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conquest — Swift River 
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Played by Ashley who has 88 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sojourn Ranger Aquila
While she knew that Ruiko rubbing against her meant he was transferring his scent onto her fur, accepting her into the pack, Ranger hoped it was also a way of accepting her more firmly into his life. She guarded this hope in her heart, keeping it locked up safely away from prying eyes, as the pair walked into her new home. Ranger had never thought that she'd join a pack so quickly after leaving her birth place. When she thought about it, though, she felt comfortable here and the family that made up Swift River was a loving one. Love had not been one of the things Ranger had learned from her own family, but now that she knew what it could feel like, she accepted it whole-heartedly. Ruiko made her want to <i>be better</i>, and he <i>made</i> her better by simply walking next to her.

Ruiko explained that Avalloc was his cousin through adoption and Ranger stored the name away for future use. She would have to meet him eventually, but right now she wanted to focus on Ruiko and finding a den. The pack den entrance was ahead of them, and as Ruiko explained what it was and that his younger siblings were probably off getting into trouble, Ranger chuckled. It was easy to see why he had remained here with Kinis; he loved his brother and this place too much to leave. But as soon as she realized he said "pack" den, she wondered something. <b>"Will I be sleeping here, or should I find my own den nearby?"</b> Because whether or not she slept in the same den, there was no question that she wanted to be near Ruiko.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
His bright eyes regarded her shortly as she chuckled, both ears perked forward though he said nothing. His stare was not demanding in any way – in fact, Ruiko looked upon Ranger now with consideration. Briefly, he recalled his argument with his brother the past summer over a she-wolf. The tawny male had been alarmed at how fast Indru had fallen for her, and had been disinclined to welcome the tawny girl in to a pack that had only known the bond of a tight-knit family. Much had changed in the seasons that passed, and suddenly it was Ruiko who now felt a lure from the rather intoxicating creature before him.

Of course, her words stirred more thought in his mind than what had been implied. It was a simple question, but the idea of having the strong dark she-wolf by his side at night was a temptation he almost could not refuse. Almost. “Nearby would be best,” he murmured in return, his tail flicking against the cold autumn air. “Kinis and Borlla need consistency right now. They should know you first.” His eyes briefly glanced to hers, wondering how she would take this information.. for he did not say no directly. He had simply said not yet, and he knew then there would be a time that he would actively court this female when the season of breeding would come about. He would dare any male to challenge him for her.