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beauty of the dark — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Even the moon — as bright as it was tonight — was shrouded in this part of the thicket, as dense and enclosed as it was. Only the strongest shafts of light managed to reach the bottom, very few and far between, and they gave hardly no light only reassurance that the trees had not captured Indru completely. Thicket of Secrets was a fitting name, Indru had thought so since he was a pup, and he often wondered what it truly hid in the depth of it's trees and tangles and yearned that they had caught Hotei and kept his brother safe from the fire.

The Tainn knew that he would rue the day the fire had struck and how he had done nothing but flee with Ruiko and had left their parent's behind to suffer in the flames. Now it also seemed it had taken their brother Hotei, a loss Indru felt to his core, their family just did not feel the same without his ever-joyful younger brother around. With a sigh Indru continued on his aimless trek through the thicket, stepping over and sliding under the various branches that blocked his way and grabbed at his fur as if to stop his search for the missing Tainn.

Played by Klaud who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Schazi Evro
<blockquote>She was at a loss. Nothing had gone right, nothing seemed to want to go right. She left her home, ran as far away, as fast as she could. All those familiar faces, the painful memories ripping at her soul inch by inch. They were vanishing into the nothingness of her mind now. Exhaustion was now the ruler of her body, slowly creeping up her now wobbling legs. It had been a couple days since she rested, fed, done anything to benefit herself. Maybe it was the way she planned on punishing herself for all the misdeeds she had done.

She inched through the unfamiliar land, scents of those who had passed by lingering within the air. She feared now the unknown. Those voices that were murmuring in the distance. Were they here to hurt her, pick at her and throw her away from the land they called theirs? She begun to <span class='word'>rue</span> her decision on leaving home. This was all so strange; fear seemed to tickle at all her senses.

She managed her way through the dense foliage, her small lithe body twisting in awkward directions. And just as she looked up, a couple feet in front of her was a large male coming closer. The duo toned girl took a deep breath, her body shooting out one tremble before going perfectly still.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Though the darkness kept the wolf shrouded Indru he knew that they were there from their scent alone. Like all wolves he knew how to read the information a wolf's smell could give him; this individual was a female, not so different from his age and lone wolf. It took only a second for Indru to take this in and absorb it, a slight raise of his nose and quiet inhale the only noise breaking the silence in the mean time. Hello. Unlike the reputation he was starting to get (mainly thanks to Weldering), it was not in Indru's nature to be rude on first meeting if the wolf was no threat to him and he smiled at her, hoping that she would see the faint movement of his muzzle in the dark night.

Indru Tainn of the pack on the Swift River, he introduced to her, his tail swaying behind him slightly to show his harmless intentions. Though the female did not look a threat (if anything she looked starved and thirsty, which wasn't surprising with the current state of the water) Indru was not so naive as to lose his guard, muscles tensed unnoticeably under his fur. There would not be much room for a scuffle, if it ever came to that for whatever reason, and unconsciously Indru glanced around him to areas that would give him an advantage and shifted his weight to make himself larger in hopes that it would put any attempts she may have for something to happen out of her mind. You could never tell with lone wolves and he was undoubtedly more wary of them since the pack meeting.