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Played by Debain who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hallie Riott-Kringle

'Hallie, you will stick to the dens tomorrow and watch for any sign of intruders. Lyra will check in on you'. Promptly the young russet and creamy toned she-wolf had done what was asked of her. Immediately she had set off into the heart of the Plateau and had soon found the densite of the pack finding the shelter that belonged to her Alpha Male himself by the looks of it with the strong scent it carried of the brute she was rapidly becoming more familiar with and beginning to trust. Content that she was following orders correctly the yearling girl flopped herself down onto the ground with a thin smile etching into her sleek maw. Her fluffy tail curling around her side while neatly crossing her two forepaws. Bright emerald green eyes keeping a watch out for any signs of other nearby.

She was not getting herself too worked up or in a jumpy and delicate state, Hallie knew that any minute Lyra or another pack member would come and check up on her, perhaps returning to the densite to rest. It was beginning to make her wonder, perhaps like Honijo she would need her own den. She remembered back in her old pack in Qixak Cove she had just finished digging out her den and moving in before the cadre disbanded. It was tough living alone and even worse when she was most used to sharing a den and sleeping aside her parents and younger brother and sister or staying in a separate den with her littermates whom she cared for deeply.

(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2010, 09:45 AM by Hallie.)
Played by Shadow who has 30 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Honijo Ithil

What is Wisdom?

Five long years had elapsed since he had been brought into this world, and so long as there was still fight in him, it would be another two or three before his life returned to the dust from which it was created. He had made his way in this world by being the best he could be, a fighter and a guardian. Since he himself was a youngster, he had watched over those younger and less able than he was. That had grown to include his best friend and sister's children, all four litters of them. Though, the oldest of the four, Indru, was now a competent enough of an adult to take over...or at least, he thought he was. Honijo was not particularly impressed, and while he had been prepared to support his nephew in reestablishing the pack, Ruiko's sudden rise to Second had caused something to snap.

Which is why he was here, in the middle of the mountain, crouched on all fours, staring intently at the russet brown female. Hallie, that was her name, he was pretty sure. He remembered vaguely accepting her at some point, and charging her with the task of helping him to patrol the borders. He had told her that Lyra would check up on her, but that had been a lie. He was far more interested in checking on her progress himself. A soldier at heart, the elder male was set in his ways, and he wanted things done in a certain way.

Inching forward on his elbows, he kept his eyes locked on her, silent in his approach. He was hidden from view by a rather large rock, one of the many that dotted the hillside where he was decided to call his new home. All around him were the lingering scents of his pack mates, and he wondered if any of them were making themselves useful like Hallie was attempting too.

Rising up to his full height, the alpha male strode forward, revealing his hiding spot. Head and tail held high, his posture demanded her attention, as did his words, "Hallie! Closing the distance between the two of them, he stared her down - not necessarily intimidating, but direct. "All safe?"
<center><img src='http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/mp2.png' title='Leader of Midnight Plateau' /></center>