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Short Codes — Official 
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Posted by Corinna who has 477 posts.

Short Codes.

To help make keeping track of character records as easy as possible, RoW has a system of short codes that will let you easily pull information from character accounts. These codes help you pull information like a character's full name, pack, rank, and even avatar. Additionally, there are short codes that will help you quickly link to threads.

These short codes can be used in both threads and in profiles.

(This post was last modified: Nov 06, 2023, 03:47 AM by Clouse.)
Posted by Corinna who has 477 posts.

List of Codes.

These codes will help you quickly add information about different characters on the site. They are reliant on using the account or thread ID numbers, so be sure you have the correct one. Only replace # in the codes unless otherwise stated.

# means either the user id of the account or the topic id of the thread
[Name] — Replace "Name" with the account name. Will result in a link to the character's profile (remove the spaces).
[wolf_name=#] — Will result in a link to a character's profile using their full name.
[wolf_pack=#] — Will result in listing the pack that character belongs too.
[wolf_rank=#] — Will result in listing the rank of that character.
[wolf_avatar=#] — The 200x200 character avatar of that character.
[wolf_tavatar=#] — The 250x150 character avatar that appears in topics.
[player=#] — The name of the character's player.
[player_avatar=#] — The avatar of the character's player.
[thread=#] — This links to a topic; replace "#" with the Topic ID number.
[*tid=#]your text here[/*tid] — This generates a link to the url with your text as the link (without the *)

Additionally, if you want to style the various avatars, the following CSS can be included on the page. Remember to remove the asterisk (*).:

<*style type="text/css">img.mainav {width:###px;height:###px;}img.oocav {width:###px;height:###px;}img.topicav {width:###px;height:###px;}

Please note that if there is an error with your code, such as putting {fooCorinna} it will display {fooCorinna} on the results screen.

(This post was last modified: Dec 01, 2018, 07:03 PM by Kerberos.)
Posted by Serach who has 410 posts.


MyCodes or BBCode is an easy way of including HTML in your posts and profile, similar to the shortcakes listed above. Below are references to the custom myCode that RoW uses.

Word of the Day
The brown foxed [word]jumped[/word] over the log.
The brown foxed jumped over the log.

Thread URL
[tid=22]Check out the Newcomer's Guide[/tid]
Check out the Newcomer's Guide

Member Profile
Send a PM to the [uid=1]Spirit of Wildwood[/uid].
Send a PM to the Spirit of Wildwood.

[h1]This is a header[/h1]

This is a header

[h2]This is a smaller header[/h2]

This is a smaller header

[blockquote]This is a block quote.[/blockquote]
This is a block quote.

[ooc]This is an OOC message.[/ooc]
This is an OOC message.

Pack Fades
[Oak Tree Bend]
Oak Tree Bend
Replace with full name of the pack you want the fade for.

Lone Wolf Fade
[Lone Wolf]
Lone Wolf

Indented Paragraph
[p]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sapien nunc, imperdiet vel condimentum ac, hendrerit ut dui. Fusce quis sapien sed libero varius ornare. Aliquam ultricies nibh mi, a finibus felis mattis ut. Duis sodales sem massa, non rhoncus ligula sagittis sed. Proin rutrum nec nisi vel feugiat. Integer finibus neque mattis iaculis faucibus. Sed molestie pellentesque sapien, sed facilisis odio lobortis eu. Maecenas ut feugiat lacus. Morbi molestie magna a ligula sollicitudin, auctor dignissim massa consequat. Sed consectetur pharetra nisl. Maecenas diam velit, fringilla in commodo id, maximus hendrerit ante. Aliquam dapibus euismod malesuada.[/p]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sapien nunc, imperdiet vel condimentum ac, hendrerit ut dui. Fusce quis sapien sed libero varius ornare. Aliquam ultricies nibh mi, a finibus felis mattis ut. Duis sodales sem massa, non rhoncus ligula sagittis sed. Proin rutrum nec nisi vel feugiat. Integer finibus neque mattis iaculis faucibus. Sed molestie pellentesque sapien, sed facilisis odio lobortis eu. Maecenas ut feugiat lacus. Morbi molestie magna a ligula sollicitudin, auctor dignissim massa consequat. Sed consectetur pharetra nisl. Maecenas diam velit, fringilla in commodo id, maximus hendrerit ante. Aliquam dapibus euismod malesuada.

Trigger Warnings
[tw]type your warning here[/tw]

tw: type your warning here
(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2021, 08:24 PM by Azra.)
Posted by Sahalie who has 612 posts.

List of Emojis.

For those of you who want to display information graphically there are several emoji's coded into the site to convey basic things. Simple type and ! before the word associated with the icon with no space.

  • Mate: Mate
  • Male: Male
  • Female: Female
  • Alive: Alive
  • Dead: Dead
  • Missing: Missing
  • (This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2016, 02:48 AM by Sahalie.)