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Bubbly — Nomads Pass 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now

The sting of his teeth, his weight on her back... the words he had whispered still haunted her in the dark along with the absence of his scent. It was late now, the sliver of a moon sitting high in the sky, partially obscured by clouds that spoke promises of rain... And in the den she shared with her sons it was stifling. Certainly it had been suitable when she had first picked it out, suitable for two grown adults, but three? and one as large as Datura was certainly pushing the limit.

She wriggled her way from beneath the sleeping bodies of her sons, small utterances of ‘shh...’ enough to lull them back to sleep. The words of Thorpe still swam in her head - show him... So it was with unsteady steps, shaking breath and a racing heart that she moved, every attempt to appear casual as she crossed the open ground towards his den. Finally reaching the entrance, she paused for a moment. Her ears pinning back and her head dipping low as she cautiously stepped inside.

It was a strange perfume she wore, beneath the scent of the gift she carried - anticipation laced with fear and uncertainty. It was hard for such a large wolf to make herself appear small, but at the beckoning of his scent she did so, all but crawling on her belly towards him as a quiet whine left her lips. She reached out slowly to press her muzzle against his chest, not yet daring to draw herself level with him, her rear end still well outside the entrance to the place he called his own.

(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2013, 01:15 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sleep eluded him, but when did it not? He was unable to recall the last time he had slept from sunset until sunrise. In some ways he missed the bliss of a good night's rest, but on the other hand he had more hours in the day to stew about life- his favourite past time it seemed.
Tonight had been cold, and with Sage's absence upon the mountain ridge he didn't feel the need to explore and hope he might bump into her. She had told him she was leaving, if only for a bit. He had watched with a feeling of sickness in his stomach as she left to do her duty better than any other might have- she did not just scout their border, but the very lands they lived within to bring them news from the world they have made a point to shut out. After all, you could never be too careful when you lived next door to so many enemies; he hoped she would return sooner rather than later. He could not ignore her absence for much longer.

The bitter sting of the wind and lack of things to do had finally called him home to the empty depths of his den. The cave was narrow, perfect for his thinner frame. The entrance wound from the mountain face, bared right where his chamber lay. It was bare of course, he found no need for a soft bed or light. The wind could not enter, and he was hidden away from the world- that was all that mattered. He had laid with a thud upon the stone floor, allowing the hard surface to bruise his bones, a welcome pain which he needed to clear his thoughts from the topic of the silver siren who had ensnared his darkest needs to the point of madness.

His home was dark, were it not for a sliver of light which crept in from the wet rock surfaces, bouncing from the entrance to his chamber, he would spend his day and night in the dark. It was only the dry feeling upon his eyes that told him he was staring into space, that his eyes were not closed and he was still fighting slumber. With an agitated growl, he stood, circled the floor and fell again, harder than he needed to, to try and find a more comfortable position for sleep that would not come.

Her scent hit him like a fly to the face. The unmistakable taint of the youth she was now carrying caused his very bones to shudder, but he could not be sure why. It probably didn't help the matter that this first born children were either missing, perhaps dead, or had no idea who he was. He hadn't exactly been father of the year so another brood to fuck up wasn't on his ideal list of things to do this year. Still, he had a responsibility to her and to the pack, new cubs meant new pack members, more strong sons to carry on his legacy and he could not scoff at that. So long as he had no more daughters...

She made no noise as she scurried forwards, perhaps she thought he was asleep and he made no motion to prove otherwise. He was still perplexed by their situation, by her ever changing moods that left him unsure of whether he was coming or going. She was driving him crazy, making his life more chaotic than he required it to be. He had to wander what she was doing here, she had not sought him out in his den since they had founded this new pack... perhaps after their last encounter she had realised her place beneath him, not beside him once more.
He remained stationary as she pressed her muzzle to his chest, and found himself holding his breath; not out of excitement but to suppress a growl that threatened to escape his lips as she touched him without his permission. Instead, he took a deep breath to find some self control and uttered in his drawl, "What do you want, Naira?"
(This post was last modified: Apr 03, 2013, 12:41 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
What do you want Naira? His voice had the same effect on her a switch across the muzzle may have had and her head flinched back, if only enough to remain where He might reach her if He wanted to do so, with the sharp snap of teeth or otherwise. The words He had whispered still resonated in her mind and she knew she should obey and answer His question, but did He really want her to answer? It had sounded like a command... Or so she thought... but was she in any position to interpret His commands? Even in the dark she averted her eyes, focusing on the straight of His leg, so close it would only take the slightest move to slip her muzzle beneath it - a small gesture perhaps that she was willing to live under His rule, but she didn’t dare. she suppressed a shudder as she raked through her thoughts, trying to find the words to respond... Speaking had never been so hard before, even when she had first returned half-wild from the other side.

