it.
So when he caught a rather odd smell that nearly made him want to scrunch up his nose and snarl, he merely made his way towards the source. Normally, he would ignore the wolf completely and let them pass by without ever knowing he was even there but this one was particularly interesting. Evidently, his sister had travelled all this way just to see her big old brother be the big bad ass that he truly was. So, he just traipsed on over there and crossed a few thickets to get to her but once he was a few meters away he merely smirked at her and scoffed. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“Well, well, well… come to see your big brother and his epic battles,” though he couldn’t say that she was having quite an epic battle herself with all of the thickets nearly grasping at her throat like deprived souls.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Katie who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote>She was angry and could feel her hackles bristling with every wrong turn she took, every scrape that marred her elegant frame. The minor pain only fueled her irritation, and soon the ebony she-wolf was growling and snapping at any foliage that dared dangle in her path. Bark and leaf juice coated the inside of her mouth, causing her lips to wrinkle back with disgust. All she wanted was to be free of this place; she had learned her lesson and she would never come back again if it meant escaping.

Luckily she could see the brush thinning up ahead. Sunlight filtered in freely and the loner grumbled under her breath, relieved that her harrowing adventure was coming to a conclusion. But before she could even take another step, a towering jet-black male came sauntering over. She glared into his orange optics, ears flicking back at his sarcastic remark. He was the last wolf she wanted to see right then. <b>“Look who finally decided to show his face,”</b> she spat, turning away from him as she scrambled over a fallen tree. Well, it was obvious she still hadn’t let that grudge go.</blockquote>
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;"> It was strange how he somewhat imagined a little bit nicer of a ‘hello’ but not too nice. Perhaps he had just been quick to assume that maybe she might understand just how badly he needed to get away from that place and that he didn’t want to drag more with him because it’d create a scene. Then he wouldn’t have even been able to slink away unnoticed by the tribe because he wasn’t going to be brainwashed into being like them, even though he had already made a few transitions into their lifestyle. For example, he didn’t do well in social conversation because none of the tribe members liked conversation with others and thus, Inkheart couldn’t join a pack because he wasn’t a social butterfly.
Yeah, it would seem that Terra had certainly turned over to the dark side. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“Looks like the tribe did more to you than I would have guessed,” he spat back at her, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“cynical and black-hearted.” At least his parents had been kind enough to label him early on in life with an ink heart; they had least given him the courtesy of the doubt.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Katie who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote>She hadn’t forgotten his selfish, cruel act of leaving her behind, not by a long shot. In fact, if he had decided to take her along instead, chances were she wouldn’t have turned into, for lack of a better word, a bitch. Being left behind had wounded her in more ways than one. Terra never stopped thinking about him, though, always wondering where he was and if he had found the good life the two of them had always craved. She never would have guessed that this was where he wound up, and although she was pleased to see her brother in good health, she was still infuriated.

She scoffed, pivoting on her paws to face him while ignoring the branches in front of her face. <b>“I wonder whose fault that was,”</b> she retorted, onyx plume lashing behind her. <b>“You deserted me with our sorry excuse of a mother. You left me to rot.”</b> And that was precisely why Terra trusted no one. Someone she thought had cared and loved her had taken off without a second glance. It still hurt to think about, but the ebony fem wouldn’t admit that. To hurt was to be weak.</blockquote>
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;"> Inkheart snarled as she whipped out cruel banter towards him and his decision, obviously she didn’t see the logic. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“If I had brought you along with me, someone would have noticed that two of them had vanished,” he narrowed his eyes in disdain, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“I wanted to but then I wouldn’t have gotten out of that mundane existence and neither would you probably.” Inkheart felt as though his heart was breaking in two considering how much love he felt for his sister but he just never could see the kindness in his heart like someone else could. Valentine’s Keep wasn’t a place full of hearts and lollipops, it held darkness and granted someone a purely mundane life which didn’t suit children very well at all—which was, perhaps, why Inkheart and Terra were the only children who had ever been born into the pack.
Their mother had been a kind soul once that was full of heart, generosity and forgiveness but their tribe leader was darker than anyone could ever imagine. He had forcefully put Inkheart and Terra to their mother without the slightest hint of guilt on his face and by pure coincidence, unwanted children had been born. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“I didn’t leave you to rot,” he snarled, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“I showed you that you can get away from there and you could follow me once I left but perhaps you were so angry with me that you didn’t come even though I waited for two weeks just a twenty minutes walk away so that maybe you would come find me.” Ink had waited out of the goodness that had been left in his heart but after finding that Terra didn’t have the sense to run after him, he felt as though his sister had already lost her heart.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Katie who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote>No, she was not in the wrong. Inkheart was. He was to blame for her callousness, her disdain. It didn’t matter what he said, Terra would not shoulder the burden of the unhappiness he’d caused. She listened to him ramble, impatiently waiting as he spewed his nonsensical excuses for why their bond had been torn to pieces. None of it changed a thing. As far as Terra was concerned, he was lying to her face.

<b>“If you waited for me, then I’m the Queen of France,”</b> she hissed, sneering darkly into her sibling’s face. <b>“All you did was show me that you don’t care, but hey, it works out perfectly because I don’t give a damn, either.”</b> Terra turned from him then, pivoting upon massive onyx paws to continue through the shrubbery in the opposite direction. She was no longer interested in arguing with him. <b>“I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone.”</b></blockquote>
Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Whatever—he most certainly wasn’t going to let Terra walk all over him. Around here, he didn’t let anyone walk over him because he never gave them the chance to even begin to know him so they got the cold shoulder. If she didn’t want to think that she had been the only wolf he’d ever had feelings for then forget about it because he didn’t try unless the other tried first. <b>“Fuck you too then,”</b> he scoffed and immediately turned tail on her and walked away with his ears on alert in case she decided to try any stupid moves.
(This post was last modified: Sep 03, 2010, 04:31 PM by Inkheart.)

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!