she took in a deep breath, hoping to calm her nerves some but instead her head was filled with His intoxicating scent. It made her head swim with an entirely new brand of exhilaration and her head inched lower until her chin rested on the cold hard ground of His den. A pained and nervous whine left her chest as she struggled to string her words together. "I-." she paused - her voice hardly above a whisper, her eyes moving to focus on a small shadow, darker than the rest along the textured wall of His cave - taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "I want You." she whispered, her eyes falling back to the floor. "I want us to be okay."

(This post was last modified: Apr 03, 2013, 12:57 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
He did not look at her. She was not worthy of his gaze. His God complex (and beginnings of following in his fathers mad pawprints) might be new, but it was certainly taking root within him. Her very face annoyed him at the moment, for she did not look like his Sage, she looked like his Naira- his past, his downfall. Naira, the wolf who had shown him a world of power and then snatched it away when she ran from him. Naira who had caused his crown to fall, left their daughter to his own pathetic parenting when she abandoned them. Naira, who made a point of chomping on his balls in front of the pack, making him look weak in the eyes of the males who clearly were focussing on his throne with wanton eyes. Naira.

She dropped to a grovel, a crawling wreck who coward at his feet, despite the fact he lay on his side and flat as a pancake. She wanted to be beneath him even though, and whilst it did wonders for his ego, he did not want to touch her. Her scent had been the only thing to tip him over the edge, he was a man after all and no male would turn it down when offered on a silver platter, but now that smell was gone and all that remained was the reminder of the act they had partaken in and the sick feeling he got in his gut when he looked at her.

He words caused him to visibly shudder, and he rose to his belly with his head erect in a swift motion whilst his eyes sought her face. In the darkness, she was but a brown blob but he knew very well every detail of her countenance. She wanted them to be okay? How fucking funny. They were anything but okay and that was her fault. He had come to her, to try and sort their problems. For a brief time he thought that they would find themselves again, but the more time they spent apart the more he realised how much she dragged him down and away from himself. Not like Sage, who made him feel alive and energised, around Naira he just felt weak and needy- something he was sick of feeling. Still, that didn't mean he would dismiss her. He was no fool and with Sage gone he needed something to occupy his mind to stop himself wandering if he might see her again. Naira would make a good puppet for now until his real queen returned.

"We will never be okay, Naira." he began, turning his face with a grim expression upon his mug whilst he carefully chose his words. "You have made sure of that, but I will give you one more chance to redeem yourself." he offered, his tone almost bored as he spoke without meeting her gaze, though liking that she looked to the floor in such a submissive way. "Who am I, Naira?" he asked, lowering his nose to reached the underside of her muzzle where he pulled her gaze up to meet his own. It was not of love, or even of want, but of dominance and strength. "Tell me, who I am to you." he demanded.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

If the ground could have swallowed her up she happily would have sunk into its depths just to be lower than the dark wolf before her. Finally He rose himself above her and her whole body melted instinctively. His words stung like the spray of salt water on freshly opened wounds, and rebellion sparked within her, a minute flash of defiance firing in the depths of her golden eyes as her whole body stiffened. Taking note of her surroundings for the first time, it dawned on her that this was hardly a space for more than one. she had spent night after night with a gaping hole at her back in the hopes that He would join her and the desire to snap at Him that this was not all her fault was difficult to suppress. she physically shuddered from the effort, her teeth grinding momentarily but stopping the moment He offered her redemption.

her heart pounded in her ears as she held her breath in anticipation of what sort of demands He may make of her. her eyes still rested on the solid shape of His leg in the dark. With His nudge to her muzzle, her head tipped to the side exposing the pale skin on her throat - her breath coming shallow and fast and her eyes filled with little but hurt and confusion now rested on the bridge of His muzzle, rather than meeting His icy stare. Who am I, Naira? a small shudder wracked her frame, but it wasn’t from fear or the cold. She couldn’t quite place it. Tell me, who I am to you. she gathered more strength to her voice this time, certain in the answer, after all the words had played over and over in her head countless times, she knew them by heart.

"You are my God." she answered with certainty, her eyes daring to flick to His momentarily before falling back to the silvered hairs about His muzzle. "And I belong to You."

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]